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Issue 113
December 31, 2019 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: 20/20 vision…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Strategy Analytics, Immersion, ResearchAndMarkets, UtraSense Systems, ams, National Science Foundation, CyberLink, University of Twente, Northwestern University, Peratech/Visionox, Tekscan, Canatu, University of Waterloo, Technavio, Osaka University, Fingerprint Cards, Movesense, MIT, Immersion/Continental, Vision-Box, Caltech, Hap2U, Mad Systems, Kanguru, Veridium, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Amazon, NextMind, SmartMetric, ZSK, BeBop Sensors, KAIST, Epitel, Weart, Murata/MIRAISENS, National Institute of Standards and Technology VRST ’19, November 12-15, 2019, Parramatta, Australia; Papers from Simon Fraser University/Adobe Research, University of Auckland, University of Tokyo, Simon Fraser University, Eastern Washington University, University of Glasgow/LMU Munich/University of Münster, Seoul National University, Simon Fraser University, Stanford University, KAIST (x2), Kyung Hee University, University of Nevada, University of Tsukuba (x2), Simon Fraser University/Stambol Studios, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (x2), Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology/MIT, University of Caen Normandy, ETRI/Kyung Hee University, Media Architecture Future University, Indian Institute of Technology, University of Rostock, American University ICMI ’19, October 14 –18, 2019, Suzhou, China; Papers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Birmingham City University, University Polythechnique Hauts-de-France, University Grenoble Alpes, Augsburg University, Monash University, BMW Group, Inha University, Polytechnique de Paris, University of Koblenz-Landau/York University, University of Connecticut, Beihang University, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project/NTT MobileHCI ’19, October 1-4, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan; Papers from Cheriton School of Computer Science/Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, University of Calgary, KAIST, National Chiao Tung University/National Taiwan University/Keio University, Meiji University/Yahoo Japan, Keio University/Osaka Prefecture University/University of Hagen, University of Tsukuba, ETH Zurich, Carleton University (x2), University of Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart/University of Regensburg, Illinois State University, Samsung R&D Institute, University of British Columbia, McGill University/University of St. Andrews, KAIST/University of Waterloo/Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Copenhagen AutomotiveUI '19, September 21-25, 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands; Papers from Eindhoven University of Technology/University of Twente, Lightyear/TU Eindhoven Chinese CHI 2019, June 27-30, 2019, Xiamen, China; Papers from Xiamen University, Baidu, Google ETRA ’19, June 25-28, 2019, Denver, Colorado; Papers from University Grenoble Alpes, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of São Paulo, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Zurich University of Applied Sciences/University of Utah/University of Zurich, Tampere University (x2), Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile/Universite de Toulouse, University of British Columbia, Technical University of Denmark/York University/Sensel, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Koblenz-Landau, Bundeswehr University Munich/German University in Cairo, Bundeswehr University Munich/University of Glasgow/University of Canada in Egypt/German University in Cairo Augmented Human, March 11-12, 2019, Reims, France; Papers from University of Northern Colorado, University of Electro-Communications (x2), University of Auckland, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Meijo University' University of Electro-Communication, Google Research & Machine Intelligence, National University of Singapore/University of Auckland, University of Tokyo/RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, University of Tokyo/Waseda University/Keio University, Keio Media Design/University of Tokyo/HAW Hamburg, University of Tokyo, National University of Singapore/University of Auckland, University of Tokyo/Keio University/AIST, University of Electro-Communications SIGGRAPH Asia, December 4-7, 2018, Tokyo, Japan; Papers from Tohoku University/University of Calgary, University of Tokyo/Hitachi, City University of Hong Kong, National Chiao Tung University/Keio University, Tokyo Metropolitan University Hino/University of Electro-Communications/Toyohashi University of Technology, National Taiwan University/Eindhoven University of Technology, NCSOFT/Kangwon National University, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, University of Electro-Communications (x3), Meijo University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, EmbodyMe, Tamkang University/National Taipei University of Technology, Waseda University, ESGI, TCS Research, Google, MIT MediaLab, Ritsumeikan University Review: Zebra HD4000 by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer 5 key lessons about healthcare sensor innovations by Nadia Tsao Last Word: Skin patches take center stage by James Hayward Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 112
October 30, 2019 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Technical University of Munich, Xiaomi, Technavio, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Samsung, Goode Intelligence, Fingerprint Cards, Royal Academy of Music in London/Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Johns Hopkins University, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, ResearchAndMarkets, Kyocera, Flinders University, ETH Zurich/University of Cambridge/Aalto University, MarketsAndMarkets, TDK, University of Bristol, Applova, Tap Strap, Elliptic Labs/OnePlus, Microsoft, Hitachi, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)/Johannes Kepler University, IDEMIA/Zwipe, Panasonic, Renesas/StradVision, University of Warwick/Innovate UK, ON Semiconductor, NEC, IDEMIA/IDEX Biometrics, Flir Systems/Veoneer, Informa Tech, Razer, ON Semiconductor/AImotive, SnapPay, Vision-Box, Mitsubishi Electric, Universal Stylus Initiative, Touch International/Kastus Technologies, Lancaster University, Elo, SmartMetric, blurams, China (Zhengzhou) Intelligent Sensor Valley, Wave Company, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford Medicine MIG ’19, October 28-30, 2019, Newcastle upon Tyne, England; Papers from Utrecht University/Guerilla Games, University of Cape Town, Trinity College/University of California, University of Rennes, Daimler AG/German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)/Ulm University CHI 2019, May 4-9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland; Papers from University of Waterloo/University of St. Andrews, University of Washington, KAIST/Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research/Université Paris-Saclay, University of Tokyo, Carnegie Mellon University, Arizona State University, University of Auckland/University of Bath, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Peking Union Medical College Hospital/IBM Research/Stony Brook University, Microsoft Research/Carnegie Mellon University/University of Toronto/École de Technologie Supérieure VRST ’18, November 29 - December 1, 2018, Tokyo, Japan; Papers from University of Tokyo, University of Central Florida, Hiroshima City University/BeRISE (x2), Tokyo Institute of Technology/Wakayama University, POSTECH, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences/University of Bremen/Simon Fraser University (x2), National Taiwan University/Tamkang University, Technicolor, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, National Taipei University of Technology, Université de Lyon, Ritsumeikan University/University of Tsukuba, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, University of Electro-Communication, Tokyo Denki University, University of Tampere, Centre for Development of Advanced Technologies/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering/University of Evry, Hiroshima City University Interactive Surfaces and Spaces '18, November 25-28, 2018, Tokyo, Japan; Papers from Zhejiang University of Technology, Ritsumeikan University, Télécom ParisTech/Université Paris-Saclay, Aalto University/KAIST, Yahoo Japan Corporation, University of Waterloo/University of Guelph, Saarland Informatics Campus, Ward Melville High School/Stony Brook University, KAIST (x2), University of Waterloo/University of Guelph/NUITEQ, University of Colorado, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Chengdu University of Information Technology, University of Tokyo, University of Tokyo/Microsoft Research, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Tokai University/Kobe University, Tohoku University/Chalmers University of Technology, Fujitsu Laboratories, Tokyo Institute of Technology/RWTH Aachen University, Preferred Networks, University of Bonn The future of medical is wearables by James Hayward Last Word: What to do when your kid isn’t being taught to write by hand? by Kate Gladstone Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 111
August 29, 2019 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Blood pressure…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Roy Allela, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Ewa Nowak, SmartMetric, University of Applied Sciences in Munich/Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research, Qualcomm, ResearchAndMarkets, Cornell University, Newcastle University, Artera, SensArs, Immersion, EPFL, University of California-Santa Barbara, Imperial College London, CEA-Leti/Orolia, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, IDEMIA Identity & Security, Columbia University, NextInput/Xiaomi, MarketsAndMarkets, Apple, SmartMetric/Goode Intelligence, Dell, Samsung, RLE Technologies, Immersion/Motorola Mobility, National University of Singapore, ETH Zurich, University of Houston, IngenioSpec, Facebook, LG, Sharp, FEW Chemicals, Google, Mictic, HID Global, Toyoda Gosei, Honda, and Dartmouth College TEI ’19, March 17-20, 2019, Tempe, Arizona; Papers from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Arizona State University, University of Copenhagen/Sorbonne University, University of Melbourne/Deakin University/Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Koç University, New York University, Universidade da Madeira/Edinburgh Napier University, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, Tsinghua University/Colgate School, Eindhoven University of Technology, Northumbria University/Napier University/Eindhoven University of Technology, Aalborg University/IT University/Roskilde University, Texas A&M University/University of Texas at Austin, Zurich University of the Arts/Labor 5020, MIT Media Lab, University of Colorado, University of Stuttgart/Université Grenoble Alpes, Indiana University/Aalto University/Aalborg University/University of Colorado Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, March 2019; Papers from Dartmouth College/Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Stanford University/Facebook, University of Science and Technology of China/University of Massachusetts/Seoul National University/Chongqing University/Army Engineering University of PLA, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Michigan State University/Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Rutgers University/Adobe Research, Tsinghua University/Sun Yat-Sen University The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2019, January 13-17, 2019, Burlingame, California; Papers from Champlain College/ University of Ontario, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration, Mie University MM ’18, October 22–26, 2018, Seoul, Korea; Papers from Jiangsu University/Institute of Automation/Peking University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Trento/École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne/ University of Oxford/Texas State University Spatial User Interaction ’18, October 13–14, 2018, Berlin, Germany; Papers from DFKI, Singapore University of Technology and Design, University of Electro-Communications (x3), University of Auckland/University of California, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Johannes Kepler University/Pro2Future/Pervasive Computing Applications, University of Regensburg, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications/Queen Mary University of London/Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Ochanomizu University/Microsoft Research, University of Wyoming, Kansai University MobileHCI ’18, September 3–6, 2018, Barcelona, Spain; Papers from Tsinghua University/Singapore School of Design/MIT Media Lab/University of Auckland, Swansea University, LMU Munich/Bundeswehr University/Max Planck Institute for Informatics, University of Saskatchewan, University Stefan cel Mare/University of Florida/University of Washington, Yahoo Japan Corporation, Keio University/National Chiao Tung University/NTT Media Intelligence Labs, University of Stuttgart, Yahoo Japan Corporation/Denqvision/Hokkaido University, Università della Svizzera italiana, Cornell Tech/IBM, Cornell University/Pennsylvania State University, Sciling/Independent researcher/MANSiD University¸ KAIST, Queen’s University, Doshisha University Interview with Phillip LoPresti from Tanvas The past, present and future of haptics by James Hayward Wearables accelerate healing of chronic wounds by Nadia Tsao Last Word: Cambrios, risen from the ashes…by Ken Werner Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 110
May 30, 2019 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Walabot…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: KU Leuven, Fujitsu/Display Logic, MIT, Shadow Robot Company, IHS Markit, Project Athena, SUITCEYES Project, Imec, University of Technology Sydney, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Western Australia, Stop Secret Surveillance Ordinance, University of Pretoria/City University of Hong Kong, Acer, TDK/Boréas, Brown University, Tianma Group, Renesas Electronics, Immersion/Konica Minolta, Neustar/TiVo, Department of Homeland Security, Carnegie Mellon University, Lockport schools, Silicon Labs, Serve, Transparency Market Research, Comcast, University of Bradford, Microsoft, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, ResearchAndMarkets, University of Michigan, Knightscope, Kaunas University of Technology, TDK, StoryUp,, ZeMA, Verity Voting/Hart InterCivic, Vuzix, HID Global, University of Wisconsin-Madison, MarketsandMarkets, Apple, and Yole CHI 2019, May 4-9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland; Papers from University of Lisbon/University of South Australia, Swansea University, National Taiwan University/Texas A&M University, University of Stuttgart/University of Regensburg, Ultrahaptics/Brunel University/SoftServe/University of Bayreuth/Alibaba, MIT Media Lab/Adobe Research, Google, RWTH Aachen University, Stanford University, TU Berlin/ETH Zurich/Georgia Institute of Technology/Universität Regensburg, Disney Research, POSTECH IUI '19, March 16-20, 2019, Los Angeles, California; Papers from TU Wien/ Johannes Kepler University, University of Cagliari, University of Stuttgart/University of Regensburg, Know Center, University of Texas at Austin/Pennsylvania State University, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University/University of Liverpool Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 28 – December 1, 2018, Tokyo, Japan; Papers from Hiroshima City University/BeRISE Inc., Tokyo Institute of Technology/Wakayama University, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences/University of Bremen/Simon Fraser University (x2), POSTECH, Technicolor, University of Central Florida, Taiwan University/Tamkang University, University of Tokyo, National Taipei University of Technology, Université de Lyon, Tokyo Denki University, Hiroshima City University, University of Electro-Communication, University of Stuttgart/Keio University, Centre for Development of Advanced Technologies/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering/University of Evry, Ritsumeikan University/University of Tsukuba, University of Tampere, Keio University ISWC '18, October 8-12, 2018, Singapore; Papers from ETH Zurich, Know-Center/Georgia Institute of Technology, Ulm University, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Hokkaido University/Kobe University, Georgia Institute of Technology (x4), Dartmouth College/Singapore Management University/A*STAR Singapore/IIIT Delhi/Seoul National University, Tokyo Institute of Tech./RIKEN AIP/Keio University/Kyoto University/RIKEN AIP, Keio University, Rice University/Facebook Inc. SIGGRAPH, August 12-16, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia; Papers from University of Tokyo/National Cheng Kung University, Western Connecticut State University, Center of Human-centered Interaction for Coexistence, KAIST, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, University of Tokyo, University of Tokyo/Vital Mechanics Research, University of Tokyo Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, June 19-22, 2018, Paris, France; Papers from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland/Thales Alenia Space Italia/University of Cagliari, Kunstuniversität/Bauhaus-Universität Touch in flexible displays: Which technologies will prevail? by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Android contemplations 2019 by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Last Word: Six "firsts" in electroceutical approvals by Nadia Tsao Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 109
March 30, 2019 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Mmm num ba de…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: C3Nano, Solomon Systech, Immersion, Immersion/Dongwoon Anatech, 3M/Miraenanotech, 3M/Elo Touch Solutions, Dell, Tsinghua University, Mitsubishi Electric, Vivo, iQOO/NDT, Hyundai, MTB Distribuciones, Gemalto, PointGrab, FundamentalVR, Saarland University, University of British Columbia/University of Saskatchewan, Samsung, NextInput, University of Pretoria/City University of Hong Kong, Park Associates, IBM, UVM, ImageWare Systems, Parade Technologies, SmartMetric, Xiaomi/Elliptic Labs, Avnet Abacus, Schiphol Airport/Vision-Box, Nemeio, Bosch, AMS, MbientLab, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Harvard University, wearHEALTH/DFKI, Google, New Degree Technology, Wizama, iFLYTEK, Zytronic, Lenovo, British Army, Blast iQ, Movesense, Cambridge University, eTOP, NIST,Technavio, BRD Optical, China Jiliang University, Yole Développement, Jigabyte, Carnegie Mellon, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Safe Face Pledge, Razer, Elliptic Labs/Solomon Systech, Neuroscience Research Australia, Oppo, Sensel, Applied Recognition/Intellicheck, TDK, Dor, HARMAN International, GHSP, CyberLink, Strategy Analytics, Microsoft, and Madico CSCW’18, November 3-7, 2018, Jersey City, New Jersey; Papers from Northwestern University and Georgia Institute of Technology CHI 2018, April 21–26, 2018, Montréal, Quebec; University of Haifa, LMU Munich/University of Stuttgart, LMU Munich/University of Stuttgart/Aalto University, University of Copenhagen/University College Dublin, University of Toulouse – IRIT, University of Toronto/KAIST, University of Manitoba/University of Toronto/University of Waterloo/Honda Research Institute, Tsinghua University, Hasso Plattner Institute, Ochanomizu University VRIC'18, April 4-6, 2018, Laval, France; Papers from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ritsumeikan University, University of Electro Communications, Univérsité Paris Synchronicity in the dirt by Bob Raikes Transparent conductive films: Transition from the old to the new by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Staying in touch with emerging needs by Sri Peruvemba Calculating diamond pattern resistance by Tony Gray Last Word: Handwriting matters; cursive doesn’t by Kate Gladstone Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 108
December 10, 2018 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Da Vinci…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Microsoft, Stanford, Virginia Tech, Tapplock, HyperSurfaces, BAPCo, Dolby, Prisms, ETH Zurich, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Osaka, NEOFECT, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Puppy Robotics, TDK Electronics/Aito, Caltech, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology/ASML Korea/Dongguk University/Sungkyunkwan University/University of Oxford, Verifone, TouchNetix, Hawkeye Labs, SmartMetric, Elliptic Labs/Xiaomi, Watrix, New York University, imec, Fudan University, RoboSense, Sony, Apple, Huami/Territory Studio, and Garmin International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, October 16-20, 2018, Boulder, Colorado; Papers from Augsburg University (x2), Universidade de Lisboa, Universität Bremen/University of Graz, Queen Mary University of London, Université catholique de Louvain/Università degli Studi di Roma/Universidad de las Américas, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, University of Texas at Austin/US Army Research Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, University of Washington/Carnegie/Mellon University/Harvey Mudd College, University of Pittsburgh/Google Cloud AI, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, and Rochester Institute of Technology CHI 2018, April 21–26, 2018, Montréal, Quebec; Papers from Open University/University of Southampton/Milton Keynes University Hospital, Sciling/WIRIS Math/École Polytechnique de Montréal/University of Stefan cel Mare of Suceava, City University of Hong Kong, Stanford University, Swansea University/University of Sussex, Dartmouth College/Shanghai Jiao Tong University/University of Science and Technology of China/University of Calgary/Carnegie Mellon University/Stony Brook University, KAIST, Lancaster University/Google Research & Machine Intelligence, University of Waterloo/ Stony Brook University/University of Colorado Boulder/ Google, POSTECH, University of Melbourne, Stanford University, KAIST, Preferred Networks/University of Waterloo, RWTH Aachen University, and Disney Research Pittsburgh/Carnegie Mellon University Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions 2018, March 18–21, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden; Papers from Clemson University/Louisiana State University/Drury University/Solano Community College, Northumbria University, Brigham Young University, University of Art and Design, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Carleton University, Aalborg University, Sussex House, University of Würzburg, and Aalto University/Lund University Smart Haptics 2017, December 6, 2017, San Diego; Presentations from Immersion, MOOG, Lofelt, Ultrahaptics, and Microsoft Interview with David Martin from Nureva Interview with Chris Ard from TouchNetix Smart voice, smart speakers, voice assistant, voice-enabled user interfaces by Xiaoxi He Last Word: Pen Windows/Web Pads/Tablet PCs by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 107
October 21, 2018 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Common sense…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Logitech, BAE Systems, Yale, IHS Markit, Google, Saarbrücken University/Stuttgart University, EPFL/ETH Zurich, teamLab /Marina Bay Sands, Lockly, Verint Systems, Analogix Semiconductor, Osram, Mad Systems, Tap Systems, GreenRoad Technologies/Affectiva, Synaptics, OnScale, Johns Hopkins University, MultiTaction, MIT, Purdue University, Acer/ETRI, NDT, KAIST, McMinn County/Boxlight, University of Texas at Arlington, Posiflex, RPI, Motiv, Kyoto University, Technavio, University of Surrey, Samsung, University of Glasgow, Sigmaintell, Cryptera/Zytronic, and ViewSonic International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, Palermo, Italy, June, 12-14, 2018; Papers from University of Lapland/Hokkaido University, LMU Munich, Saitama University, Clemson University/ Laubwerk/Zuse Institute Berlin, University of Manchester, University of Bordeaux/Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), RWTH Aachen University, University of Oldenburg/OFFIS - Institute for IT, University of Lapland, The Bartlett, UCL, University of Waterloo, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Società Cooperativa Sociale Parsifal, University of Hertfordshire DIS 2018, June 9–13, 2018, Hong Kong, China; Papers from University of Toulouse/Astrolab, Cardiff Metropolitan University/University of Bristol, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology/Human Inspired Technology Research Centre/Aalto University/University of Madeira, Deakin University/University of Melbourne, McGill University/University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, KAIST/National Science Museum, University of Suceava/Louvain School of Management, Chemnitz University of Technology CHI 2018, April 21–26, 2018, Montréal, Quebec; Papers from University of Waterloo,University of Guelph, University of Cambridge/University of St Andrews, Tsinghua University/Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University/Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Copenhagen, University of Stuttgart, Carnegie Mellon University/University of Washington, Universidade de Lisboa, University of Glasgow/University of Sussex, University of Washington/Microsoft Research, Hasso Plattner Institute/ETH Zurich, LMU Munich/Munich University of Applied Sciences; HCI Lab KAIST, University of Waterloo/Inria/Université de Lille, University of Hannover, Carnegie Mellon University, Univ. Paris-Sud, University of Michigan School of Information, ASU Tech/Carnegie Mellon University, Microsoft Research/University of Washington, Technische Unversität Dresden IDTechEx USA, November 15-16, 2017, Santa Clara, California; Presentations from Movesense, Ultrahaptics, Synaptics, Novasentis, Myant, and Molex International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 13-17, 2017, Glasgow, Scotland; Papers from University of Florida, University of Glasgow/Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Technische Universitat Berlin, University of Glasgow, NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories/NTT Communication Science Laboratories Apple upgrades iPhone XS touch display refresh by Steve Sechrist Transparent conductive films: Always a step behind the curve? by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Global surface haptics market by Lawrence Gasman Automotive LiDAR, gas detection and structural health by Nilushi Wijeyasinghe Last Word: Ditching laptops for tablets by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 106
August 10, 2018 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: False matches…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: ELMO, NextInput, Stanford University, Corning, USB Implementers Forum, Microchip, Heidenhain, Asus, University of Manchester, UC Irvine, Charles Sturt University, Aito, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Purdue University, Digital Touch Systems, Kaaya Tech, Imperial College London/University of Göttingen, Arista, VKANSEE, Technavio, Immersion, MagicMark, Rutgers University, Duke University/Institut Langevin, Masterkey, Nureva, EPFL, University of Alabama at Birmingham, John Hopkins University, Fossil, University of Luxembourg, Boxlight Corporation, Vivo, Samsung/FlatFrog, Leyard/Planar, University of Oslo, Stanford/Seoul National University, and Georgia Tech TEI 2018, March 18–21, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden; Papers from the University of Colorado, Tsinghua University, University of Applied Sciences/Tilburg University, Carleton University, University College/Hamburg University of Applied Sciences/Northumbria University, University of Tsukuba, Texas A&M, Falmouth University, and University of Copenhagen Augmented Human International Conference, February 7-9, 2018, Seoul, Korea; Papers from Ritsumeikan University/University of Tsukuba, UNIST, Future University Hakodate, and Kobe University SIGGRAPH Asia, November 28-30, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Calgary, Hyundai Motor Group/LG Electronics, Tokyo Denki University/Outsourcing Technology Inc, Samsung Electronics, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology/University of Tasmania, University of Tsukuba, University of Tsukuba/Pixie Dust Technologies, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Mokpo National University/KETI/University of South Australia, Université de Lille/CNRS/Inria Lille/MFC, ETH Zurich/EPFL/Chalmers University of Technology, Carleton University/University of Lille, Purdue University, LMU/Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Dartmouth College/Academia Sinica, Max Planck Institute for Informatics/Osaka University, and University of Applied Sciences/Saarland University/Google International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 13-17, 2017, Glasgow, Scotland; Papers from University of Glasgow (x2), Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Universität Berlin, NTT, and University of Florida Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 8-10, 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from National Taiwan University, Yonsei University, CSU Monterey Bay/University of Waterloo/California Polytechnic State University, University of Caen Normandy, and University of Verona User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, October 22-25, 2017, Quebec City, Quebec; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Bristol, Tokyo Institute of Technology, NTT DOCOMO, University of Tsukuba, University of Sussex, Inria, and Hasso Plattner Institute Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, October 17-20, 2017, Brighton, England; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Tohoku University, University of Glasgow/Chalmers University of Technology, Yale-NUS College, University of Sussex/University of Bristol, Florida International University, Carnegie Mellon University, and University of Stuttgart Patient monitoring via electronic skin patches by James Hayward Review: Panasonic Toughbook FZ-N1 by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Last Word: ITO alternatives 2018-2028: Progress review of technology options by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 105
May 20, 2018 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Does handwriting matter?...by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: ETH Zurich, University of Helsinki, Aalto University/Kochi University, Fujitsu, Microsoft, OmniVision, Deakin Institute for Frontier Materials, Georgia Tech, Hanyang University, Washington University, ELIA Life Technology, MIPI Alliance, Saarland University, Tianma Group, Disney Research, Carnegie Mellon University, Scribit, Epson/Redrock Biometrics, Sensel, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Boxlight, Apple, CMU/Disney Research, NEC, Silicon Microstructures, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Foldaway Haptics, Kyocera/Preh, Logitech, Elliptic Labs, University of Illinois, Affectiva, Alibaba/Tsinghua University, KAUST, Chinese Academy of Sciences, HaptX, and ECU Security Research Institute Intelligent User Interface 2018, March 7–11, 2018, Tokyo, Japan; Papers from Keio University/Keio Media Design, Texas A&M University, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)/TU Kaiserslautern/Osaka Prefecture University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, LMU Munich, Waseda University/Rakuten Institute of Technology, ESTIA & University of Lille/University of Lille/University of Waterloo & INRIA; Know-Center, Texas A & M University, KIST Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, December 2017; Papers from RMIT University/University of Melbourne/University of New South Wales, TU Darmstadt, University of Sydney/Australian Museum, Nanjing University/Rutgers University/Indiana University/Purdue University, North Carolina State University, Nanjing University/Michigan State University, Tsinghua University, Singapore Management University, LMU Munich, Southern Methodist University, University of Tokyo, University of Maryland, University of Tokyo/Keio University, Georgia Institute of Technology, National University of Defense Technology/McGill University, Ulm University SIGGRAPH Asia, November 28-30, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Waseda University, University of Hong Kong, Soka University, University of South Australia/University of St. Andrews/University of Manitoba, City University of Hong Kong, and Keio University Graduate School of Media Design/National Chiao Tung University International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 13-17, 2017, Glasgow, Scotland; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Purdue University, Birmingham City University, Disney Research, Queen Mary University of London, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Augsburg University Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 8-10, 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Université de Technologie de Compiègne, The University of Tokyo/National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Würzburg University/Bielefeld University, Linnaeus University, and Hochschule Furtwangen University, Saitama University/Shizuoka University Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, October 17-20, 2017, Brighton, England; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Stuttgart, RWTH Aachen University, Universitat Hamburg, University of Glasgow, University of Bristol, and Universidade de Lisboa Transparent conductive films: The past, the present and the future by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Connected sensors for the prevention of chronic ulcers by Nadia Tsao Last Word: LumiWatch projects a touch display on the wearer’s skin by Arthur Berman Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 104
March 29, 2018 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: OMG! My daughter is a lateral quadrupod...by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: UNIST, pmdtechnologies, Technavio, FLIR Systems, InvenSense/Silvaco, EyeSight Technologies, Scriptel, Elo, Georgia Tech, TDK/Chirp Microsystems, Posiflex Technology, Michigan State University, TDK, Vivo, Zytronic, Panasonic, and Piccolo Augmented Human International Conference, February 7-9, 2018, Seoul, Korea; Papers from Ritsumeikan University/University of Tsukuba, UNIST, Future University Hakodate, and Kobe University Smart Haptics 2017, December 6, 2017, San Diego; Presentations from tangerineX, EPCOS, Alps, SynTouch, Material ConneXion, and Tanvas SIGGRAPH Asia, November 28-30, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Nanyang Technological University, National Taiwan University/National Taipei University of Technology/Tamkang University, Blekinge Institute of Technology, The University of Electro-Communications, and The University of Tokyo International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 13-17, 2017, Glasgow, Scotland; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Florida (x2), University of Glasgow (x2), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, US Naval Research Laboratory/Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, and Otto von Guericke University/University of Waterloo/Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 8-10, 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden; Phillip Hill covers papers from Ulm University, Keio University/University of South Australia, University of California, and Strasbourg University/Gfi Informatique IDTechEx USA, November 15-16, 2017, Santa Clara, California; Presentations by Cambridge Mechatronics, Elliptic Labs, BeBop Sensors, IDTechEx, AerNos, Inc., AxonVR, Melexis, Interlink Electronics, and imec User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, October 22-25, 2017, Quebec City, Quebec; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Edinburgh Napier University/Eindhoven University of Technology/Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Lancaster University, KAIST/Microsoft Research Asia, National Taiwan University/Facebook Inc./University of California at Merced, Dartmouth College/Carnegie Mellon University, and University of Manitoba/Honda Research Institution Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, October 17-20, 2017, Brighton, England; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Stanford University, University of Stuttgart/Chalmers University of Technology, Harman International Industries/FX Palo Alto Laboratory, KAIST, and University of Stuttgart MobileHCI 2017, September 4-7, 2017, Vienna, Austria; Papers from University of Hannover/University of Muenster, University of Manitoba, University of Strathclyde, IIT/Georgia Southern University, VIS University of Stuttgart/German University in Cairo/University of Applied Science, University of Lille Sci. & Tech/CNRS/INRIA, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)/Saarland University/Aalborg University, Univ. Grenoble Alpes/CNRS, University of Toronto Mississauga/University of Toronto, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)/Saarland University, and ETH Zurich Lampix developing a tabletop AR system by Arthur Berman Quick review: DT Research DT872CR by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Haptics in Ready Player One: An analysis of fact and fiction by James Hayward Last Word: Hand tracking technology no one is using by Johan Keyter Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 103
February 23, 2018 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Face it…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: FAMU-FSU, NextInput/Meizu, HID Global, Continental, Boxlight, Vivo, Techstars Accelerator, Google/Redux, Garmin, University of California San Diego/University of Texas at Austin, Elo/MemoMi/Eton Shirts/Nanonation/Appetize/MyTime/Veras Retail, InFocus, MyScript, Microsoft/Fujitsu, Apple, Meta/Ultrahaptics/ZeroLight, NextInput, 3M/Elo, Touch Innovations, Peratech, TDK/Asahi Kasei Microdevices, BenQ, Reach Technology, Posiflex, Elo, PIQS, SKAGEN, Cypress Semiconductor, ASETNIOP, MIT Media Lab, and University of California San Diego Semicon Europe 2017, November 16, 2017, Munich, Germany; Papers from Identiv and Science Foundation Ireland Multimedia Conference, October 23-27, 2017, Mountain View, California; Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Texas at Dallas/Mobiweb Inc/UT Southwestern Medical Center/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of California, HTC Research, and University of Toulouse/IRIT Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, October 16-17, 2017, Brighton, England; Papers from Carleton University (x2), Kwansei Gakuin University/Kobe University, Griffith University, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), BMW Group/University of Konstanz/University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Centre of Digital Entertainment/Emteq/Bournemouth University, HTW Berlin, University of Tsukuba, Lancaster University/University of Munich (LMU), University of Hamburg, Ubicomp, September 13-15, 2017, Maui, Hawaii; Papers from Victoria University of Wellington/Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Keio University, and University of Adelaide/ Tsinghua University/ RMIT University/ UESTC/ Princeton University International Symposium on Wearable Computers, September 11-15, 2017, Maui, Hawaii; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from KAIST/National Chiao Tung University, University of Toronto, and University of Lapland SIGGRAPH, July 30-August 3, 2017, Los Angeles, California; Papers from University of Tsukuba/University of Tokyo, Keio University, National Taiwan University/ National Chiao Tung University (x2), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, University of Tokyo/ Nagoya Institute of Technology, Aichi Institute of Technology, University of Tsukuba/ Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Concordia University, and University of Electro-Communications SID Display Week, May 23-26, 2017, Los Angeles, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kyung Hee University, Uneo Inc., Université de Bordeaux/Institut d’Optique Graduate School/Technopôle Izarbel, A D Metro, Samsung Display, Hefei BOE Opto-electronic Technology Co Ltd, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), LG Display, University of Cambridge, and Hefei XinSheng Opto-electronic Technology Co. Ltd. ITO and its alternatives: major decisions loom large by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Review: ARBOR Technology G60 by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Last Word: Passive RFID overtakes battery-assisted RFID sensors by Raghu Das Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 102
December 19, 2017 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Digital stationery…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Fujitsu Frontech, Lextar Electronics, Georgia Tech, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Elliptic Labs, Baanto, University of Surrey, CPI/Zwipe, Blue Cedar, Terrada Music Score, Synaptics, KAUST, Bebop Sensors, Logitech, Scriptel, ams, Keio University Haptics Research Center, amphipac, ON Semiconductor, Cypress Technology, Saarland University, Immersion/Tencent, Kyocera, Renault/Aito, and Stanford University User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, October 22-25, 2017, Quebec City, Quebec; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from National Taiwan University/National Chiao Tung University, Université Paris-Saclay/Stony Brook University, Université de Lille/University of Saskatchewan/Inria, University of Washington/Carnegie Mellon University, University of Toronto, Stanford University/Google Inc., and Dartmouth College/University of Manitoba/MishMashMakers/Autodesk Research/NTUST Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, October 17-20, 2017, Brighton, England; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of British Columbia, TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Technische Universität Dresden, LMU Munich, University College London, University of Waterloo/University of St Andrews, and University of Toronto/University of Lille/Inria Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, October 16-17, 2017, Brighton, England; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Central Florida/Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Universität Hamburg/Peking University/Technical University of Munich, Ryerson University/Purdue University/University of Toronto/Georgia Institute of Technology, Aalborg University/German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), and Carleton University Automotive User Interfaces, September 24-27, 2017, Oldenburg, Germany; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Glasgow, BMW Group/University of Bamberg/LMU Munich, BMW Group, and OFFIS Institute for IT/University of Oldenburg Ubicomp, September 13-15, 2017, Maui, Hawaii; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Rutgers University, and University of Tampere SIGGRAPH, July 30-August 3, 2017, Los Angeles, California; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Tokyo Institute of Technology/Tokyo Metropolitan University, The University of Tokyo (x2), National Chiao Tung University, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, and Keio University Graduate School of Media Design/NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories Designing Interactive Systems, June 10-14, 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Koç University/KTH Royal Institute of Technology/Boston University, Sciling, University of Nottingham/Cambridge University/Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design/University of Leeds/University of Greenwich, Ryerson University/York University, and University of Nottingham CHI, May 6-11, 2017, Denver, Colorado; In the fifth of five reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kochi University of Technology/Jilin University, UNIST/Jacobs University, Max Planck Institute for Informatics/University of Copenhagen/Aalto University, University of St Andrews/NEC Corporation of Malaysia/York University/University of Cambridge, Université Paris-Saclay/University of British Columbia, Tsinghua University/Samsung Beijing R&D Center, RWTH Aachen University, University Stefan cel Mare of Suceava, Stanford University, University of Copenhagen, Stanford University/Google Inc., Aarhus University, Telecom ParisTech/Université Paris-Saclay, University of Toulouse/University of Manitoba, and University of California Berkeley Interview with Peter Kurstjens from Aito Optically clear film for tactile interfaces by Micah Yairi Last Word: The Fove eye tracking HMD by Arthur Berman Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 101
October 31, 2017 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Tone of voice...by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: TCO Development, Garmin, Binghamton University, University of Bristol, TDK/InvenSense, Toyoda Gosei, Tactai, University of Sussex, Redrock Biometrics, Yole Developpement, Saarland University, DENSO/FotoNation,Tsinghua University, Immersion, University of California San Diego, University of Washington/UCLA, LORD, Google/Levi Strauss, Rutgers University, Lancaster University, Christie Medical Holdings, and Titanium Falcon Automotive UI and Interactive Vehicular Applications, September 24-27, 2017, Oldenburg, Germany; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Jyväskylä, University of Glasgow, Universität Regensburg, and University of Nottingham Symposium on Applied Perception, September 16-17, 2017, Cottbus, Germany; Phillip Hill covers a paper from Delft University of Technology Ubicomp, September 13-15, 2017, Maui, Hawaii; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from National Chiao Tung University, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Osaka Prefecture University, and Madeira-ITI/Cyprus University of Technology/University of Washington/Folkwang University of Arts International Symposium on Wearable Computers, September 11-15, 2017, Maui, Hawaii; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Georgia Institute of Technology, Know-Center/University of Glasgow/Graz University of Technology, Know-Center, and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology SIGGRAPH, July 30-August 3, 2017, Los Angeles, California; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Hasso Plattner Institute, National University of Singapore, Object Normal/NYU, University of Tsukuba, Meiji University/Osaka University, Edinburgh Napier University/Disney Research, Disney Research, and The University of Sydney/Epic Games Designing Interactive Systems, June 10-14, 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Cork Institute of Technology/University of St Andrews/Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, KU Leuven, IT University of Copenhagen, and University of Waterloo/University of Lille Symposium on Pervasive Displays, June 7-9, 2017, Lugano, Switzerland; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from KU Leuven, Inria/University of Bordeaux, Università degli Studi di Palermo/Brunel University London, and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid CHI, May 6-11, 2017, Denver, Colorado; In the fourth of five reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Microsoft Research/Ben-Gurion University, University of Konstanz, University of Bristol/University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Tsinghua University/ETH, University of Louisville, KAIST, EPFL, University of Washington/Microsoft Research, KAIST/National Chiao Tung University, Stanford University (x2), Microsoft Research/University of Toronto, Microsoft Research/Lancaster University, Microsoft Research/University of Regensburg/Technische Universitat Darmstadt/University of Washington, University of Sussex, and Microsoft Research/Hasso Plattner Institute The friendly sun, no friend to PCAP by Forrest Folsom A Texan’s Guide to Thermal Management for Touch Screen Displays by Shaun Detmer Much ado about touch by Jen Üner Going Beyond “Infinity” by Laila Danielsen Enticing millennials with touch screen technology by Carolyn Simpson Last Word: How infinity displays will change authentication by Anthony Gioeli Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 100
September 27, 2017 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The Lion’s Pause…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: University of Houston, Immersion/Yomuneco, University of Illinois, VSP Global/RightEye, NEC Display, Samsung, UniPixel, Logitech, Jabil, Immersion, Immersion/Perception, Immersion/PKG, iProov, Xiaomi/Elliptic, Enhanced Mobile Biometrics, Yole Développement, SMK Electronics, Simon Fraser University/Disney Research, Acuity Market Intelligence, NIST, MyScript, Wacom, Tobii, Anoto/LeapFrog, and Futuresource SIGGRAPH, July 30-August 3, 2017, Los Angeles, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Aichi Institute of Technology/Nagoya Institute of Technology, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, National Taiwan University/Tamkang University/National Chiao Tung University, and Neurable Inc. Engineering Interactive, Computing Systems, June 26-29, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal; Phillip Hill covers papers from Instituto Superior do Porto/Universidade do Porto, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, University of Bamberg, and Carnegie Mellon University Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, June 14-16, 2017, Hilversum, Netherlands; Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Sussex/BI Norwegian Business School, and LMU Munich Designing Interactive Systems, June 10-14, 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Helsinki, Simon Fraser University, University of Washington/Honeywell Aerospace, Newcastle University/Northumbria University/Georgia Institute of Technology, and University of Nottingham Symposium on Pervasive Displays, June 7-9, 2017, Lugano, Switzerland; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Louisiana State University/Clemson University/Oblong Industries, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, MIT Mobile Experience Lab, and LMU Munich/Max Planck Institute for Informatics SID Display Week, May 23-26, 2017, Los Angeles, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from AU Optronics Corporation, Beijing BOE Display Technology Co. Ltd./BOE Technology Group/Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co. Ltd., Asahi Glass Co. Ltd., and Yonsei University/TRAIS CHI, May 6-11, 2017, Denver, Colorado; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from MIT Media Lab/Keio University, Microsoft Research, Hasso Plattner Institute, and University of Glasgow Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions, March 20-23, 2017, Yokohama, Japan; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Lund University/Aalto University/University of Iceland, Texas A&M University, Indiana University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Queen Mary University of London, and Berlin University of the Arts Autonomous cars require more than just technology by Andy Marken Moto Z2 Force: A smartphone without Gorilla Glass by Ken Werner Tightening the screws on haptics by Ed Colgate The impact of iPhones on the rugged handheld market by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Ruggedize your touch panel by Tony Gray Wearable sensors reach their first billion-dollar year by James Hayward Last Word: Analog can’t touch Digital by Rick Seger Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 99
August 5, 2017 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Implants…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Carnegie Mellon University, Neonode, Leap Motion, Apple/SMI, Nums, Empa, Peratech/SMK Electronics, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, UNIST, Apple, Vanderbilt University, Mitsubishi Electric/Immersion, Orii, Tokenize, Qualcomm, Delta, UCSD, Graz University, XDA Developers, Toppan Forms, Berlin Suedkreuz, MicroVision, Georgia Institute of Technology, Panasonic, Strategy Analytics, Xenoma, Cirque, Elo, FlatFrog, Fujitsu, and Hillcrest Labs SID/DSCC Investors Conference, May 23, 2017, Los Angeles, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Vuzix Corporation IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe, May 10-11, Berlin, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from ams AG, Cambridge Mechatronics (CML), IDTechEx, and Synaptics CHI, May 6-11, 2017, Denver, Colorado; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Eindhoven University of Technology/Edinburgh Napier University, Eindhoven University of Technology/Edinburgh Napier University, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, University of Stuttgart, University of Florida/Colorado State University, University of St Andrews/KAIST/NEC Corporation of Malaysia/Virnect, Carnegie Mellon University, Tactual Labs/University of Toronto, University of Washington, McGill University, Rutgers University, University of Toulouse, University of Manitoba/Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Tsinghua University, and Tsinghua University/Stony Brook University LOPEC, March 28-30, 2017, Munich, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from PolyIC GmbH, and Holst Centre Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions, March 20-23, 2017, Yokohama, Japan; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Eindhoven University of Technology/University of Salzburg/University of Twente/Interactive RI.SE ICT/Umeå University, University of Salzburg/Eindhoven University of Technology/Austrian Institute of Technology, Zuse Institut Berlin (ZIB), Brigham Young University, Ryerson University/Georgia Institute of Technology, KAIST/National Chiao Tung University/Keio Media Design, University of Twente, and Arizona State University/University of California San Diego/Indian Institute of Technology The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality, February 1, 2017, Burlingame, California; Phillip Hill covers papers from University of California San Diego, and Simon Fraser University Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, January 29-February 2, 2017, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers papers from Northeastern University, The University of Tokyo/Paris Descartes University, Defence Research and Development Canada, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, January 30–February 1, 2017, Burlingame, California; Phillip Hill covers a paper from Waseda University/Aoyama Gakuin University The Emerging Vocabulary of Haptics: Vibration vs. Texture by Ed Colgate Wacom pen LCD tablets endure 25 years with new 32-inch UHD by Steve Sechrist Wearable technology for animals: What has your dog done today? by Nadia Tsao Blood, sweat and tears: New ways to monitor glucose levels in diabetes by David Pugh Faceware Live extends face motion capture to other developers by Randall S. Newton Apple Watch Series 2 after three weeks by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Last Word: Classroom Friendly Supplies pencil sharpener by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 98
June 30, 2017 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Hip to haptics…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Pillsy, Michigan Technological University, WatchSense, NextInput, HTC, NUITEQ/Barco, SAIT, Imec, EPFL, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Nagoya, National Science Foundation, UNIST, University of Minnesota, Loomia, Purdue University, Newcastle University, Asahi Glass, Georgia Institute of Technology, Rice University, Fujitsu Frontech North America/Keyo, Immersion/Realtime, Samsung, BeBop Sensors, SENSE.nano, UC San Diego, SJ, Blast Motion/Futures League, Movesense, Leyard/Planar, InFocus, IMEC/TNO, University of Eastern Finland, JetBlue, National Aquarium in Baltimore, Scribbler, and RightEye SID/DSCC Automotive Display Conference, May 23, 2017, Los Angeles, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Fujifilm SID/DSCC Business Conference, May 22, 2017, Los Angeles, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from UniPixel CHI, May 6-11, 2017, Denver, Colorado; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Alabama, National Taiwan University/National Taiwan Normal University, National Taiwan University, University of Washington, EPFL, Ritsumeikan University/University of Tsukuba, KAIST, Ulm University/MIT Media Lab, Université Paris-Saclay/Sorbonne Université, KAIST, University of Stuttgart, University of Tsukuba, Baylor University/Ericsson Research, University of Toronto, University of California/University of Tartu/Intel Labs/Stanford University, Texas A&M University, École Polytechnique/University College London/Lancaster University, University of Kaiserslautern, University of Tsukuba, Purdue University, and National Taiwan University/Dartmouth College Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions, March 20-23, 2017, Yokohama, Japan; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Julius-Maximilians-Universität, University of Maryland/Carnegie Mellon University, Universität der Künste Berlin/Bergische Universität Wuppertal/Fachhochschule Potsdam, and KMD Embodied Media Project/Nagoya Institute of Technology Augmented Human Conference, March 17-18, 2017, Mountain View, California; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., University of Tsukuba, and ETH Zurich Electronic Displays Conference, March 15-16, 2017, Nuremberg, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Fieldscale, and siOPTICA GmbH Intelligent User Interfaces Conference, March 13-16, 2017, Limassol, Cyprus; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Dalhousie University, University of Waterloo/University of Lille, Mahidol University/Thammasat University/University of Bremen/Bangkok University, Arizona State University, and New York University Abu Dhabi/Ohio State University FLEX Europe, October 25-26, 2016, Grenoble, France; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from IK4 Cidetec Research Alliance From force feedback manipulanda to surface haptics: part III by Ed Colgate Haptics 2017-2027: Technologies, markets and players by James Hayward Optis unveils HIM 2017 integrating haptic feedback an VR audio by Ruchika Saini iPhone 8: New home button/touch ID location by Jin Kim Initial impressions of an Apple Watch holdout by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Last Word: Introducing Electrick technology for flexible touch by Arthur Berman Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 97
April 30, 2017 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Let there be light…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Welle, Northwestern, Zytronic, InvenSense, Tactai, Garmin, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Michigan, University of Siena, Linnaeus University, Clemson University, Vishay Intertechnology, NEBIAS, Sony, Leyard/Planar, INM, Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Mastercard, Empa, E Ink/Sony Semiconductor Solutions, HTC, Newcastle University, SensibleVision, North Carolina State University, UNIST, Oxford, University of California, San Diego/Rady Children’s Hospital, KAIST, noax Technologies, Murata, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, SMART Technologies, and NUITEQ Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions, March 20-23, 2017, Yokohama, Japan; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Politecnico di Milano, Ryerson University/Georgia Institute of Technology, Wellesley College/The Tech Museum of Innovation, and Stockholm University/University of California/ITU Augmented Human Conference, March 17-18, 2017, Mountain View, California; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Osaka University, Hiroshima University/Daiya Industries Co Ltd, KAIST, and The University of Tokyo Intelligent User Interfaces Conference, March 13-16, 2017, Limassol, Cyprus; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Google, University of Pittsburgh, Dayalbagh Educational Institute/IBM Research India/Indian Institute of Information Technology/IBM Research India, and University of California at Berkeley/Juji Inc./University of California at Irvine Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, February 25 - March 1, 2017, Portland, Oregon; Phillip Hill covers papers from Sungkyunkwan University, and MIT Media Lab/MIT Comparative Media Studies Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, February 25-27, 2017, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a paper from University of North Carolina SIGGRAPH Asia, December 5-8, 2016, Macao, China; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from NEC Solution Innovators, Ritsumeikan University, Utsunomiya University, and University of Science and Technology of China/Nanyang Technological University/Carnegie Mellon University/The Chinese University of Hong Kong Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, November 6-9, 2016, Niagara Falls, Ontario; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Lille, Dalhousie University, and University of Southern California/University of Waterloo/Microsoft Research User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, October 16-19, 2016, Tokyo, Japan; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Carnegie Mellon University, Google Research/Carnegie Mellon University, The University of Tokyo/The University of Electro-Communications, Université Paris-Saclay, National Taiwan University/University of California at Davis/Keio University, Microsoft Research, MIT Media Lab/Rhode Island School of Design/MIT CSAIL, KAIST, Carnegie Mellon University, and Dartmouth College/University of Manitoba From force feedback manipulanda to surface haptics: part II by Ed Colgate In mold electronics: the next frontier for transparent conductive film by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Review: GETAC T800 by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer iPhone 8 design: New home button/touch ID location by Jin Kim Can commercialization of VR jump-start the haptics industry by James Hayward Last Word: Eye tracking the “5th modality” by Steve Sechrist Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 96
March 26, 2017 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Baroque stroke…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: CHASM, Display Solution, Landscape, Microsoft, Leman, Micro Devices, Egis Technology, Goodix/Huawei, InvenSense/AutoNavi, Immersion, Osaka University/Durham University, Elliptic Labs, Technavio, ON Semiconductor/CEVA, Acer, Immersion/Gionee/Meitu, MIT, Canatu, InvenSense/GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Ultrahaptics/HARMAN, Yole Développement, University of Illinois, Promethean, IPG Media Lab, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev/Tel Aviv University, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Simon Fraser University, Analog Devices, Daptly, University of Glasgow, University of Michigan, American Opto Plus, Ultrahaptics/EBV Elektronik, University of St. Andrews, University of Illinois, Ultrahaptics/MIT, Disney Research, Samsung, PureCarbon, Lenovo, UCSD/CSIRO, Safran Identity & Security, Cirque, NEC Display Solutions Europe, Elliptic Labs, Kionix, HID Global/Infineon, University of British Columbia, Chalmers University of Technology, MEPhI Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems, and reMarkable Augmented Human Conference, March 17-18, 2017, Mountain View, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Samsung R&D Institute India, The University of Tokyo, University of Tampere, and Universidade Nova de Lisboa/University of Texas at Austin SIGGRAPH Asia, December 5-8, 2016, Macao, China; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kochi University of Technology/Jilin University, University of Tsukuba, National Taiwan University, and National University of Singapore Printed Electronics USA, November 16-17, 2016, Santa Clara, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Sensirion AG, and Lumo Bodytech Inc. Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, November 6-9, 2016, Niagara Falls, Ontario; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Saskatchewan, The University of Melbourne, and Hitachi Ltd. User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, October 16-19, 2016, Tokyo, Japan; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from KAIST, University College London/KAIST, Tokai University, Hasso Plattner Institute/Cornell University, University of Toronto, Seoul National University, Microsoft Research/Texas A&M University, and Lancaster University Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention, April 5-7, 2016, Munich, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from PolyIC GmbH, and Heraeus Deutschland Recent papers from McGill University MDD discusses future of medical devices with Touch International: Interview with Shaun Detmer From force feedback manipulanda to surface haptics: part I by Ed Colgate Transparent Conductive Films (TCF): Forecasts, Markets, Technologies by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Tanvas adds haptic capability to touchscreen displays by Arthur Berman Last Word: Are “mobile” sites really needed? by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 95
February 14, 2017 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Fingers as digital keys…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Immersion/Nintendo, Panasonic, InvenSense, Motiv, Fujitsu, Canatu, ON Semiconductor, UniPixel, Planar, 3dRudder Wireless, Tanvas, Tobii, Huawei, STMicroelectronics/Valencell, TDK/InvenSense, Kingston, Neonode, Das Keyboard, Dell, Penn State, Cerevo, and InvenSense/Samsung SIGGRAPH Asia, December 5-8, 2016, Macao, China; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kyushu University, City University of Hong Kong, University of Oulu/Lancaster University/University of Eastern Finland, and UCLA Center for Vision, Cognition, Learning and Autonomy/University of Hong Kong/UCLA Computer Graphics & Vision Laboratory International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 12-16, 2016, Tokyo, Japan; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Florida, Aalto University/University of Helsinki/Liverpool Hope University, IWM Tübingen/University of Tübingen, and Utrecht University Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, November 6-9, 2016, Niagara Falls, Ontario; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kochi University of Technology/Jilin University, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgia Institute of Technology/Ryerson University/Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, and Georgia Institute of Technology Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 2-4, 2016, Munich, Germany; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Universidade de Lisboa, Birmingham City University, University of Würzburg, University of Coimbra, and Korea University User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, October 16-19, 2016, Tokyo, Japan; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Purdue University, Meiji University, Ulm University, National Taiwan University/Tamkang University, Meiji University, Carnegie Mellon University, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)/Yokohama National University/Keio University, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Waseda University, Stanford University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, University of Toronto, and Kyoto Sangyo University Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, October 15-16, 2016, Tokyo, Japan; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences/University of Canterbury/Simon Fraser University, Saitama University, Center of Human-centered Interaction for Coexistence, Ritsumeikan University, KAIST, University of Tsukuba/Universität für Künstlerische und Industrielle Gestaltung, Baylor University/University of Colorado Boulder, and Hosei University Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, September 12-16, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Sussex, Münster UAS, Georgia Institute of Technology, The Open University, and University of Tübingen Mobile HCI, September 6-9, 2016, Florence, Italy; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from National Taiwan University/National Yang-Ming University, University of St Andrews, University of Kaiserslautern/German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) SIGGRAPH, July 24-28, 2016, Anaheim, California; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Keio University Graduate School of Media Design/Rhizomatiks Co. Ltd., National Chiao Tung University, and University of Manitoba Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, June 7-10, 2016, Bari, Italy; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of the Aegean, University of Waterloo/California State University, Technische Universität Dresden, University West, and The University of Haifa Haptic perception: A primer by Ed Colgate ITO alternatives: light at the end of the tunnel by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Last Word: A breakthrough for optical touch? by Bob Raikes Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 94
December 24, 2016 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Stroke of fortune…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Zytronic/Tangible Display, Zytronic, STMicroelectronics, Disney Research, Lief, Visualplanet, Nureva, UniPixel, NEC Display, Hayo, Analog Devices, reMarkable, iiyama, Jingle, Yole Développement, Cornell University, Leap Motion, Navdy, Huawei/Tobii, ENESS, Synaptics/OXi Technology, Synaptics, BMW, Safran, and Harbin Institute of Technology SIGGRAPH Asia, December 5-8, 2016, Macao, China; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from National University of Singapore, kindergarten.io/ ETH Zurich, Kansai University, and Zhejiang University/The University of British Columbia International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 12-16, 2016, Tokyo, Japan; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Tokyo, Utrecht University, University Grenoble Alpes, and University of Tampere Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, November 6-9, 2016, Niagara Falls, Ontario; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Universitat Politècnica de València/Sciling, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Tsukuba, and Osaka University Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 2-4, 2016, Munich, Germany; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Disney Research, Tohoku University, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), and Technische Universtitat Dresden User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, October 16-19, 2016, Tokyo, Japan; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Toronto, University of Tsukuba, Konkuk University/Pohang University of Science and Technology, and University of Sussex Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, October 15-16, 2016, Tokyo, Japan; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Universität Hamburg, University of Manitoba/Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, University of Georgia, and Baylor University/University of Colorado Boulder/Ericsson Research Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, September 12-16, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Georgia Institute of Technology/Google Research, Ulm University, University of Virginia, and Ritsumeikan University International Symposium on Wearable Computers, September 12-16, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Ulm University, University of British Columbia/Technicolor Research, and Georgia Institute of Technology Mobile HCI, September 6-9, 2016, Florence, Italy; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Cardiff Metropolitan University/University of Bristol, University of Stuttgart/BTK University of Art & Design, University of Toronto/University of Toronto Mississauga, and BTK University of Art & Design/Technical University Berlin/University of Stuttgart SIGGRAPH, July 24-28, 2016, Anaheim, California; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Ryukoku University/Toyo University/University of Tsukuba, University of Tsukuba, Utsunomiya University, and Rochester Institute of Technology Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, June 7-10, 2016, Bari, Italy; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Munich (LMU), Università degli Studi di Palermo/Brunel University, University of Waterloo, and University of Haifa SID Display Week, May 22-27, 2016, San Francisco, California; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Tsukuba, University of Cambridge, and National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)/ Industrial Technology Research Institute 6 reasons why UX designers should explore gestural interaction by Yanna Vogiazou So what is Y-OCTA? by David Hsieh Last Word: Workstations seeking new input by Kathleen Maher Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 93
November 26, 2016 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: New music…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: University of Sussex/ University of Bristol, InvenSense, OmniWear, Parade Technologies, Xiaomi, Ultrahaptics, Georgia Tech, Garmin, Neonode, Samsung, Apple, Carnegie Mellon University, Bluemint Labs, FlexEnable/ISORG, Microsoft, Project Nursery/VOXX Accessories Corporation, STMicroelectronics, Disney Research, Tobii, Google, University of St. Andrews, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Zytronic, Georgia Institute of Technology, Delta Airlines, Arjo Solutions, PUFR, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Microchip, BeBop Sensors, MicroVision/STMicroelectronics, Oregon State University, Acer/Tobii, and Ubisoft/Tobii Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 2-4, 2016, Munich, Germany; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of North Carolina, Linkoping University, Wuhan University, and Imperial College London Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, October 15-16, 2016, Tokyo, Japan; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Zhejiang University/Stockholm University, University of South Florida/University of Central Florida, Osaka University, and The University of Electro-Communications SGIA Printed Electronics Symposium, September 13-14, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Cal Poly, and Tekscan Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, September 12-16, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Gdansk University of Technology, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences/University of Twente, Ulm University, and Georgia Institute of Technology/Google Research International Symposium on Wearable Computers, September 12-16, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kobe University/Ritsumeikan University, DFKI GmbH/Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU)/adidas AG/TU Kaiserslautern, University of Stuttgart (x2) Mobile HCI, September 6-9, 2016, Florence, Italy; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of St. Andrews/KAIST, National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica, Universitat Politècnica de València/Sciling, and National Taiwan University SIGGRAPH, July 24-28, 2016, Anaheim, California; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from URJC Madrid/Stanford University/University of Sussex, National Taiwan University/National Taipei University of Education, SonyCSL/Tokyo University/YCAM Interlab, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design/Rhizomatiks Co. Ltd., and The University of Tokyo/Unity Technologies Japan SID Display Week, May 22-27, 2016, San Francisco, California; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Synaptics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)/LG Display, Kyung Hee University, and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Printed Electronics Europe, April 27-28, 2016, Berlin, Germany; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Canatu Electronic Displays Conference, February 24-25, 2016, Nuremberg, Germany; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from TouchNetix Ltd., Data Modul, and Glas Troesch AG/University Hospital Basel/School of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland A new $1.8bn market for force sensors in user interfaces by James Hayward What led to the Universal Stylus Initiative by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer AuraSense uses electric field sensing for smartwatch input by Arthur Berman 7 not-so-obvious conference room display features you’ll want by Tony Uhrick Paper books or e-books? by Jin Kim Last Word: On being natural: The technology disappears when it’s working by Jon Peddie Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 92
October 20, 2016 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Thumbprints…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: University of London, University of Sussex, Lampix, MIPI Alliance, Technavio, Bebop Sensors/KMI, Apple/Integritouch, MyScript, Ultrahaptics, Acer/Tobii, Immersion, TechSci Research, Skulpt, Alienware/Tobii, Canatu, InFocus, Boeing/Rockwell Collins, Thinfilm/Sarine, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, UT Dallas, Lazertouch, Universal Stylus Initiative, Horsent, Amazon, Qeexo, Lenovo, Corning, UCL, UC Berkeley, Bosch Sensortec, Cronzy Google/Infineon, Veeso, nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies, NASA, Synaptics, Dartmouth, Precise Biometrics, and Visualant Multimedia Conference, October 15-19, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Phillip Hill covers papers from Delft University of Technology/Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology/University of Oldenburg, Utrecht University, and Universidade do Porto Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, September 12-16, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), North Carolina State University, University of Oldenburg/OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Institute of Computing Technology/University of California Irvine, Tokai University, SungKyunKwan University, and Nagoya University SIGGRAPH, July 24-28, 2016, Anaheim, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from The University of Electro-Communications, University of Southern California, The University of Electro-Communications/University of Tsukuba (x2), Disney Research, and Oculus Symposium on Pervasive Displays, June 20-22, 2016, Oulu, Finland; Phillip Hill covers papers from LMU Munich, University of Birmingham/University of Oulu, University of Tampere/Tampere University of Technology, and University of Lapland/University of Oulu SID Display Week, May 22-27, 2016, San Francisco, California; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Kyung Hee University, AU Optronics Corporation, Japan Display Inc., and LG Display R&D Center/Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Electronic Displays Conference, February 24-25, 2016, Nuremberg, Germany; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Truly, MSC Technologies GmbH, Kyocera, and Redux Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, February 14-18, 2016, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a paper from SFU SIAT/GMU School of Dance Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 14-17, 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Eindhoven University of Technology, Simon Fraser University, and National Taiwan University/Eindhoven University of Technology Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 15-18, 2015, Funchal, Portugal; In the fifth of five reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Technische Universitat München, Ritsumeikan University, Ionian University/Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Technische Universität Dresden, and Université François Rabelais Latest trends in the conductive inks business by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Automotive – $60 billion opportunities by Jennifer Colegrove Time of Flight technology for gesture interaction by Oliver Kirsch, Alexander van Laack, Gert-Dieter Tuzar, and Judy Blessing Beyond touch: designing effective gestural interactions by Yanna Vogiazou Why touch is no good for games by Tom Allen Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 91
August 14, 2016 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Forecasting the future of touch technologies…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: IHS, Promethean, Lava Drop, Image Engineering, Microsoft, Mogees, GyroGear, NEC, Purdue University, ESI Design, GM, Point Motion, Immersion, Immersion/Alps Electric, USI, TouchSystems, InvenSense, FocusMotion, Dell, 3M, Immersion/Lenovo, InFocus, Futuresource Consulting, CRI Middleware, ARMOR/Novasentis, Flex/Aito, Fujitsu Components America, Corning, Samsung, and UCSD SID Wearable-Flexible Conference, May 25, 2016, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Hillcrest Labs, and Quantum Interface SID Touch Conference, May 24, 2016, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from UICO, IHS, Cambridge Touch Technologies, and Synaptics Flexible touch screens gain interest -- Commentary -- by Ross Young SID Investors Conference, May 24, 2016, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Immersion Corporation SID Business Conference, May 23-25, 2016, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from IHS SID Display Week, May 22-27, 2016, San Francisco, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Immersion SA, The University of British Columbia/Zhejiang University, Robert Bosch GmbH, and Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Eye Tracking Research & Applications, March 14-17, 2016, Charleston, South Carolina; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation/Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, IT University of Copenhagen, and Lancaster University/BBC Augmented Human Conference, February 25-27, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH/University of Salzburg, The University of Tokyo, University of Siena, and McGill University Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 14-17, 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Leeds, Iuav University of Venice, Tsukuba University, Augsburg University, and University of Mons/University of Namur Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 15-18, 2015, Funchal, Portugal; In the fourth of five reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Grenoble, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, and University of Kaiserslautern User Interface Software and Technology, November 8-11, 2015, Charlotte, North Carolina; In the fifth of five reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Korea University, and National Taiwan University SGIA Printed Electronics Symposium, November 3-4, 2015, Atlanta, Georgia; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from ON Semiconductor SIGGRAPH Asia, November 2-5, 2015, Kobe, Japan; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The University of Tokyo/The University of Electro-Communications, Max Planck Institute for Informatics/Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)/Lancaster University/Federal University of Espirito Santo, and University of Tokyo ITO alternatives: light at the end of the tunnel by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Ultra-large 4K touchscreens? by Tony Uhrick Infuse arts into STEM projects using collaborative touchscreen tech by Lynn Marentette Last Word: New tech widens touchscreen opportunities by Andrew Morrison Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 90
May 31, 2016 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: In the body…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Elite Screens, LG Innotek, National Natural Science Foundation of China, IHS, Logitech, InvenSense, Pavegen, MarketsandMarkets, Aito, University of Sussex, University of Washington, Ultrahaptics/University of Tokyo, AGC Asahi Glass, Microsoft Research, Garmin, Uno Noteband, Tobii Dynavox, Microchip Technology, Panasonic, Immersion/Kyocera, Immersion/CRIWARE, Immersion/MEIZU, Carnegie Mellon University, Houston Astros/Blast Motion, Ideum, Aalto University, Disney Research, Moleskine, Microchip Technology/SiS, Sony, University of California San Diego/Caltech, CyberTouch, Fove, Canatu/Kaga Electronics, A*STAR, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Foxconn Technology Group/Smart Technologies, MTI/Rolith, Brown University, University of Waterloo, University of Bristol, Samsung, Dartmouth College, A D Metro, Canatu, Canatu/E Ink, Fujitsu, Easitech, MIT, Nydeum, Spendwallet, 3M, Tap Strap, and Adonit Eye Tracking Research & Applications, March 14-17, 2016, Charleston, South Carolina; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Technical University of Denmark/University of Copenhagen/IT University of Copenhagen/The Eye Tribe, Clemson University, University of Eastern Finland/Seikei University, and Texas A&M University Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, March 7-10, 2016, Sonoma, California; Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Southern California/University of California Santa Cruz/Carnegie Mellon University, Arizona State University, Keio University/Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (AIST)/The University of Tokyo, and Carnegie Mellon University Computer Supported Cooperative Work, February 27-March 2, 2016, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers papers from Northwestern University, and Georgia Institute of Technology Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, February 27-28, 2016, Redmond, Washington; Phillip Hill covers papers from Nanyang Technological University/SAP Innovation Center/Tsinghua University, and Shandong University/Multimedia University Augmented Human Conference, February 25-27, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The University of Tokyo, University of Tampere, Kobe University, and The University of Tokyo/NTT Service Evolution Laboratories Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 14-17, 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Queen Mary University of London, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Inria/University of Bordeaux, and Eindhoven University of Technology Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 15-18, 2015, Funchal, Portugal; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Carnegie Mellon University, University of Helsinki/Politecnico di Milano/Aalto University, University of Grenoble, and Rakuten Institute of Technology User Interface Software and Technology, November 8-11, 2015, Charlotte, North Carolina; In the fourth of five reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Inria/Université Paris-Sud/University of Calgary, Lancaster University, Autodesk Research, and University of Washington/Microsoft Research SIGGRAPH Asia, November 2-5, 2015, Kobe, Japan; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Tohoku University, Keio University/Tokyo National College of Technology, Industrial Technology Research Institute/University of Tasmania, and The University of Electro-Communications/University of Tsukuba Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices, August 24-27, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark; In the fifth of five reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Queen’s University/Microsoft Corporation, University of Glasgow (x2), and Tohoku University Sensors driving next-generation wearable devices by James Hayward 7 not-so-obvious conference room display features by Tony Uhrick Microsoft’s SID keynote about active pen and gesture by Jennifer Colegrove eyeSight developing gesture control for smartphone-based VR by Arthur Berman Passive RFID used as low cost input devices by Steve Sechrist Last Word: Putting attached hands inside virtual reality by Randall S. Newton Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 89
April 13, 2016 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Wo ist der schlüssel?…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Shell/Akon, DEEPVIEW, KAIST, NEC/EyeQ, Sony, University of Minnesota-Duluth/Penn State, Sony, Elo, HeliOffshore, UniPixel, MarketsandMarkets, Google, EPFL, Remidi, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Silicon Labs, Elliptic Labs, Heptagon, ZMorph, Technavio, Promethean, Mitsubishi Electric, FocusMotion, Immersion, Tobii/Ubisoft, Scriptel/Aptika, and Goodix Printed Electronics USA, November 18-19, 2015, Santa Clara, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Jones Packaging Inc. Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 15-18, 2015, Funchal, Portugal; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Carnegie Mellon University, Goldsmiths University of London, Autodesk Research/University of Bristol, Public University of Navarre/Bristol University/University of Sussex, Technische Universität Dresden/ETH Zurich, and University of Munster/ Simon Fraser University Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 13-15, 2015, Beijing, China; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from George Mason University/Inoval Fairfax Hospital/Inova Loudoun Hospital, Bielefeld University, and Korea University Touch Gesture Motion and Emerging Displays, November 12-13, 2015, San Jose, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Japan Display Inc., and Synaptics User Interface Software and Technology, November 8-11, 2015, Charlotte, North Carolina; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Carnegie Mellon University/Disney Research Pittsburgh, Yahoo Labs, KAIST, University of Waterloo, MIT Media Lab, and RWTH Aachen University/Buskerud and Vestfold University College SIGGRAPH Asia, November 2-5, 2015, Kobe, Japan; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Industrial Technology Research Institute/University of Tasmania, Meijo University, Keio University, and National Taiwan University/Keio University Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices, August 24-27, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark; In the fourth of five reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar, University of Passau/Metaio GmbH, Sabanci University/Technical University of Berlin, and Rakuten Institute of Technology SIGGRAPH, August 9-13, 2015, Los Angeles, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kanagawa Institute of Technology/Tokyo University of Technology, Waseda University/Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and The University of Tokyo Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, June 23-26, Duisburg, Germany; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Western Sydney, University of Duisburg-Essen/Fraunhofer IMS, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, and Joseph Fourier University SID International Symposium, June 2-5, 2015, San Jose, California; In this final report, Phillip Hill covers papers from New Degree Technology (NDT), Qualcomm R&D, and Carnegie Mellon University Anti-smudge, anti-glare and anti-reflective coatings by Seun Marcus Active pen market will reach $6.1 billion by 2021 by Jennifer Colegrove Sensors driving next-generation wearable devices by James Hayward Last Word: Big data on big displays by Tony Uhrick Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 88
February 28, 2016 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Touch bits…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Politecnico di Torino/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Washington, NextInput, InvenSense, Amazon, UICO, HandScape, SABIC, HARMAN, ETH Zurich, Scriptel, Microchip Technology, Inuitive/gestigon, Osram, Hanvon Pentech, Kopin, Tesla Studios, Tobii/MSI, Duke University/ONR, Synaptics, i-Blades, EyeLock, Lenovo, Tsukuba University, Yume Cloud, DisplayTen, BMW, Pennsylvania State University, Neonode, ROLI, IHS, Scriptel/Exan, and LG Electronics Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 15-18, 2015, Funchal, Portugal; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Oxford University, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria/LIFEtool Gemeinnutzige GmbH/University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria, Universidade de Lisboa/University of Dundee, and RWTH Aachen University/Buskerud and Vestfold University College Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 13-15, 2015, Beijing, China; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Tampere/Tampere University of Technology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Politecnico di Milano/Valduce Hospital Touch Gesture Motion and Emerging Technologies, November 12-13, 2015, San Jose, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Unipixel, Immersion Corporation, Elliptic Labs, and Quantum Interface International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 9-13, 2015, Seattle, Washington; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Helsinki, University of Salzburg/University of Augsburg, Samsung Research America, Utrecht University/Elitac B.V., and Brunel University/University College London User Interface Software and Technology, November 8-11, 2015, Charlotte, North Carolina; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Meiji University, National Taiwan University, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Waterloo, Qualcomm Technologies Inc., The University of Tokyo, Purdue University, and Tokai University SIGGRAPH Asia, November 2-5, 2015, Kobe, Japan; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The University of Electro-Communications/Mikasa Corporation/Prototype Inc., Keio-NUS CUTE Center, The University of Tokyo/Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Jiangnan University VRCAI, October 30 – November 1, 2015, Kobe, Japan; Phillip Hill covers a paper from Communication University of China/Bournemouth University/Changzhou University/Zhejiang University Multimedia Conference, October 26-30, 2015, Brisbane, Australia; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Nanyang Technological University, Umm Al-Qura University/University of Grenoble Alpes/Universiti Sains Malaysia, and University of Ottawa/Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Plastic Electronics Conference, October 6-8, 2015, Dresden, Germany; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Robert Bosch GmbH Mobile HCI, August 24-27, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Calgary/University College London/University of Copenhagen, University of Munich (LMU)/University of California, Fraunhofer IGD/NUS-HCI Lab/Yale-NUS College, National Taiwan University, and Colorado State University SIGGRAPH, August 9-13, 2015, Los Angeles, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Toshiba Corporation, Ritsumeikan University, University of Siena/Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, and Keio University/Tokyo National College of Technology Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, June 23-26, Duisburg, Germany; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Mons, Joseph Fourier University, and University of Munich (LMU) SID International Symposium, June 2-5, 2015, San Jose, California; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Carnegie Mellon University/Sun Yat-Sen University, Shanghai Tianma Microelectronics, LG Display, and Canatu/Lite-On Technology Corporation The evolution of touch screen cover glass by Shaun Detmer Last Word: More players getting into emerging haptics by James Hayward Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 87
December 22, 2015 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: A stroke of luck…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: TU/e, Kurv, Tobii, Sencha, University at Albany, InvenSense, Rossignol/PIQ, TuringSense, Silicon Labs, USAF, Scriptel, nOb Control, University of Auckland, HandScape, MUV Interactive, Goodix, ON Semiconductor, Quanergy, ViewSonic, Precise Biometrics, Penn State,C3Nano, Osram, and Heraeus/ITRI Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 9-13, 2015, Seattle, Washington; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Technische Universität Dresden/Microsoft Corporation, Harvard University/Carnegie Mellon University, and University of British Columbia User Interface Software and Technology, November 8-11, 2015, Charlotte, North Carolina; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from TU Berlin/Aarhus University, Hasselt University, Hasso Plattner Institute, and Technische Universitat Dresden Multimedia Conference, October 26-30, 2015, Brisbane, Australia; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology/JM Network/Desmond Leung Media Arts, and University of Calgary Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, September 7-11, 2015, Osaka, Japan; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Hannover, The University of Sydney, and TU Berlin/Max Planck Institute for Informatics/Aarhus University Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices, August 24-27, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Munich (LMU)/DFKI GmbH, Synaptics Inc., University of Munster, Autodesk Research/Carnegie Mellon University, National Taiwan University, and Nokia Technologies/Tampere University of Technology SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, August 9-13, 2015, Los Angeles, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The University of Tokyo/Keio University, National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica, Disney Research/Carnegie Mellon University, and Tokyo Institute of Technology SID International Symposium, June 2-5, 2015, San Jose, California; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Sharp Laboratories of Europe/Sharp Corporation, LG Display, NLT Technologies, and Japan Display Inc. LOPE Conference for the Printed Electronics Industry, March 3-5, 2015, Munich, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Continental, MMC Ryotec Corporation, and PolyIC GmbH FlexTech Alliance Conference, February 23-26, 2015, Monterey, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Touch Display Research, Chung-Ang University, and Innova Dynamics Inc. Wearables are giant siphons by Andy Marken Innovative sensors make wearables truly unique by James Hayward Qualcomm shows off real-time facial animation by Kathleen Maher Microsoft developing “Smart Ring” technology by Arthur Berman Big ass touch screen by Tony Uhrick A better iPad Pro and Apple Pencil user experience by Jin Kim Last Word: The giving pen by Rick Seger Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 86
November 22, 2015 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Polluted…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Novati Technologies, Florida Atlantic University, Promethean/Light Blue Optics, Langevin Institute, ams, Tobii, Immersion, Stanford University, Visa, RIKEN, Carnegie Mellon, Apotact Labs, Scriptel, Toshiba, TZM Creative Lab, Dialog Semiconductor/Bosch Sensortec, CSIRO, New Vision Display, Heptagon, Parade Technologies, Anoto Group/Livescribe, TouchNetix, Atmel, STMicroelectronics, Markets and Market, Microchip, NEXT Biometrics, Lenovo, Opera Mediaworks/Immersion, Xandem Home, InvenSense, Titan Reality, Honest Sensor, Misfit, Polar, mCube, Boogie Board, Immersion/Acer, Reach Technology, and Synaptics Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, September 7-11, 2015, Osaka, Japan; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Carnegie Mellon University/Lucas Physical Therapy & Fitness, University of Virginia, Rutgers University, and Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT and University of Helsinki/Bell Laboratories/Aalto University and University of Helsinki Automotive User Interfaces, September 1-3, 2015, Nottingham, England; Phillip Hill covers papers from General Motors R&D Advanced Technical Center, Takata AG/TK Holdings Inc., University of Salzburg, University of Cambridge/Jaguar Land Rover, and University of Salzburg/Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices, August 24-27, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Northwestern University/Cornell University, University of Manitoba/Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, National University of Singapore/Carnegie Mellon University/Yahoo Labs, and University of Bremen/Hasselt University/University of Minnesota SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, August 9-13, 2015, Los Angeles, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Carnegie Mellon University/Disney Research, The University of Tokyo, University of Tsukuba, and Keio University/National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) SID International Symposium, June 2-5, 2015, San Jose, California; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Japan Display Inc., Immersion Corporation, General Interface Solution Ltd., and Thales Avionics Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, January 15-19, 2015, Stanford, California; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Eindhoven University of Technology, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/Native Instruments GmbH, Texas A&M University, Simon Fraser University, Aarhus University/Aarhus School of Architecture Tap into the world around you…by Andy Marken The beginning of the self-cleaning materials market by Lawrence Gasman Building a better mouse for creatives by Kathleen Maher Projected capacitive touch screen technology and shrinking borders by Shaun Detmer Android devices with force touch on the way by Phillip Wright The impact of lower Indium prices on the TCF market by John Fenn Who will survive the brutal consolidation in the TCF industry? by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Last Word: Is a stylus the next big thing? by Tony Uhrick Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 85
September 30, 2015 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Different strokes…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Tractica, Azoteq, Generic Highly-Organic Shape-Changing Interfaces, Immersion/Fujitsu, IDTechEx Research, FITLIGHT, ITRI, Hoope, Cima NanoTech, IHS, Sensel, MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, Microsoft, NIST, Orée, Touchjet, Molex, Technavio, Osram Opto Semiconductors, NextInput, MarketsandMarkets, Rémy Martin/Selinko, iWallet/NEXT Biometrics, HandScape, Dartmouth College, Ultrahaptics/Jaguar Land Rover, FocusMotion, Huawei, Christie, InvenSense, BeSpoon, Peratech, Graava, Panasonic, University of Toronto, n-tech Research, MyScript, Allen Band, DARPA, Stoptix, and Hillcrest Labs SID Touch Market Focus Conference, June 3, 2015, San Jose, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Synaptics, Sentons Inc, and Japan Display Inc. SID International Symposium, June 2-5, 2015, San Jose, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co./Advanced Film Device Inc., Suzhou Institute of Nanotech/Nanchang O-film Display Technology Co., and AU Optronics Technology Center Printed Electronics Europe, April 28-29, 2015, Berlin, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Canatu, R&D CORE Limited, and Synaptics Augmented Human International Conference, March 9-11, 2015, Singapore; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from MIT Media Lab/Singapore University of Technology and Design/Zhejiang University, Singapore University of Technology and Design/MIT Media Lab, Tokyo National College of Technology/Keio University, and Future University Hakodate Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, January 15-19, 2015, Stanford, California; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Michigan, Indiana University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Carleton University, Wellesley College, and Sapienza University of Rome/Jomo Kenyatta University, (JKUAT) Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 16-19, 2014, Dresden, Germany; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Regensburg, University of Wuerzburg, Technische Universitat Dresden, Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Sungkyungkwan University, and University of Munich (LMU) Tap into the world around you with wearables by Andy Marken Emerging haptics find their niches by James Hayward Graphene market on the cusp of growth by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Wearable technology: a materials goldmine by Peter Harrop What we’re seeing in CNT transparent conductors by Lawrence Gasman Optical Bonding by Gary Barrett iPhone: 2007 – 2014 by Jin Kim Last Word: Look, don't touch - gaze saves time by Bob Raikes Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 84
August 16, 2015 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Challenges emerge from sensor fusion…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: LeTV/Immersion, Ultrahaptics, Tractica, Gute Werbung, Redux Labs, Project Jacquard, Sonder, KiBoJet, Cypress Semiconductor, Digital Nature Group, University of California Davis/Berkeley, Neo Smartpen, Ōura, Peratech, Universitat Politècnica de València/University of Stuttgart, Immersion, Moky, Atheer, Synaptics, 3M, Fairchild, mCube, Atmel, Fove, penveu, Logitech, Tianma NLT America, Freescale Semiconductor, Novelda, ResisTrack, University of Surrey, Immersion/NEXON, and Samsung SID Investors Conference, June 2, 2015, San Jose, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Tactus Technology, and Immersion Corporation Augmented Human International Conference, March 9-11, 2015, Singapore; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Southern Denmark, Samsung Research America, Queen’s University, and Ritsumeikan University Electronic Displays Conference, February 25-26, 2015, Nuremberg, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from SCHOTT AG, Hochschule Heilbronn, and TouchNetix Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, February 8-12, 2015, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Yuan-Ze University/Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan, and University of Electro-Communications/Hitachi Ltd. Video Surveillance and Transportation Imaging, February 8-12, 2015, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Dayton, and Center for Engineering and Industrial Development/Autonomous University of Queretaro Visualization and Data Analysis, February 8-12, 2015, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from University of Kaiserslautern/Linnaeus University Algorithms and Systems, February 8-12, 2015, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Sharp Laboratories of America Real-Time Image and Video Processing, February 8-12, 2015, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Complutense University of Madrid/La Laguna University Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics, February 8-12, 2015, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Normandie Université Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, January 15-19, 2015, Stanford, California; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Ryerson University, Wellesley College/Agilent Technologies, Georgia Institute of Technology/Ryerson University, Stanford University, Cork Institute of Technology, National University of Singapore, and Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design SIGGRAPH Asia, December 3-6, 2014, Shenzhen, China; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology/Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), University of Bristol, and Texas A&M University/Georgia Institute of Technology Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 16-19, 2014, Dresden, Germany; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from TU Dresden/Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI, ETH Zurich/TU Darmstadt/Johannes Kepler-University, Waseda University, EPFL/Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Nuremberg Institute of Technology, University for Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe, and fortiss GmbH/Augsburg University International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 12-16, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Salzburg, University of Twente, Koç University, and University of Glasgow/Nokia Technologies Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 11-13, 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Aalborg University, The University of Tokyo, University of California, Université Paris Sud, and Qatar University International Conference on Multimedia, November 3-7, 2014, Orlando, Florida; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from KDDI R&D Laboratories, University of Sheffield, and University of Tokyo/National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology User Interface and Technology Symposium, October 5-8, 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Carnegie Mellon University, University of Washington, Meiji University, Microsoft Research/University of Manitoba/Cornell University, Autodesk Research/Carnegie Mellon University, and The University of Tokyo Human-Computer Interaction, September 23-26, 2014, Toronto, Ontario; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from OCAD University, University of Stuttgart/Technical University Berlin/Leibnitz University Hannover, Carleton University, University of Strathclyde, and UMBC Pebbles Interfaces acquired by Oculus by Arthur Berman Last Word: Cool Leaf: Capacitive Mirror Keyboard by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 83
June 23, 2015 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: 114.82…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: UniPixel/Atmel, Kodak, Feelreal, Jaguar Land Rover, IBM, IHS, Tractica, Intel, SMK, ams, Sensoria, Samsung/UT Austin, Oberthur Technologies, DMC, Lenovo, Toshiba, Canatu, Immersion, NEXT Biometrics Group, Next Galaxy, Vuzix, Apple, Associated Press, Measurement Specialties, APAC, Disney Research, Tianma Microelectronics, Turkcell, Nissha/C3nano, MIT Media Lab, Quantum Materials, MIT Fluid Interfaces Group, Immersion/Ubisoft, Samsung, Rice University, Renesas Electronics, University of Tokyo, University of Sussex, and SnowShoe CSCW, March 14-18, 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia; Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Saskatchewan, and University of Wisconsin-Madison Augmented Human International Conference, March 9-11, 2015, Singapore; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Stuttgart/Technical University Berlin, Waseda University, Singapore University of Technology & Design/Keio University/KAIST, and National University of Singapore Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, February 27 - March 1, 2015, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Arizona State University Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, January 15-19, 2015, Stanford, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Exploratorium/UC Davis, University of Bristol, Texas A&M University, Aalto University, Universidade de Lisboa, and University of Salzburg SIGGRAPH Asia, December 3-6, 2014, Shenzhen, China; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The City University of Hong Kong, Gunma National College of Technology/Tokyo Institute of Technology/Ritsumeikan University, Kanazawa University/Hokkaido University/Future University Hakodate, and Federal Fluminense University Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 16-19, 2014, Dresden, Germany; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Technical University of Munich/Kobe University, University of Waterloo/Université Paris 8/Télécom Bretagne/University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, York St John University/University of Nottingham/Universidade do Minho, University of Waterloo, UAS Upper Austria, IT University of Copenhagen, Vienna University of Technology, Aarhus University, and RWTH Aachen University/Buskerud and Vestfold University College Plastic Electronics, October 7-9, 2014, Grenoble, France; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Valeo User Interface and Technology Symposium, October 5-8, 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Carnegie Mellon University, Autodesk Research/INRIA, MIT Media Lab, Microsoft Research/Cornell University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Lancaster University Human-Computer Interaction, September 23-26, 2014, Toronto, Ontario; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Washington/FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society/TU Berlin/Telecom ParisTech, Nokia Research Center, University of Glasgow, Aalborg University, and Lancaster University/University of Kent Ubicomp, September 13-17, 2014, Seattle, Washington; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Washington/Intel Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison/Microsoft Research, Lancaster University/Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society/Max Planck Institute for Informatics, and University of Washington/Samsung Information System America Converging technology will help humans move aside by Andy Marken Three key markets for smart surfaces by Lawrence Gasman ITO alternative leaders will emerge despite consolidation by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Last Word: Touch touch, write write, draw draw by Jon Peddie Calendar of Events |
Issue 82
May 9, 2015 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Fantastic haptic…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Xplore/Motion Computing, Universal Stylus Initiative, Atheer, Northwestern University, Cambrios/Heraeus, Logos Technologies, Garmin, CyberGlove Systems, Immersion, Elliptic Labs, Samsung Electronics, Glovys, Canatu, ABI Research, Ray Enterprises, ZRRO, Immersion/LeTV, InvenSense, Vishay Intertechnology, Microsoft, FlatFrog, Asure Software, Carestream Health, Rambus, Cima NanoTech, ZTE, BASF, Equil Smartmarker, Realm System, Saarland University, University of Pennsylvania, University of California San Diego, Hiroshima University, Konica Minolta, Relish Guitars, Measurement Specialties, Eye Tribe, Rocketbook, MultiTaction, Powa Technologies/Merchant e-Solutions, Leap Motion, NUITEQ, Rice University, Lumo Play, Colortrac, Intel, Google, SMI/Red Bull, Peratech, TAU, DuoPad, Soundbrenner Pulse, Penveu, NeoLAB Convergence, Ideum, City University of New York, University of Alabama, piezosystem jena, Zoosk, and Yole Développement Intelligent User Interfaces, March 29 - April 1, 2015, Atlanta, Georgia; Phillip Hill covers papers from Georgia Institute of Technology, and University of Central Florida User Interface and Technology Symposium, October 5-8, 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Stanford University/Google Research, ETH Zurich/Microsoft Research, Tactual Labs/University of Toronto, and National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica Human-Computer Interaction, September 23-26, 2014, Toronto, Ontario; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Goldsmiths College, University of Hannover, University of Oldenburg/University of Stuttgart/OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, Aalborg University, and Portland State University/Fuzhou University Ubicomp, September 13-17, 2014, Seattle, Washington; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Carnegie Mellon University/Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, CICESE, Fraunhofer IGD/University of Regensburg/Technische Universität Darmstadt, and Nanjing University/RMIT University 3DSA, May 28-30, 2014, Seoul, South Korea; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Korea Electronics Technology Institute, National Chiao Tung University, Hanyang University/Pukyong National University, Samsung Electronics/Hanyang University, and Tokyo Institute of Technology Advanced Visual Interfaces, May 27-30, 2014, Como, Italy; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Politecnico di Milano, Université Paris-Sud, National University of Singapore, Purdue University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/KU Leuven/Future Urban Mobility Group SMART, Technische Universität Dresden/queo GmbH, and Google Research/University of British Columbia Don’t let your touchscreen degrade your image by Ola Wassvik and Marcelo Soto-Thompson Three key markets for smart surfaces by Lawrence Gasman IKEA envisions future display applications by Arthur Berman Last Word: Apple enters the era of genuine haptic touch by Peter Kurstjens Calendar of Events |
Issue 81
March 24, 2015 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Staying awake…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: ProjectPOLE, Keysight Technologies, Tactonics, Tractica, Xsens, BenQ, Phorm, Stanford, ABI Research, DARPA/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, North Carolina State University, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Tobii Dynavox, Ideum, Immersion, Orange, Georgia Institute of Technology, Altra, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, XENON, Jaasta, and NYU SIGGRAPH Asia, December 3-6, 2014, Shenzhen, China; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Canterbury, KAIST, Osaka University/Kyoto University, and Ritsumeikan University/Shiga University of Medical Science VRCAI, November 39 – December 2, 2014, Shenzhen, China; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Kyushu Institute of Technology (x2), KAIST/KUSTAR, Computer Research Institute of Montreal, and Rhodes College/Pomona College Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 16-19, 2014, Dresden, Germany; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Waterloo, University of Konstanz/University College London, Queen’s University/Royal Military College of Canada/University of Saskatchewan, and ETH Zurich Touch Gesture Motion Conference, October 28-30, 2014, Austin, Texas; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from PQ Labs, Anoto, and Intel SID Symposium on Vehicle Displays and Interfaces, October 23-24, 2014, Dearborn, Michigan; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Touch Display Research, and Immersion User Interface and Technology Symposium, October 5-8, 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from MIT CSAIL/KAIST/Harvard SEAS, Microsoft Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and University of Toronto Human-Computer Interaction, September 23-26, 2014, Toronto, Ontario; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Glasgow, University of Stuttgart, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, and Carnegie Mellon University SIGGRAPH, August 10-14, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Utsunomiya University, Texas A&M University, and University of Siena/Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia SID Display Week, June 1-6, 2014, San Diego, California; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Houston, Shanghai Jiao Tong University/National Chiao Tung University, Esterline Control and Communication Systems/Western Kentucky University, and Tokai University Advanced Visual Interfaces, May 27-30, 2014, Como, Italy; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Indiana University, Université Paris-Sud/INRIA, Purdue University, and Technische Universität Dresden/MID GmbH LOPE Conference for the Printed Electronics Industry, May 26-28, 2014, Munich, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from ISORG, Synaptics, Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH, and Carestream Advanced Materials Eye Tracking Research & Applications, March 26-28, 2014, Safety Harbor, Florida; Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Tampere, Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics/Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and University of Cambridge/Max Planck Institute for Informatics Augmented Human International Conference, March 7-9, 2014, Kobe, Japan; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from The University of Tokyo, Leibniz University Hannover/University of Stuttgart/University of Munich, Kobe University/Japan Science and Technology Agency, and Kobe University Wearable tech will change lots of things but you by Andy Marken Wearable sensors: the $4.5bn keystone by James Hayward Disruptive InGlass touchscreen technology for interactive digital signage by Nate Moyal Last Word: Means to integrate a touch ID sensor into a touchscreen display by Arthur Berman Calendar of Events |
Issue 80
January 22, 2015 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Humans 2.0…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Heraeus, Continental, penveu, Cambridge Consultants, Tobii, UNIST, TRX Systems, Planar, Catholic University of America, Renesas, University of Bristol, Toshiba, Glagla, Cicret, Freescale, Samsung, Razer, Misfit Wearables/Xiaomi, Murata/Elliptic Labs, University of Bristol, TechNavio, Swiftpoint, SensoMotoric Instruments, Juniper Research, Microsoft, XSensr, Cima NanoTech, Cambrios/CN Innovations, Cambrios/LG Electronics, SMK Electronics, The Eye Tribe, AllGo Systems, Yale Locks, WayTools, ON Semiconductor, Atheer, InvenSense, Porter and Davies, Augumenta, Keysight Technologies, Epson, University of Pittsburgh, Hanvon Pentech, and Diamond Kinetics Interactive Entertainment, December 2-3, 2014, Newcastle, Australia; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Auckland University of Technology, and McMaster University/York University International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 12-16, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Seikei University/Osaka Prefecture University/Ritsumeikan University/Tokyo Institute of Technology, Microsoft Research, University of Strathclyde/Glasgow Caledonian University, and Microsoft Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 11-13, 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Münster, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, City University of Hong Kong/Northumbria University, and University of Hamburg International Conference on Multimedia, November 3-7, 2014, Orlando, Florida; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Nanyang Technological University, Sarah Linebaugh, Umm Al-Qura University/Maternity and Children Hospital Mecca/University of Ottawa, and University of Texas at Dallas/University of New Mexico Touch Gesture Motion Conference, October 28-30, 2014, Austin, Texas; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Circuitous Printing Advisors, Canatu, Synaptics, and TouchNetix SIGGRAPH, August 10-14, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kansai University, Ritsumeikan University, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, and National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica/UEI Research SID Display Week, June 1-6, 2014, San Diego, California; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The University of Tokushima/Utsunomiya University, Thales Avionics, Kyushu University, and National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)/ITRI Augmented Human International Conference, March 7-9, 2014, Kobe, Japan; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Keio University, DFKI Kaiserslautern/Osaka Prefecture University/Stuttgart University, Osaka Prefecture University/University of Kaiserslautern/Max Planck Institute, Japan Women’s University/Saitama University, and Korea University 3D Image Processing, Measurement and Applications, February 5, 2014, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation at this SPIE event from IMEC-Taiwan Video Surveillance and Transportation Imaging, February 4-6, 2014, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations at this SPIE conference from University of Sussex, University of Dayton/Central State University/Air Force Institute of Technology, Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics/Leibniz Universität Hannover, Florida Atlantic University, Fraunhofer IOSB, Technische Universität München/Heusch/Boesefeldt GmbH/TRANSVER GmbH, Center for Engineering and Industrial Development/Autonomous University of Querétaro/CIDETEQ, and University of Miyazaki/Osaka City University Visualization and Data Analysis, February 3-5, 2014, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations at this SPIE conference from University of Konstanz, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and University of Konstanz Other TCF materials by John Fenn Last Word: Touch panels just keep getting better by Arthur Berman Calendar of Events |
Issue 79
December 9, 2014 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Sapphire…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Tough Graphics/IDeA Center, SensoMotoric Instruments, Onecue, Flic, UniDisplay/Cambrios, TowerJazz/Physical Logic, Elo Touch Solutions, NavVis, Dongbu HiTe, ABI Research, Augumenta, Canatu, Affectiva, BSXinsight, Hiroshima University, Silicon Labs, Exvision, Innolux Corp/Chunghwa Picture Tubes/General Interface Solution/ Hon Hai Precision Industry, ETH Zurich, Brewer Science, Case Western Reserve University, Microsoft, Sesame, Sharp, Rohm/Kobe University, STMicroelectronics, Heraeus/ITRI, Osram Opto Semiconductors, Rolith/Protemics, Panasonic, Semiconductor Energy Laboratory, Bionym, HP, Konica Minolta, HaptoMime, MTI, Murata Manufacturing, Jawbone, TDK, DisplaySearch, Amazon, Blast Motion, Microchip Technology, InvenSense, Pioneer Electronics, Elliptic Labs, EyeSeeMed/Tobii, ams, VendScreen, GYMWATCH, Dialog Semiconductor, ATEK Access Technologies, Microchip Technology, SMK, Nissan Chemical Industries, HID Global/ RFI, Rushmoor Borough Council/Smartmatic, CloudOn, USC School of Cinematic Arts/OptiTrack, mCube, Hillcrest Labs, Insight Media, Touch International, Touch Display Research, Zytronic, ID TECH, Mujjo, and Molecular Imprints International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 12-16, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Genoa, National Taiwan University, POSTECH, and University of Twente/University of Utrecht International Conference on Multimedia, November 3-7, 2014, Orlando, Florida; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Michigan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University/University of Central Florida, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China/The University of Queensland/Tencent Group, and Columbia University/Stanford University Touch Gesture Motion Conference, October 28-30, 2014, Austin, Texas; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Quantum Interface, SMART Technologies, Tangible Haptics, and IHS International Symposium on Wearable Computers, September 13-17, 2014, Seattle, Washington; Phillip Hill covers papers from Toshiba Corporation, Intel Labs/George Mason University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and NTT Docomo SIGGRAPH, August 10-14, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich/Georgia Tech Lorraine, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, and Framestore SID Display Week, June 1-6, 2014, San Diego, California; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University/National Chiao Tung University, Elo Touch Solutions Inc., and Neonode Augmented Human International Conference, March 7-9, 2014, Kobe, Japan; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Keio University/Singapore University of Technology and Design/Toyota InfoTechnology Center, Kobe University, Utsunomiya University, and Waseda University/H2L Inc. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, February 3-6, 2014, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations at this SPIE event from Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia/University of Trieste/University of Trento/Brown University, and Rochester Institute of Technology/University of Rochester Update on Metal Mesh Touch Technology by John Fenn Last Word: iPhone – 2007-2014 by Jin Kim Calendar of Events |
Issue 78
November 3, 2014 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The Theremin…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: ACS Nano, Mota, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Microsoft, Nike, Sony, Ralph Lauren, Moleskine, Oval Digital, Jabra, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Acer, Lenovo, BAE Systems, Kodisoft, LG, Jolt Sensor, Estimote, Senseg, Vivosmart, Neonode/Magneti Marelli, Wembley Stadium, Darma, Dartmouth College, Dualo Company, Logic PD, Monash University, IHS, QuickLogic Corporation, Renasas Electronics, Florida State University, Silicon Designs, University of California San Diego, Hillcrest Labs, Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme, Microsoft/Perceptive Pixel, Roomie Remote, Fujitsu, Immersion, Novasentis/HumanWare, IDC, NEC Displays, Morpho, Immersion/LG, Immersion/Samsung Printing Solutions, Insight Media, Silicon Labs, C Spire/Blast Motion, Miraisens, Leap Motion, University of Washington, mCube, GT Advanced Technologies, Harvard, SmartMat, Bosch Sensortec, Crystal Display Systems, CogniVue, Movidius, Robocoin/Fujitsu, Eyevis, Crestron, Konica Minolta/NineSigma, Ideum, University of Chicago, Nada Yada, Heraeus/ITRI, Leia Display, Rithmio, University of Leicester, Plastc, Cross Match, Cambrios, Siemens/TouchNetix, Ambi Climate, and Elliptic Labs DIS, June 21-25, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia; Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Munich (LMU), KAIST, and Max Planck Institute for Informatics & Saarland University/Aalto University Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, June 17-20, 2014, Rome, Italy; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Public Research Center Henri Tudor, and University of Regensburg SID Display Week, June 1-6, 2014, San Diego, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Semiconductor Energy Laboratory/Advanced Film Device Inc./Nokia Research Center/Nokia Smart Devices/Nokia Advanced Engineering, Rolith Inc., Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), and Canatu Oy/Intel Corporation Korea Display Conference, April 23-24, 2014, Seoul, South Korea; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Intel Corporation Printed Electronics Europe, April 1-2, 2014, Berlin, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Cambrios, and Suzhou Institute of Nanotech Graphene Live, April 1-2, 2014, Berlin, Germany; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Canatu Oy Electronic Displays Conference, February 26-27, 2014, Nuremberg, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from New Vision Display Inc, Smart In Ovation GmbH, and Meko Ltd Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 16-19, 2014, Munich, Germany; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Georgia Institute of Technology/GE Global Research & Software Center of Excellence, The University of Nottingham, University of Applied Sciences, Fachhochschule Düsseldorf, and University of Stuttgart/Sheffield Hallam University Gesture detection with SpeckleSense by Arthur Berman Haptics Role in Mobile Devices Endures by Phillip Wright Last Word: Where is the touch panel industry headed? by John Fenn Calendar of Events |
Issue 77
September 17, 2014 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: TGM Austin 2014…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Chrono Therapeutics, Thalmic Labs, ID TECH, University of Cincinnati, Scribble, Ideum, TouchPico, Fove, MIT/Microsoft Research/Adobe Research, Google, Scriptel Corporation, MIT, LinnStrument, KAIST, University of California Berkeley, Honeywell, Phonotonic SensiumVitals, NTT, University of Akron, IDTechEx, Cima NanoTech/Amdolla Group, Gifu University, Butterfleye, DisplaySearch, Penveu, University of Illinois at Chicago/Korea University, Tobii, Dimple, Tianma NLT America, Syrmo, UpRight, Bare Conductive, Future-Shape, SensoMotoric Instruments, OMsignal, Elliptic Labs, Kohler, Fujitsu, Zytronic, SABIC/Cima NanoTech SIGGRAPH, August 10-14, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Vienna University of Technology, National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica/UEI Research, Keio University/Nagoya Institute of Technology/The University of Tokyo, and The University of Tokyo Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 16-19, 2014, Munich, Germany; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, ETH Zurich, University of Bamberg, Aalto University/University of Helsinki, and The Royal Institute of Technology KTH CSCW, February 15-19, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland; Phillip Hill covers a paper from University of Saskatchewan Flexible & Printed Electronics Conference & Exhibition, February 3-6, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona; Phillip Hill covers presentations from nLight, and Applied Materials Web Coating GmbH International Display Workshops, December 4-6, 2013, Sapporo, Japan; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd./Mitsui Chemicals Inc./Kansai University, Hokkaido University/University of Tokyo, Osaka University, and Kyushu University Printed Electronics USA, November 20-21, 2013, Santa Clara, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Tactonic Technologies, Toyobo, and Rolith Inc. SIGGRAPH Asia, November 19-22, 2013, Hong Kong, China; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology/Umea University, Soka University/Carnegie Mellon University, University of Canterbury, The City University of Hong Kong, and CSIRO/The Australian National University IHS Interactive Technology Summit, October 22-25, 2013, San Jose, California; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Ocular, Anoto, Uni-Pixel Displays, PolyIC GmbH, Heraeus, and Thales Visionix User Interface Software and Technology, October 8-11, 2013, St Andrews, Scotland; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from The University of Tokyo, Keio University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Academia Sinica/National Taiwan University, University of Nevada, The University of Tokyo, and University of Bristol Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, October 6-9, 2013, St Andrews, Scotland; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Salzburg/University College London, Aalto University, National Institute of Design, and University of Calgary/University of St Andrews ITO replacements: time to take-off or fizzle out by Raghu Das Other transparent conductive thin film candidates for use in touch panels by John Fenn Jaguar bringing augmented reality to driving by Randall S. Newton Last Word: Touch+ provides interesting gesture control capability by Arthur Berman Calendar of Events |
Issue 76
August 11, 2014 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Eyetracking one’s political views…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Google/Novartis, Brown University, University of Washington, Georgia Institute of Technology, Xsens/NASA, Witherings, University of Cincinnati, Corning/Polytechnique Montreal, Metaio, Splendiferous Press, Canatu/VIA Optronics, University of Adelaide, Luidia/Equil, Volksbank eG Schwarzwald Baar Hegau/NCR, Scriptel, Rutgers, LumiStream, Touch Bionics, Tobii Technology, OwnFone, Overwolf/SteelSeries/Tobii, OptiTrack, IHS, Tekscan, DisplaySearch, University of Illinois, and Mälardalen University Touch Gesture Motion Market Focus Conference, June 4, 2014, San Diego, California; Phillip Hill summarizes presentations from ISORG, Meko, Princeton University, Qualcomm Technologies, Intel, 3M Touch Systems, Emotient, Sensor Platforms, nLIGHT, Microsoft, and Ocular Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 16-19, 2014, Munich, Germany; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from KAIST, RMIT University/University of Sydney/Eindhoven University of Technology/University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, and National University of Singapore International Workshop on Smart Material Interfaces, December 13, 2013, Sydney, Australia; Phillip Hill covers a paper from Australian National University/CSIRO SIGGRAPH Asia, November 19-22, 2013, Hong Kong, China; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from SIAT/Umeå University, University of Canterbury/Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Technical University of Denmark, and Ritsumeikan University Virtual Reality Continuum, November 17-19, 2013, Hong Kong, China; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Korea University, UNSW/CSIRO, and ETRI/Chung-Ang University IHS Interactive Technology Summit, October 22-25, 2013, San Jose, California; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Cypress Semiconductor, Redux, ViviTouch, and Baanto Multimedia, October 21-25, 2013, Barcelona, Spain; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from National Taiwan University (x2), IRCAM-CNRS-UPMC, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra User Interface Software and Technology, October 8-11, 2013, St Andrews, Scotland; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from KAIST (x3), Cornell University/Microsoft Research, Georgia Institute of Technology, and University of Munster Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, October 6-9, 2013, St Andrews, Scotland; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from UAS Upper Austria/LIFEtool gemeinnutzige GmbH/UAS for Health Professions, Texas A&M University, RWTH Aachen University/Osaka University/Vestfold University College, Ritsumeikan University, University of California, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Tsukuba/Gunma National College of Technology, and Zhejiang University Mobile HCI, August 27-30, 2013, Munich, Germany; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from KAIST/Sungkyunkwan University, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., Nokia Technology Institute/PUC-Rio, Microsoft Research/York University, University of Amsterdam, and OFFIS Institute for Information Technology/University of Oldenburg A glass surface texture that is anti-reflective, anti-glare and water repellent by Art Berman Updating perspectives on alternative transparent conductors by Lawrence Gasman An update on the use of transparent conductive films in touch panels by John Fenn What is the best touch technology for a 4K Display? by Tony Uhrick Last Word: Wearables, Fashion and iWatch by Jin Kim Calendar of Events |
Issue 75
May 31, 2014 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: TGM 2014…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: IHS, SMI, Georgia Institute of Technology, Tactus/Wistron, Tobii/Ergoneers, Gymwatch, Wilson, Microchip Technology, AUTEC GmbH, 3M, HP, NanoMarkets, Garmin, Ocular, Canatu, Zytronic, Unedged, Bosch/Hillcrest, NXP Semiconductors/Senseg, Immersion, Nod Labs, Ultrahaptics, N-trig, Atmel, Displax, Aquifi, Tobii, University of Illinois, Light Blue Optics/Promethean, Schlage, Samsung, Pixel Press, FaceFirst, University of California Riverside, Smart Composite Human-Computer Interfaces, UC Berkeley, GeneralTouch, Clemson, Hillcrest Labs, Sensor Platforms/ARM, MIT, NUITEQ, Bosch Sensortec, ViewSonic, and Display Solution International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, February 24-27, 2014, Haifa, Israel; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Beijing Key Lab of Human-Computer Interaction/State Key Laboratory of Computer Science/Guodian Finance Co. Ltd., Aalto University/University of Munich (LMU)/Saarland University, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, University of Chile/Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul/Harvard Medical School, and Yonsei University Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 16-19, 2014, Munich, Germany; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Technical University of Munich (TUM)/ University of Munich (LMU), Polytechnic Institute of New York University, University of Munich (LMU)/Université Lyon, and Université de Mons/Institut Supérieur Universitaire de Bruxelles (ISIB)/Université Paris-Sud/Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis (UVHC) International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, December 9-12, 2013, Sydney, Australia; Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Glasgow/Hewlett-Packard Labs India, University of Pittsburgh, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences/University of Twente International Display Workshop, December 4-6, 2013, Sapporo, Japan; Phillip Hill covers papers from Sharp Corporation, NLT Technologies, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, AU Optronics Corporation, and Sharp Corporation/Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co. Ltd./Advanced Film Device Inc. C-Touch, November 25-27, 2013, Shenzhen, China; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Merck KGaA, and SCHOTT AG IHS Interactive Technology Summit, October 22-25, 2013, San Jose, California; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Synaptics, Cima NanoTech, N-trig, and Touch International ASSETS, October 21-23, 2013, Bellevue, Washington; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers the ACCESS International Conference on Computers and Accessibility with presentations from University of Bremen/University of Saskatchewan, Sophia University, University of Pau/Antonine University/Lebanese American University, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), and Montana Tech/University of St Andrews User Interface Software and Technology, October 8-11, 2013, St Andrews, Scotland; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Canterbury, KAIST/Yeonsei University/MIT, Edinburgh Napier University/Pyreos Ltd., INRIA/Université Paris-Sud/INRIA Chile (CIRIC), University of Dundee/Technical University of Lisbon/University of Lisbon, and University of Washington Plastic Electronics Conference, October 8-10, 2013, Dresden, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from ISORG, and Arolltec Co. Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, October 6-9, 2013, St Andrews, Scotland; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Waterloo/University of Saskatchewan, University Paris-Sud/Inria/Disney Research, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, and SAP AG/Technische Universität Darmstadt EuroDisplay, September 16-19, 2013, London, England; Phillip Hill covers papers from Industrial Technology Research Institute, The University of Akron/Sun Moon University, Corning Incorporated/Indian Institute of Technology Madras/Andhra University, and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation SIGGRAPH, July 21-25, 2013, Anaheim, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Keio University, The University of Tokyo, Simon Fraser University, and Kanagawa Institute of Technology Last Word: Healthy notifications by Jin Kin Calendar of Events |
Issue 74
April 17, 2014 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Getting emotional…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Tactus/Ryoyo, Moshi, Murata, Intel, Diamond Fortress Technologies, Light Blue Optics/Promethean, Bar-Ilan University, Nanotips, nLIGHT, IHS, Stanford University, American Industrial Systems, Cambrios Technologies, RP Visual Solutions, Kionix, University of California San Diego/University of Toronto, Andra, Touch International, Sony, SMK, Georgia Institute of Technology, KAIST, Andrew Clark, Contact, Tobii, Epson, Elliptic Labs, EPFL, Kohler, SeeSpace, Fraunhofer, Fujitsu Labs, Fender, Micralyne, Sunnaas Hospital, Sumitomo Electric, Logbar, Moov, Glowfaster, Ruhr University, PQ Labs, Moticon, Lechal, ST Microelectronics, OKI, Writerase, Microsoft, Washington University, Baanto, and Soap SIGGRAPH Asia, November 19-22, 2013, Hong Kong, China; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from The University of Tokyo, CSIRO/PERCRO Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, The University of Electro-Communications /University of Pennsylvania/Japan Science and Technology Agency, and Osaka University VRCAI, November 17-19, 2013, Hong Kong, China; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Politecnico di Milano/University of Bergamo, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc., and KAIST Multimedia, October 21-25, 2013, Barcelona, Spain; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Alpen-Adria-University, STMS Lab, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT)/Umeå University Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, October 6-8, 2013, Singapore; Phillip Hill covers papers from Nanyang Technological University UbiComp, September 8-12, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Washington, Post & Telecom Institute of Technology/Newcastle University/Hasselt University, University of Virginia, and University College London/The Open University Mobile HCI, August 27-30, 2013, Munich, Germany; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Microsoft Research, Nokia Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Pennsylvania State University, and National Chengchi University/National Taiwan University Emerging Materials and Processes for TCs, July 10, 2013, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Carestream Advanced Materials, Applied Materials Web Coating GmbH, and Cambrios Printed Electronics Asia, July 9-10, 2013, Tokyo, Japan; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Freescale Semiconductor, and IDTechEx CHI, April 27 – May 2, 2013, Paris, France; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Nottingham, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Saskatchewan, RWTH Aachen University, KAIST, Technische Universität Dresden, UMBC/University of Washington, Microsoft Research Asia/National Taiwan University/University of North Carolina Charlotte, KAIST, and TU Berlin/Université Lille/University of Toronto Tactonic Sensor under Flexible Displays by Gerry Seidman Conductive Inks: booming to $2.8 billion by 2024 by Khasha Ghaffarzadeh Coming soon: Adobe’s pen and ruler set by Kathleen Maher Last Word: Putting the “Touch” in multitouch by Gary Barrett Calendar of Events |
Issue 73
March 5, 2014 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Some sensors I’m not sure I’d want…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Lemur Studio Design, Universidad Politécnica, Ravijoir, Movea/Xm-Squared/TI, The Eye Tribe, Tobii/SteelSeries, PNI Sensor, HAL, YEI Technology, Displair, SeeSpace, Xandem, 3M, Dualo, Penclic, Fleksy, Tactus, iSketchnote, InvenSense, Handscape, TREWGrip, Murata/Sensor Platforms, AlphaUI, KTH, VizComm, Zytronic, Immersion, Microchip Technology, NASA, ArcSoft, Data Translation, SMK Electronics/Hillcrest Labs, SMK Electronics, BodyGuardz, STMicroelectronics, Bosch Sensortec, Kionix, Matrox/3M, Notch, Corning, Ideum, Adobe/Nokia/Samsung/aguar Land Rover/BMW, 3L Labs, Movea/Microchip, IHS, Lenovo, Cypress Semiconductor, MultiTaction, Toshiba, Berkeley, Fin, Kiwi, Displax, HID Global/Lumidigm, Skrekkøgle, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Silicon Labs, Dizmo, MCA, Umoove, Cityzen, UniDisplay/Cambrios, CyberTouch, Planar, N-trig, NEC Display, NanoMarkets, Ideum/3M, SMART Technologies, CEA-Leti, Cornell, Zytronic/Timeks/Atrek Systems, Queen Mary University, and Solid Art Labs IHS Interactive Technology Summit, October 22-25, 2013, San Jose, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Quantum Interface, RAPT, Carestream, and IDTI User Interface Software and Technology, October 8-11, 2013, St Andrews, Scotland; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Meiji University, Northwestern University, MIT CSAIL, NTT DOCOMO, MIT Media Lab, Disney Research/University of Illinois, University of Tsukuba, and National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, October 6-9, 2013, St Andrews, Scotland; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Sandia National Laboratories, Texas A&M University, University of Konstanz, ETH Zurich, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria/University of Waterloo/York University, UAS Upper Austria/UAS for Health Professions Upper Austria/LIFEtool Gemeinnutzige GmbH, and University of Electro-Communications Large-area Organic Printed Electronics Convention, June 11-13, 2013, Munich, Germany; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from TactoTek, Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH, Cima NanoTech, and Canatu SID Touch Gesture Motion Conference, May 22, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia Printed Electronics Europe, April 17-18, 2013, Berlin, Germany; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from IHS Displaybank, Qualcomm Inc., and Sensor Platforms Interview with Andreas Elschner and Ron Lubianez from Heraeus Precious Metals Interview with Zhifeng Ren from the University of Houston Interview with David Schultz from Seashell Technology Interview with Boris Kobrin from Rolith Last Word: ITO/film competitors for the touch panel materials market by John Fenn Calendar of Events |
Issue 72
January 6, 2014 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Motion blur...by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Analog Devices, Novasentis, IHS, Ninja Blocks, ABI Research, LG Electronics, Morpholio Project, MIT, PointGrab, ACES, Gladiator, Samsung Electronics, Smart Eye, LeadBolt, University of California at Berkeley and Davis, Sensible Vision, DrumPants, PointGrab/Sunplus Innovation, Elliptic Labs, EyeTech Digital Systems, and InvenSense ASSETS, October 21-23, 2013, Bellevue, Washington, In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers the ACCESS International Conference on Computers and Accessibility with presentations from The City University of New York, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center/United Cerebral Palsy of Suffolk Health Center, UMBC Information Systems/Microsoft Research/University of Washington, and University of Dundee/Technical University of Lisbon/University of Lisbon Mobile HCI, August 27-30, 2013, Munich, Germany; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Tsinghua University, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Washington/IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, University of Stuttgart/Technological University of Panama, and University of Helsinki/Saarland University SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, July 21-25, 2013, Anaheim, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Disney Research/University of Illinois, University of Tokyo, and Carnegie Mellon University/University of Madeira Spatial User Interaction, July 20-21, 2013, Los Angeles, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from ESTIA/INRIA Sophia Antipolis, Stanford University/US Department of Veterans Affairs, USC Institute for Creative Technologies, and York University Interaction Design and Children, June 24-27, 2013, New York, New York; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from York University/University of Minho, Simon Fraser University, Stanford University, and University of Minho International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, June 4-5, 2013, Mountain View, California; Phillip Hill covers papers from Keio University/University of Copenhagen/University of Oulu, and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence SID Touch Gesture Motion Conference, May 22, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Ocular LCD Inc, Fogale Nanotech, ViviTouch, and Intel SID Display Week, May 19-24, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from ClearJet Ltd, Canatu Oy, Umicore Thin Film Products AG/Umicore Thin Film Products Taiwan, Industrial Technology Research Institute/Corning, National Cheng Kung University/Cando Technology Center, Esterline Control Systems Korry, National Chiao Tung University, and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) CHI, April 27 – May 2, 2013, Paris, France; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Newcastle University/Northumbria University, Microsoft Applied Sciences Group/Harvey Mudd College, RMIT University, KAIST, Max Planck Institute for Informatics/University of Helsinki, Newcastle University/Ulm University, and Lancaster University/Max Planck Institute for Informatics Printed Electronics Europe, April 17-18, 2013, Berlin, Germany; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Cambrios, Canatu Ltd, Peratech, and Suzhou Institute of Nanotech Augmented Human International Conference, March 7-8, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Hasso Plattner Institute, The University of Electro-Communications/Japan Science and Technology Agency, and University of Electro-Communications CSCW, February 23-27, 2013, San Antonio, Texas; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Nanyang Technological University, Syracuse University, Hasso Plattner Institute, and National University of Singapore Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 10-13, 2013, Barcelona, Spain; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Georgia Institute of Technology, Technical University Berlin, Wellesley College/Agilent Technologies, and University of Madeira/Universidad de Zaragoza Interview with Sean Gray and Jonathan Josephson from Quantum Interface LG G Pad 8.3 by Jin Kim Last Word: A revolution in display and touch-screen manufacturing begins by Ken Werner Calendar of Events |
Issue 71
December 21, 2013 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The inevitability of optical in-cell touch...by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Touch International, PACO, Ototo, Rohm, TDK, Nuance Communications, ISIS, Meggitt Sensing Systems, Avnet Electronics Marketing, Purdue University, QuNeo, DoCoMo, Ocular, Touchtech/Zytronic, Cypress Semiconductor, Logitech, SED International Holdings, Mimo Monitors, Elliptic Labs, Samsung/Cypress Semiconductor, Dialog Semiconductor, Cima NanoTech/Precision Gasket, Tobii Technology, NEC Display Solutions, Microchip Technology, Nanyang Technological University, Mad Catz, Jupiter Systems, Cambrios Technologies, Mitsubishi Electric, DuPont Teijin Films, University of Bristol, Nanowerk, University of California, Elo Touch Solutions, University of Helsinki, Google, GestureTek, Apple/PrimeSense, Blue Infusion Technologies, Lumidigm, Nissan Chemical, Merit Sensor Systems, Measurement Specialties, NextGen Healthcare, Rockwell Automation/Jacobs Automation, AMO GmbH, Kodak/Xymox Technologies, Near Field Communication Forum/Bluetooth SIG, Trace Tech/Blue Spark Technologies, Pebble, CTX Virtual Technologies, Livescribe, Rhino Shield, Delta/Microsoft, Juniper Systems, NanoMarkets, Motion Computing, and CNRS/ENS Cachan CHItaly, September 16-19, 2013, Trento, Italy; Phillip Hill covers this Italian SIGCHI Chapter conference with a presentation from University of Cagliari/Queensland University of Technology UbiComp, September 8-12, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Colorado/University of Michigan, University of Stuttgart/Stuttgart Media University, Arizona State University, and Microsoft Research/University of Washington SIGGRAPH, July 21-25, 2013, Anaheim, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Tokyo Metropolitan University, Ritsumeikan University, Kumamoto University/Nagoya Institute of Technology, and the University of Tokyo SID Touch Gesture Motion Conference, May 22, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Next Input, Touch Display Research, GT Advanced Technologies, and Promethean SID Display Week, May 19-24, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Japan Display Inc., Samsung Electronics, Thales Avionics, Qualcomm MEMS Technologies Inc., Corning Incorporated, and National Tsing Hua University CHI, April 27 – May 2, 2013, Paris, France; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from KAIST, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, University of Saskatchewan/University of St Andrews, The University of Electro-Communications, KAIST, National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica, Microsoft Research Cambridge/University of Stuttgart/Microsoft Research Redmond, and Archimedes Exhibitions GmbH/Charité-Universitätsmedizin/Technische Universität Dresden CSCW, February 23-27, 2013, San Antonio, Texas; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from AT&T Research Labs/University of Calgary/Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Saskatchewan/University of St Andrews, Kindoma Inc./PURE Research/ University of Arkansas/Samsung/Mozilla Firefox/Autodesk/Sesame Workshop, and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 10-13, 2013, Barcelona, Spain; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Sungkyunkwan University/University of Madeira, Georgia Institute of Technology/Universita di Torino, Berlin University of the Arts, University of Strathclyde, University of Madeira/Universidad de Zaragoza, University of Munich LMU, and University of Technology of Compiègne Touch Gesture Motion America Conference, December 12-13, 2012, Austin, Texas; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Synaptics, Intel, and Displax Touch Technology for Military Applications, Third in a 3-part series by Gary Barrett and Bill Linzmeier Projected capacitive touch panels for outdoor and marine use by Tony Gray and Mike Harris Last Word: ITO replacement market, Attracts over 200 companies and research institutes by Jennifer Colegrove Calendar of Events |
Issue 70
October 31, 2013 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Interactive Technology Summit…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Mutewatch, NUITEQ, Hexoskin, UniBoss, Omron, TU Vienna, Circle Twelve, Bare Conductive, GestureWorks, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, NBA/Stats LLC, iSketchnote, Leicester University, Disney Research, Melexis, Carnegie Mellon University/Disney Research, Zilog, Texas Instruments, Lenovo, HTC, Cypress Semiconductor, Newcastle University, Cambrios Technologies, Synaptics, Rostock University, American Industrial Systems, DisplaySearch, Analog Devices, MultiTouch, GeneralTouch Technology, Lumidigm, Grayhill, Honeywell, STMicroelectronics, Avnet Electronics Marketing, UCSD, Reach, University of Chicago, Interlink Electronics/MacDermid, Morpho, Rolith, Zytronic, BenQ, Tobii, Integritouch, Peratech, Microchip, Tactus, N-trig/Sony, Redux Labs, Canatu, and Vanderbilt University IHS E&M Seminar – Advanced Touch Technology, August 27, 2013, Seoul, South Korea; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Intel Corporation, Canatu Oy, N-trig, and Point Grab Interaction Design and Children, June 24-27, 2013, New York, New York; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Newcastle University/Northumbria University, Associazione Astrolabio/Politecnico di Milano, UMBC Information Systems/Bowie State University, and Northwestern University Engineering Interactive Computing Systems Symposium, June 24-27, 2013, London, England; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Università di Cagliari/Università di Pisa/ISTI-CNR, Joseph Fourier University, and University of Regensburg EuroITV, June 24-26, 2013, Como, Italy; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Université de Lorraine/University of Tampere, and University of Bath Korea Display Conference, June 12-13, 2013, Seoul, South Korea; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Synaptics, and UniPixel Displays Inc. Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, March 21-23, 2013, Orlando, Florida; Phillip Hill covers papers from Ryukoku University, and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Intelligent User Interfaces, March 19-22, 2013, Santa Monica, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of California, University of Nevada, NetApp Inc./Stony Brook University, and Texas A&M University Electronic Displays Conference, February 27-28, 2013, Nuremberg, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Schott AG, Vestel, Next System, and FlatFrog Display & Touch Technologies of the Future, January 16, 2013, Sunnyvale, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations at this SID Bay Area Chapter meeting from Intel, and Elo Touch Solutions Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, December 10-12, 2012, Toronto, Ontario; Phillip Hill covers papers from Technicolor R&I/IRISA/INRIA, The University of Tokyo, Holo3/University of Strasbourg, Osaka University, and Rochester Institute of Technology Touch panels for notebook PCs create opportunities by Jennifer Colegrove Touch Technology for Military Applications by Gary Barrett and Bill Linzmeier The rise of mobile phone indoor positioning systems by Peter Harrop The future of TCs: New materials and printing perhaps by Lawrence Gasman Last Word: Two annoying trends by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Calendar of Events |
Issue 69
October 9, 2013 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Touch Gesture Motion – San Jose…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Apple, University of Oxford, N-trig, Disney Research, Georgia Tech, Swiss 3D Print, ETH, PhotoMingle, Lux Research, Circle Twelve, Roland, Redux Labs, CSR, Nymi, University of Pennsylvania/Duke University, UC Davis, Spyeglass/Zytronic, Ractiv/Asetniop, Creative, Immersion, Penpower, Toshiba, Cypress Semiconductor, AIS, Pantech, Measurement Specialties, ABS/Central Washington University, Dell, Elo Touch Solutions, Acer/N-trig, Flowton Technologies, Babolat, Logitech, Keithley, Outlier Technologies, CyberTouch, Ubi, Tagtal, Fujitsu/DoCoMo, WinTech, Integritouch, and Integritouch/SONYmobile Mobile HCI, August 27-30, 2013, Munich, Germany; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Telefonica Research, University Paris-Sud/Inria Chile (CIRIC), University of Glasgow, and KAIST/Sungkyunkwan University Spatial User Interaction, July 20-21, 2013, Los Angeles, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Würzburg/York University, Delft University of Technology, MIT Mobile Experience Lab/Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, and Florida International University Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, July 19-20, 2013, Anaheim, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from Texas A&M University CHI, April 27 – May 2, 2013, Paris, France; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from National Taiwan University, Hasso Plattner Institute/Lancaster University, University of Waterloo, Nokia Research Center, Microsoft Research/Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Keio University, Telecom ParisTech/GE Healthcare/University of Canterbury, Hasso Plattner Institute (x2), Keio University/Riken, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), and University of London Queen Mary College Touch Gesture Motion America Conference, December 12-13, 2012, Austin, Texas; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from 3DiVi Company, PointGrab, Hillcrest Labs, and Strategic Polymers Inc. Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 11-14, 2012, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Technische Universitat Munchen, The University of Tokyo, Durham University, Tsinghua University, Ritsumeikan University, and Tsinghua University User Interface Software and Technology, October 7-10, 2012, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from KAIST, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT/Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Microsoft Applied Sciences Group/University of Toronto/Sanders Capital, University of Glasgow/German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Purdue University, and Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)/Nokia Research Center Touch Gesture Motion EMEA Conference, September 12-13, 2012, London, England; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations at this IMS conference from FlatFrog, IHS Displaybank, and Next System Touch Technology for Military Applications: First in a 3-part series by Gary Barrett and Bill Linzmeier Near Field Communication (NFC) 2014-2024 by Peter Harrop Last Word: How to create more natural user interfaces by James Lewis Calendar of Events |
Issue 68
August 24, 2013 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Advanced fingerprinting…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Tobii Technology/Synaptics, SunBriteTV, MultiTouch/University of Southern California, IHS, University of Washington, Cambrios Technologies, Validity, MIT Technology Review, Dialog Semiconductor/Wistron, Cypress Semiconductor, Zytronic, NCR, Guitarduino, Nuance/TCL, US Army, Immersion, Physik Instrumente, GT Advanced Technologies, Stanford University, DropShades, Measurement Specialties, Falk Wolsky/Daniel Kaesmacher, NTU, Ideum/3M Touch Systems, Sony, Schlage, Clary Icon, Tokyoflash, Infineon Technologies, Sensor Platforms, NLT Technologies, Touch Display Research, Orbotech, University of Tokyo, Motorola, SRI International, Skymouse, University of Electro-Communications, Queen Mary College, KAIST, Leap Motion, Leap Motion/DexType, Celluon, John McLear, and Samsung/ABI Research/Apple/Xplore SID Touch Gesture Motion Conference, May 22, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Microsoft Research, Canatu Oy, Strategic Polymers Inc., and New Vision Display Inc. SID Display Week, May 19-24, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd./The University of Electro-Communications, Nielsen Norman Group/UICO, Intel Corporation, and Microsoft Augmented Human International Conference, March 7-8, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Keio University, University of Minnesota, RWTH Aachen University, and Semcon Human Factors/ETH Zurich/Chalmers University of Technology CSCW, February 23-27, 2013, San Antonio, Texas; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from CSIRO, University of Saskatchewan/University of Calgary, University of Texas at Austin, and Microsoft Research Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 10-13, 2013, Barcelona, Spain; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Munich (LMU), TU Berlin/FX Palo Alto Laboratory/University of Hannover, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), MIT Media Lab, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Touch Gesture Motion America Conference, December 12-13, 2012, Austin, Texas; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from 3DiVi Company, PointGrab, Hillcrest Labs, and Strategic Polymers Inc. Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, December 4-6, 2012, Ulm, Germany; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Vienna University of Technology, ETH Zurich/Dacuda AG, Lancaster University, and University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria SIGGRAPH Asia, November 28 – December 1, 2012, Singapore; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The University of Electro-Communications, Osaka University, Attentive GmbH/OMAi GmbH, and New York University Touch Gesture Motion EMEA Conference, September 12-13, 2012, London, England; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations at this IMS conference from PointGrab, Freescale, Hillcrest Laboratories, Omek Interactive, and Peratech Emerging Display Technologies Conference, August 13-14, 2012, Santa Clara, California Interview with Keiji Uchiyama from FUJIFILM; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Uni-Pixel, Neonode Inc., and Cambrios Technologies Corporation Three emerging trends reshaping the transparent conductor market by Lawrence Gasman The four types of motion for Smart TV by Bill Rouady Last Word: Rolith joins the ITO-replacement industry by Jennifer Colegrove Calendar of Events |
Issue 67
June 19, 2013 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The Gorilla…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: New Vision Display/Corning, AUO, Hillcrest Labs/TCL, Peratech, Michigan State University, O-Film, Leap Motion, Nuance Communications, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, JANUS Displays, Mad Genius Controllers, PayTouch, Touchmark, Pixelligent, Zytronic, Fingerprint Cards, Amir Labidi, Intentive Communications, InvenSense, Carnegie Mellon University, NCM Media Networks/Monster Media, MarketsandMarkets, Validity, Sensity Systems, AIS, Tobii Technology, 3M, Cypress Semiconductor, Osram Opto Semiconductors, Satechi, Thalmic Labs, Displaybank, ReportsNReports, Adlink Technology, Dialog Semiconductor, Neonode, Minuum, Intel/Hillcrest Labs, Control Group, DARPA, Doodle3D, Smack Attack, Sensor Platforms, and Carnegie Mellon University Intelligent User Interfaces, March 19-22, 2013, Santa Monica, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Louisiana Tech University/Quinnipiac University, KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc., Archbishop Mitty High School/Boston University, and Tokyo Institute of Technology/Tokyo University of Science Augmented Human International Conference, March 7-8, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Singapore University of Technology and Design/MIT Media Lab, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Max Planck Institute for Informatics/Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design/MIT Media Lab, TU Berlin, and Keio University Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, February 10-13, 2013, Barcelona, Spain; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Strathclyde/University of Arts Berlin (UdK), University of British Columbia, Augsburg University, Carnegie Mellon University/University of Madeira, Simon Fraser University/Google Shanghai, and Queen’s University/Northwestern University Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 11-14, 2012, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Waterloo, Stanford University, Harvard University/National University of Singapore/Tsinghua University/University of Nebraska State Museum/University of Michigan/Northwestern University, Wellesley College/Agilent Technologies, Wellesley College/Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Agilent Technologies, and University of Electro-Communications User Interface Software and Technology, October 7-10, 2012, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Bath, Igarashi Design Interface Project, Université Paris-Sud, Texas A&M University, and National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica Mobile HCI, September 21-24, 2012, San Francisco, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Calgary, Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar, University of Glasgow/Glasgow Caledonian University/SAMH Engineering, Microsoft Research Asia/National Taiwan University/University of North Carolina, University of Glasgow, and Goethe University Frankfurt Touch Gesture Motion EMEA Conference, September 12-13, 2012, London, England; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations at this IMS conference from eyeSight Mobile Technologies Ltd, HiWave, isiQiri Interface Technologies Inc., and Light Blue Optics SIGGRAPH, August 5-9, 2012, Los Angeles, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Keio University, University of Bologna, The University of Tokyo/Keio University, and Oklahoma State University/DePaul University SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, August 5-9, 2012, Los Angeles, California; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The University of Tokyo, Disney Research, Keio University, and A*STAR Interview with Kelly Ingham from Cima NanoTech Smart phone chip can only do so much; it’s up to your carrier by Andy Marken Last Word: Non-ITO transparent conductor will grow to $4 billion by Jennifer Colegrove Calendar of Events |
Issue 66
May 14, 2013 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Driver Distraction…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Princip, Carnegie Mellon, MultiTouch/Inhance Digital, N-trig/UT Austin College of Education, Macro Sensors, FlatFrog, University of St Andrews, U-See2, Max Planck Institute, PSAV, Tobii, Displaybank, Harvard, Georgia Tech, Heraeus, University of Sheffield, Amulet Technologies, Touch Bionics, Clary Icon/SYMCO, Leap Motion/HP, and Disney Research Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, December 4-6, 2012, Ulm, Germany; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kobe University/Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd./Fujitsu Limited, German Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Utrecht University/University of Nottingham, and Universidade Nova de Lisboa SIGGRAPH Asia, November 28 – December 1, 2012, Singapore; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Tohoku University/MIT Media Lab, MIT Media Lab/Cisco Systems Inc., National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica, and The University of Tokyo/Keio University Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 11-14, 2012, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The University of Tokyo, Knowledge Media Research Center/ University of Tubingen, Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar, University of Tsukuba, and University of Calgary/Microsoft Research User Interface Software and Technology, October 7-10, 2012, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from York University, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, University of Electro-Communications, Universität Bielefeld, and Google Inc. SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, August 5-9, 2012, Los Angeles, California; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Tokyo Metropolitan University/With Corporation, The University of Tokyo, The University of Tokyo/NEC Corporation, and The University of Tokyo SID Future of Touch & Interactivity Conference, June 7, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts; In the third of three reports from this IMS-organized event, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Tactonic Technologies, IHS, N-trig Inc., and GestureTek Inc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 5-10, 2012, Austin, Texas; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Washington/Google Research, University of California/Pixar Animation Studios, MIT CSAIL/Google Research, University of Magdeburg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Renaissance Computing Institute, Disney Research/The University of Tokyo/Carnegie Mellon University, OFFIS Institute for Information Technology/University of Oldenburg, Carnegie Mellon University, Microsoft Research/Massachusetts Institute of Technology/University of Washington, University of Washington, University of Manitoba/University of Alberta, University of Maryland/University of Washington, Cornell University, Hasso Plattner Institute, TU Berlin, University of Applied Sciences, NYU-Poly, and University of Munich Interview with Rahul Gupta and Sri Peruvemba from Cambrios Interview with Paul Herro from Carestream Advanced Materials Digital Signage Expo grows in size and energy by Ken Werner Last Word: New growth opportunities for electroactive polymers by Cathleen Thiele Calendar of Events |
Issue 65
April 23, 2013 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Touch Gesture Motion 2013…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Hasso Plattner Institute, CyberLink, Cypress Semiconductor, Adobe Systems, NextInput, PNI Sensor Corporation, NUIA, PMD Technologies, Fogale Nanotech, Vaavud, University of Illinois, AirVend, Fraunhofer IGD, Neonode, Fairchild Semiconductor, Breathometer, Wacom, ROLI, Immersion, Peratech, CubeSensors, Leap Motion, American Industrial Systems, Accidentally Extraordinary, N-trig, PointGrab, InvenSense, 3M, Planar, Schlage, Cambrios, Murata/Elliptic Labs, Asus, Cycloramic, Samsung, Fulcrum Biometrics, CSR, Canopy, Mauz, Lenovo, Extreme Reality, Universal Electronics, and Molex LOPE-C, June 19-21, 2012, Munich, Germany; The vast majority of this conference is being covered in our sister newsletter Flexible Substrate, many presentations of which have various touch aspects, but here Phillip Hill covers presentations from Heraeus Precious Metals, and PolyIC GmbH Designing Interactive Systems, June 11-15, 2012, Newcastle, England; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Lancaster University, University of Toronto/Microsoft Research, STMS IRCAM-CNRS-UPMC/EnsadLab/Drii, and University of Sydney/University of Technology SID International Symposium, June 5-8, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts; In this third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from IGNIS Innovation Inc./Cambridge University/University of Waterloo, Semtech Neuchâtel Sarl, BOE Technology Group, KAIST, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, and isiQiri interface technologies GmbH Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, June 4-6, 2012, Annecy, France; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Malta, University of California, Texas A&M University, and University of Calgary/UMR AGAP International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, June 4-5, 2012, Porto, Portugal; Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Calgary, The University of Sydney, University of Duisburg-Essen, University of St Andrews/University of Copenhagen/University of Calgary, and University of Haifa Graphics Interface, May 28-30, 2012, Toronto, Ontario; Phillip Hill covers papers from Universität Bremen/RWTH Aachen, University of Maryland/University of Washington, University of Washington, and University of Minnesota Advanced Visual Interfaces Conference, May 21-25, 2012, Isle of Capri, Italy; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Calgary, Université de Lille/University of Canterbury/Telecom ParisTech, Technische Universität Dresden, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, and The University of Electro Communications Interview with David Brown from Canatu Interview with Dan Van Ostrand from UniPixel Interview with Wolfgang Clemens from PolyIC Last Word: The end of an era; the end of new devices by Andy Marken Calendar of Events |
Issue 64
March 26, 2013 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Relative versus absolute motion control…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Honeywell, Lernstift, Ilitek, PhatWare, TrendForce, Apple, Young Fast, Acer, IEK, Compal, Elo Touch Solutions, Neonode, BYD, Interlink Electronics, Cypress Semiconductor, Renesas Electronics, Panasonic, Tobii Technology, Electro Scientific Industries, National Institute of Informatics, Immersion, Samsung, Plasmag Technology, Immersion/LG Electronics, Air Hogs, Corning, Immersion/NTT DOCOMO, Duke University, STMicroelectronics, PrimeSense, Adlink Technology, IBASE Technology, Bournemouth University, Riddell, DisplaySearch, NoteMark, Fraunhofer, ShareKey, Mujjo, Pavegen, Jay Watson, Nuance, DreamPlay Toys/Disney Consumer Products, Purdue University, Aptina, Posiflex, Toshiba, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Almo Professional, Cypress/Toyota, InvenSense, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Intellect Motion, LG, Cambrios, Validity Sensors, PointGrab, Syntellia, Orange/Movea, AMD/eyeSight, ams, and N-trig Emerging Display Technologies Conference, August 13-14, 2012, Santa Clara, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from DisplaySearch, Touch Revolution, Immersion, and Strategic Polymers Inc. SIGGRAPH, August 5-9, 2012, Los Angeles, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from IBM Research, JST ERATO/University of Tokyo/National University of Singapore/Singapore Management University, National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica, and NTT Communication Science Laboratories Designing Interactive Systems, June 11-15, 2012, Newcastle, England; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Nanyang Technological University, Nokia, Swansea University, and RWTH Aachen University SID Future of Touch & Interactivity Conference, June 7, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts; In the second of three reports from this IMS-organized event, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Touch International, Walker Mobile LLC, 3M ECB Touch and Display, and Ocular Advanced Visual Interfaces Conference, May 21-25, 2012, Isle of Capri, Italy; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Università degli Studi di Salerno, University of Waterloo/Google Research, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., Otto-von-Guericke University/INRIA, Università di Bari Aldo Moro/Università di Trento, ETH Zurich, Politecnico di Milano Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 5-10, 2012, Austin, Texas; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Bristol/Lancaster University, Hasso Plattner Institute, Texas A&M University, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology/University of Madeira, MIT Media Lab/Comenius University, University of Waterloo/University of Lille, Université Paris-Sud (x2), University of Manitoba/University of Alberta, University of Alberta, Newcastle University, Université Toulouse/Université de Nîmes, Technische Universität Darmstadt (x3), University of Copenhagen, Orange Labs, University of Canterbury/University of Saskatchewan, and University of Washington/University of Maryland Room for just so many transparent conductor providers by Lawrence Gasman Jeff Han keynote about touch and pen technologies by Jennifer Colegrove Calendar of Events |
Issue 63
February 16, 2013 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Complex designs to make touch simple…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: University of Sheffield, Rice University, Acer, Neonode, Elliptic Labs, Fujitsu/PointGrab, Marcopolo/Neonode, Microchip, TeamViewer, Kno, DocuSign, EarthLCD, Sparton, N-trig, Seidio, Neonode/Netronix/PAGEone, MimoMonitors, ON Semiconductor, Semtech, Cambridge Investment Research, Thinkbox Software, 3M, Livescribe, Cambrios, SMART Technologies, BMW, Zytronic, Touch International, Visix, Microchip Technology, Stanford, Displaybank, Zytronic/Nuiteq/Omnivision, Berliner Glas/system elektronik, Novotechnik, University of Dundee, Brian Fellhoelter, Fraunhofer, LG, MIT, and E Fun Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 11-14, 2012, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Waterloo, University of Calgary, Ulm University/Lancaster University/Hasso-Plattner-Institut/University of Duisburg-Essen/DOCOMO Euro Labs, University of Nottingham/University of Newcastle, University of Waterloo, University of Calgary/Calgary Police Service, Microsoft Research, Wellesley College, University of Sydney/University of Valladolid, and Stanford University/INRIA UIST, October 7-10, 2012, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Nokia Research Center, NTT docomo, Keio University/University of Tokyo, National Taiwan University, Tohoku University/Osaka University/Microsoft Research Asia/Beihang University/Northwestern University, MIT Media Lab/Harvard University, ETH Zurich, Hasselt University, and University of Dundee Touch Gesture Motion EMEA Conference, September 12-13, 2012, London, England; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations at this IMS conference from Tactus Technology, PolyIC GmbH, BDTI, and Zytronic SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, August 5-9, 2012, Los Angeles, California; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Disney Research/University of the Arts/Studio NAND/University of Tokyo, The University of Electro-Communications, University of Southern California, and Seoul National University SID International Symposium, June 5-8, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts; In this second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Thales Avionics, National Chiao Tung University/Industrial Technology Research Institute/Cornell University, Synaptics Inc., and NLT Technologies Advanced Visual Interfaces Conference, May 21-25, 2012, Isle of Capri, Italy; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Google Research, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, University of Konstanz/ICT AG, and University of Toronto Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 5-10, 2012, Austin, Texas; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Texas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa/oneseconds, Ritsumeikan University, KAIST, University of Glasgow, University of California, University of Tokyo/National University of Singapore/Singapore Management University, University of Glasgow, University of Birmingham/Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, Microsoft Research/Drexel University, OFFIS Institute for IT/University of Oldenburg, Microsoft Research/University of Washington (x2), Microsoft Research/Technical University of Lisbon, University of Munich, Microsoft Research/University of California, Microsoft Research, Texas A&M University (x2), Bielefeld University/Aalto University, and University of Bristol/Lancaster University Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, March 28-30, 2012, Santa Barbara, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from IT University of Copenhagen (x2), University of Tampere, University of Tampere/De Montfort University, University of St Andrews/Montana Tech of the University of Montana, and University of Toronto/University of Pittsburgh/University of Alberta TEI, February 19-22, 2012, Kingston, Ontario; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Stanford University School of Education, Keio University, University of Munich/University of Calgary, Ochanomizu University/Tokyo Metropolitan University, Carnegie Mellon University, and New York University LG Optimus G by Jin Kim The needless demise of the netbook by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Calendar of Events |
Issue 62
December 29, 2012 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Tablets take over…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Robot Rebuilt, Helsinki Institute of Information Technology, PhoneJoy, Ideum, University of Southampton, Bosch Sensortec, IDC, Freescale, KAIST, LG Sensor Platforms, OKI, Zytronic, Neonode, Display Solution, California Institute of Technology/University of Rochester, ZWCAD Design, Cambrios, University of Alabama, Atmel, Semtech, Displaybank, Bionet America, Motorola, Ocular, Toyota, Plessey, Edigma, Samsung/Atmel, NPD DisplaySearch, Durham University, Microchip Technology, Elliptic Labs, MultiTouch, Connected Car Consortium, Eye Tribe, JWT Singapore, ams, SMART Technologies, Energy Visualization, Promethean, Canatu, Studio Roosegaarde, Nanika, Olafur Eliasson, Random, Sampad/seeper, ON Semiconductor, Microtips, Elo Touch Solutions, LVD Strippit, Ally Seeley, GeneralTouch, and Vishay Intertechnology Mobile HCI, September 21-24, 2012, San Francisco, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology/University of Maryland, SUNY Korea/Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC)/Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National Taiwan University/National Chengchi University, NTT DoCoMo, TU Berlin/University of Glasgow, University of Pittsburgh, Telekom Innovation Labs/CSIRO ICT Centre/TU Berlin (x2), University of Aizu, and Lancaster University/Nokia Research Center/University of Bristol EuroITV, July 4-6, 2012, Berlin, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Technische Universität Darmstadt, Center for Usability Research and Engineering/University of Salzburg, NTT Corporation/University of British Columbia/Tohoku University, and Czech Technical University/Brno University of Technology Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, June 25-28, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark; Phillip Hill covers papers from Federal University of Pernambuco, ETH Zurich, University of Madeira/University of Zaragoza, and IT University of Copenhagen Dagstuhl Seminar on Touching the 3rd Dimension, April 9-12, 2012, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), University of Bremen, and University of Groningen Virtual Reality International Conference, March 28 – April 1, 2012, Laval, France; Phillip Hill covers papers from Kanagawa Institute of Technology/Kanazawa Technical College, Keio University/YCAM InterLab, and Keio University/University of Tokyo DisplaySearch Smart TV Conference, May 24-25, 2012, Shenzhen, China; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Philips, DisplaySearch, and DisplaySearch China US FPD Smart Displays, February 28-29, 2012, San Diego, California; Most of this conference will be covered in other of our titles, predominantly Display Standard. But here Phillip Hill covers presentations from DisplaySearch, Touch Revolution, and Hillcrest Labs. CSCW, February 11-15, 2012, Seattle, Washington; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from The University of Western Ontario, Texas A&M University, University of Saskatchewan, Queen’s University, and University of Toronto/Northwestern University/Microsoft Research Asia Smart home needs a master plan to succeed by Andy Marken ITO and flexible glass substrates by John Fenn Last Word: Windows RT: How suitable is it for vertical markets? Part 2 by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Calendar of Events |
Issue 61
November 20, 2012 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Touch Gesture Motion…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Carnegie Mellon University, Ergo Electronics, Canatu, Discovery Bay Games, 3M Touch Systems, Altaflex, Zytronic, Murata Manufacturing, Microsoft/NextWindow, Peratech, Pointesa, DISPLAX, Purdue University, Brainlab, Logitech, Lockitron, Cypress Semiconductor, Metz, Ten One Design, Microchip Technology, Nuance Communications, Tesla, Cambrios/Okura Industrial, LG, Association for Computing Machinery, American Industrial Systems, Sony, Fujitsu, Cambrios/Shin-Etsu Polymer, WizDish, Best Buy, Microsoft, Immersion Corporation, HIIT/Max Planck Institute, Microsoft Research, NIST, MIT, Peratech/NASA, Autodesk, Strategic Polymers, Synaptics, Vizio, Touch International, Engage Production, EarthMake, Harris Corporation, LiveScribe, DisplaySearch, ABI Research, Samsung, N-trig, GoSmart, Ergo Electronics, Sifteo, IDTechEx, Electrosonic, Amazon, Dell, ImmerVision, KeyView, Neonode, Tobii Assistive Technology, Digi International, Getac, Freescale Semiconductor, University of Manchester, Mattel, ARCHOS, DocuSign, Carlson Machine Control, FBI, ViewSonic, Kobo, eyeSight, Guidance Software, Morpho, Kionix, Acer, Ideum, Tobii/NTT DOCOMO, Planar, Movea, CTX, Apple, Intel, NEC Display Solutions, Hatch, Samsung/Atmel, ZeroUI, Wintek, NUITEQ, Trais, Wintek, Baanto International, Displaybank, G2Touch, and FlatFrog Designing Interactive Systems, June 11-15, 2012, Newcastle, England; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The Open University, National University of Singapore/Keio University, Newcastle University, and Lancaster University/University of Duisburg-Essen Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 5-10, 2012, Austin, Texas; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Sifteo Inc., Buffalo State College, Malmö University, Aalto University, MIT Media Laboratory/Singapore University of Technology and Design, NYU-Poly/NYU Steinhardt, Disney Research/Carnegie Mellon University, Lancaster University/University of Bristol/University of Manitoba, TU Berlin/University of Munich/University of Toronto, Hasso Plattner Institute, Virginia Tech/National University of Singapore/Keio University, Nanyang Technological University/Institute for Infocomm Research, Microsoft Research/Newcastle University, Newcastle University/BBC Research & Development, University College London, University of Magdeburg, Kochi University of Technology/Google Research, Nanyang Technological University, University of California, University of Colorado at Boulder, Cornell University/Pixar Animation Studios/UCLA, KAIST (x2), and Disney Research Last Word: Windows RT: How suitable is it for vertical markets? by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer |
Issue 60
September 6, 2012 | 76 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Inevitability…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: InvenSense, PointGrab, Reach Technology, Hydis, Freescale, Omron, Sumitomo Electric, ParTech, Cypress Semiconductor, Georgia Tech, DisplaySearch, Google, STMicroelectronics, Improv Electronics, Ringbow, Ideum, Honeywell, Wacom, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris, ARCHOS, Kennesaw State University, Sensor Platforms, N-trig, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/Northwestern University/Dalian University of Technology, GestureTek, Touch Time, One Laptop Per Child, Kno, Samsung, Xtrinsic, Asure Software, Sandia, Disney, Microsoft, Synaptics, Zytronic, Baanto, CEA, Microsoft/Perceptive Pixel, Fujitsu, Displaybank, Evervision, Garmin, EarthLCD, HiWave Technologies, BI2 Technologies, Immersion, Fingerprint Cards, Chief, Interlink Electronics, Brown University, Seoul National University, CBA Japan, Nissan, Ergo Electronics, Black & Decker, Apple, and Sony Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, June 4-6, 2012, Annecy, France; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Toronto, University of California at Riverside (x2), University of Central Florida, and University of Auckland Image Sensors, March 20-22, 2012, London, England; Phillip Hill covers a presentation at this Intertech/PIRA event from SoftKinetic. Most of this conference will be covered in our sister newsletter High Resolution VRCAI, December 11-12, 2011, Hong Kong, China; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Canterbury, Georgia Institute of Technology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang/Tokai University, National Central University, and Sun Yat-sen University International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 14-18, 2011, Alicante, Spain; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from CREATE-NET, German Research Center for AI, OFFIS Institute for Information Technology/University of Oldenburg, Beihang University/University Lille, and Hewlett-Packard Laboratories/Hewlett-Packard Globalsoft Limited Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 13-16, 2011, Kobe, Japan; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Osaka University/Tohoku University/Kwansei Gakuin University, Technische Universität München, Technical University of Lisbon, The University of Electro-Communications (x2), University of Tokyo, RWTH Aachen University, RIKEN/Microsoft Research/Kochi University of Technology/University of Maryland/Cornell University, University of Toronto, and Université Paris-Sud/University of Groningen Rugged computing industry discussion, Part 2, by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Touchscreen Computer Interfaces: Electronics by Carol Crawford and Lance Lamont Use of MEMS motion sensors for embedded mobile applications by Bruno Flament and Yanis Caritu |
Issue 59
August 11, 2012 | 75 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Surface tablet…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Sensordrone, eyeSight, Immersion, ABI Research, Garmin, Insyde Software, Crystal Touch, Abrisa Technologies, Zytronic, TruTouch Technologies, Geomagic, MultiTouch Ltd, FlatFrog, Fujitsu/Tidel, 3M, USC, Tobii/Cedrus, ViewSonic, Kinsight, ASUS, LG, Google, NLT Technologies, N-trig, Belkin, Scriptel Corporation, Nuance, Avnet Electronics Marketing Americas, 3M Cogent, Minalogic, Mirametrix, Immersion/Texas Instruments, ViviTouch, Simco/Mentor Graphics, Tangible Interaction, TCL/Hillcrest Labs, Catarina Mota, Rafa Nadal, DisplaySearch, HiWave Technologies, Templeman Automation, Stantum/Nissha Printing, UniKey, NEC, Tactus Technology, Gores Group, CMI, Loctite, Sharp, Displaybank, AuthenTec, Dawar, Hydis, Atmel, Synaptics/CMI, and MIT SID Future of Touch & Interactivity Conference, June 7, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts; In the first of three reports from this IMS-organized event, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Corning, Circle Twelve Inc., Zytronic, and The S3D Gaming Alliance SID International Symposium, June 5-8, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts; In this first report, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Samsung Electronics, Samsung Electronics/Cambridge University/University College London, Industrial Technology Research Institute, and Nokia Research Center/University of Leeds/University of Cambridge TEI, February 19-22, 2012, Kingston, Ontario; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from INRIA Lille/University of Bordeaux, Kyushu University, Aarhus University, University of Paderborn/Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Munich University of Applied Sciences/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München ACM Multimedia, November 28 – December 1, 2011, Scottsdale, Arizona; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Stanford University, and University of Toronto Mobile HCI, August 30 – September 2, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Manitoba/University of Klagenfurt/University of Canterbury, University of St Andrews/Nokia Research Center, Nokia Research Center/University of Glasgow, FTW Telecommunications Research Center/Vienna University of Technology/Université Européenne de Bretagne, OFFIS Institute for Information Technology/Lund University, Waseda University, Universitat Politècnica de València, DFKI GmbH/Fachhochschule Münster, Sabanci University, Lancaster University, State Academy of Arts and Design/German Research Center for AI (DFKI), and Georgia Institute of Technology Rugged computing industry discussion: Part 1, by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer GestPoint Maestro3D by Howard Waterfall Last Word: iPhone 5: thinner screen with in-cell touch by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 58
June 1, 2012 | 76 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Pen again…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Leap Motion, isiQiri, PolyIC, Occhio, Tactonic Technologies, Comcast/Technicolor, Displaybank, Carnegie Mellon/AT&T, University of Exeter, Peratech, Cypress Semiconductor, Immersion, T1Visions/Apple Rock Displays, DisplaySearch, Raptor ID/Telos ID, Gartner, KeyFlex, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Alice Ning, National University of Singapore Faculty of Science, IBM, Binghamton University, Ninesigma, AuthenTec, Zilog, Manhattan Research, Ingenico/Atmel, MIT, Zytronic, Dow Corning, Microsoft, Sensor Products, Carnegie Mellon, Fujitsu, TomTom, Digitimes Research, Touchtype, Birmingham City University, Microsoft/Dolby, KAIST, Zytronic/APC, and Wistron/Compal Electronic Displays, February 29 – March 1, 2012, Nuremberg, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Data Modul, Next System, and Freescale Semiconductor TEI, February 19-22, 2012, Kingston, Ontario; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from The George Washington University/University of Maryland Baltimore County, University of Nevada, Bielefeld University, Leuven Engineering College, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and Universidad de Granada/Bauhaus-Universität VRCAI, December 11-12, 2011, Hong Kong, China; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Macau, Hanyang University/Seoul National University, DirectFN/Mubasher, and CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics & Statistics/CSIRO Earth Science & Resource Engineering/CSIRO ICT Centre Touch Gesture Motion Conference, December 7-8, 2011, Austin, Texas; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from TAOS, Touch International, UBM TechInsights, and The University of Texas at Austin Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, November 8-11, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Keio University, University of Tsukuba, Joshibi University of Art and Design/Dai Nippon Printing, Dai Nippon Printing, and Yokohama College of Art & Design/Osaka University China Display SID Conference, November 6-9, 2011, Kunshan, China; Phillip Hill covers papers from Southeast University, Info Vision Optoelectronics, Applied Materials GmbH, and WINTEK Corporation Mobile HCI, August 30 – September 2, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Oldenburg/University of Duisburg-Essen, Aalto University/University of Glasgow, University of Glasgow, Nokia India, IIT Bombay, and Lancaster University/University of Duisburg-Essen/DOCOMO Euro-Labs SIGGRAPH 2011: “The Sandbox”, August 10, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia; This strand of SIGGRAPH 2011 allowed attendees to test drive current game development, explore game design, and play the games that are defining the next generation of digital interactivity. Phillip Hill covers presentations from Heriot-Watt University/Georgia Institute of Technology, and Institute for Infocomm Research - A*STAR Developing Next-Generation Human Interfaces: Using Capacitive and Infrared Proximity Sensing contributed by Silicon Labs, Austin, Texas Examining Glass Substrates: Insider’s Guide to Stronger & Scratch Resistant Glass by Gary Barrett Last Word: Designing touch panels to work with gloves: Techniques to increase touch performance by Tony Gray |
Touch Panel Special Edition The Future of Touch & Interactivity SID 2012
May 30, 2012 |
35 pages
for free download |
Letter from the publisher: The future of touch and interactivity…by Mark Fihn The Future of Touch & Interactivity: SID Market Focus Conference Series – Line-up Speaker and company summaries + Brian Berkeley -- SID + Mark Fihn -- Veritas et Visus + Michael Dolezal -- 3M + Randy Lawson -- IHS + Gary Barrett -- Touch International + Rick Seger -- N-trig + Dave Nolte -- Ocular + Andrew Morrison -- Zytronic + Adam Bogue -- Circle Twelve + Gerry Seidman -- Tactonic Technologies + Erik Muendel -- Brightline Interactive + Geoff Walker -- Walker Mobile + Carlton Sparrell -- Oblong Industries + Steven Bathiche -- Microsoft + Ken Perlin NYU -- Media Lab + Vincent John Vincent -- GestureTek + Zachi Baharav -- Corning + Jon Fox -- Helios Interactive + Jinha Lee -- MIT Media Lab + Neil Schneider -- Meant To Be Seen + Bob Senior -- IsiQiri SID’s Touch-related Presentations Technical Sessions Sponsors Links |
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Issue 57
April 30, 2012 | 76 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The projected capacitive stylus…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Toshiba, Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Fujitsu, Touch International, NEST41, NineSigma, Atmel, University of East Anglia, DigitalOptics Corporation/MMD, iSuppli, Saarland University, University of Pittsburgh, Flutter, Garmin, Solutions Cubed, Gemalto/KDDI, Touch Revolution, NDSU, Microchip Technology, Printechnologics, Scriptel, In-Stat, NXP/HID Global, DocuSign, Cypress Semiconductor, TPK, Anime Studio, Wacom, Apple, Nokia, Sandia, Zytronic, Woodcraft, University of Utah, Savant Systems/LiteTouch, Stanford University, GM/NASA, Microsoft, Microsoft Research, one2TOUCH, Adobe, MobileSTAT, 3M/Zephyr Technology FPD China 2012 Conference, March 20-22, 2012, Shanghai, China by Robert Phares TEI, February 19-22, 2012, Kingston, Ontario; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Carnegie Mellon University, TU Berlin/CSIRO ICT Centre, KTH Royal Institute of Technology/University of Melbourne, University of Calgary/University of St. Andrews, University of Yamanashi, and Berlin University of the Arts CSCW, February 11-15, 2012, Seattle, Washington; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Waterloo/Queen’s University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, HUGE Inc./Google Inc., University of California, and Microsoft Research VRCAI, December 11-12, 2011, Hong Kong, China; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Nanyang Technological University, Xi’an Jiaotong University/Chinese Academy of Sciences, The George Washington University, and Institute for Infocomm Research - A*STAR/Thales Solutions Asia Pte. Ltd Touch Gesture Motion Conference, December 7-8, 2011, Austin, Texas; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from IMS Research, Ocular, Omek Interactive, and PointGrab Ltd Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 13-16, 2011, Kobe, Japan; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from OFFIS Institute for IT/University of Oldenburg, The University of Tokyo, Osaka University, University of Waterloo, Victoria University of Wellington/Carleton University, Kyoto Sangyo University, The University of Tokyo, Stanford University, University of Glasgow, t2i Lab/ETH Zurich/University of Tokyo, and University of Bergen Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, November 8-11, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Nottingham/University of Lincoln/Aerial, Universidade do Porto/Instituto de Telecomunicações, University of Technology of Compiègne, and University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf SID Vehicle Displays and Interfaces Symposium, October 20-21, 2011, Dearborn, Michigan; Phillip Hill covers presentations from IMS Research, Elektrosil Systeme der Elektronik GmbH, Semtech Neuchâtel Sarl, and North American Coating Laboratories Mobile HCI, August 30 – September 2, Stockholm, Sweden; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Tampere University of Technology/University of Tampere, Pohang University of Science and Technology/LG Electronics, University of Glasgow, University of Bristol/University of Manitoba, KAIST, and Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, August 5-7, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia Bedtime it’s all about winning – Really! by Andy Marken Last Word: “Stylus? Yerk! Who wants a stylus?” by Guillaume Largillier Calendar of Events |
Issue 56
March 28, 2012 | 72 pages |
Letter from the publisher: In Coming… In-Cell by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: N-trig/Nvidia, Gunze, Kik Interactive, Atmel, Adobe, Fujifilm, Toray, Cypress Semiconductor, Chaotic Moon Labs, Georgia Tech, Samsung, HP, Kodak/Heraeus, Logitech, Perkins School for the Blind, Sony, University of British Columbia, Saelig, Microsoft, ARCHOS, Immersion/Motorola Mobility, Cybernet, Sensable, Neonode, FlatFrog, Apple, Toshiba, iYogi Insights, IAR Systems, PlaySpan/Frank N. Magid Associates, Prysm, and Oregon Scientific/Neonode SIGGRAPH Asia Emerging Technologies, December 14-15, 2011, Hong Kong, China; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Keio University/The University of Electro-Communications, Institute for Infocomm Research, National Taiwan University/Academia Sinica, National University of Singapore/Keio University, and Toyohashi University of Technology Touch Gesture Motion Conference, December 7-8, 2011, Austin, Texas; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from IMS Research, isiQiri Interface Technologies Inc., Light Blue Optics, NextWindow, and N-trig OzCHI, November 28 – December 2, 2011, Canberra, Australia; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Auckland, University of Queensland, and University of Technology Sydney ACM Multimedia 2011, November 28 – December 1, 2011, Scottsdale, Arizona; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Arizona State University, National Taiwan University, Informatics and Telematics Institute/Dublin City University/Telecom ParisTech/University of Geneva, and EURECOM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 14-18, 2011, Alicante, Spain; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Texas A&M University, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/Telecom-ParisTech, Georgia Institute of Technology/Tin Man Labs, and Aalto University/Nokia Research Center Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 13-16, 2011, Kobe, Japan; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Otto-von-Guericke University, IT University of Copenhagen, Graz University of Technology, University of Glasgow, Ochanomizu University, Tsinghua University, and K.U. Leuven Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, November 8-11, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Utrecht University, University of Applied Sciences/Lang AG, University of Central Florida, Aalborg University/University of Queensland, and QLD University of Technology ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition, November 3-6, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Simon Fraser University, University of North Carolina/Portland State University, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/Massachusetts Institute of Technology SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, August 9-11, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the fourth of four reports on this adjunct to the main conference, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Keio University, Keio University/INRIA, MIT Media Lab/Tokyo Institute of Technology/Comenius University, and The University of Tokyo Decoding Touch Technology by Gary Barrett Last Word: Touch market to reach $14 billion in 2012 by Cathleen Thiele |
Issue 55
February 6, 2012 | 72 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Handbook of Visual Display Technologies: Touch technologies…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Staples, iYogi Insights Research, Fujitsu, Synaptics, Kount, Ideum, SoftKinetic, Bootstrapper, NUITEQ/Lenovo, Sharp, Nintendo, Zytronic, Displaybank, Kindle, Kionix, MicroVision, Elo TouchSystems, TE Connectivity, FlatFrog, Corning, Cypress Semiconductor, MultiTouch, Xtrinsic, American Industrial Systems, VTI Technologies, Touch Revolution, SOASTA, Hatch, Mozilla, Monster Media/Katy Perry, SkyGrid, NDS, Neonode, University of California at Santa Barbara, SnapKeys, TouchFire, Samsung/Apple, Infinite Research, Apple, Pantech Element/Immersion, STMicroelectronics, University of Cambridge, MarketPublishers, Kno, SMK-Link, Microchip/Demmel, EXOPC, Jaja, Nuance Communications, Immersion/Pantech, KAIST, 3M, GM, and Octa/Photonic Bliss SIGGRAPH Asia 2011, December 12-15, Hong Kong, China; Phillip Hill covers papers from Square Enix Co. Ltd., University of Edinburgh, A*STAR, and University of Münster/University of Würzburg Printed Electronics USA 2011, November 30 – December 1, Santa Clara, California; The majority of this conference is being covered in our sister newsletter Flexible Substrate, but here Phillip Hill covers a presentation from PolyIC OzCHI, November 28 – December 2, 2011, Canberra, Australia; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Sydney University, University of Tasmania (x2), and Queensland University of Technology International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, November 14-18, 2011, Alicante, Spain; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland/University of Fribourg, Télécom ParisTech, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia/University of Cagliari, and NICTA Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 13-16, 2011, Kobe, Japan; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Konstanz, University of Münster, Purdue University/LG Electronics/Qualcomm, University of Calgary/University of Waterloo, University of Waterloo, Microsoft Research/University of California/University of Calgary, RWTH Aachen University, and University of Sydney (x2) Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, November 8-11, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Tokyo/University of Bergen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Harvard University, New University of Lisbon, Aarhus School of Architecture/University of Aarhus, University of Applied Arts/University of Vienna, Technical University of Lisbon, and The University of Electro-Communications/INRIA ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition, November 3-6, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Georgia Institute of Technology (x2), and Parsons The New School for Design SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, August 9-11, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the third of four reports on this adjunct to the main conference, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Fachhochschule Bielefeld, The University of Tokyo/Keio University, National University of Singapore, Keio University, and The University of Tokyo Understanding touchscreen electromagnetic interference sources by Vadim Konradi Understanding the user response to interface technologies by John Feland Last Word: The death of keyboards and the Japanese experience by Bill Finn Calendar of Events |
Issue 54
January 27, 2012 | 72 pages |
Letter from the publisher: No longer emerging…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Seoul National University, eyeSight/CogniVue, INSIDE Secure, Touch Revolution, AIS, Tobii Technology, Bruno Zamborlin/Norbert Schnell, Cypress Semiconductor, Gemalto, Garmin, EarlySense, Samsung Electronics, ABI Research, R&R Marketing, Sanden, Hewlett-Packard, JP Morgan, Art Center College of Design, Synaptics, Atmel, Tokyoflash, Acer, Ideum, Movea, Movea/Universal Electronics, ASUS, Wacom, Art Lebedev, ExoPC, Agloves, Corning, Ceva, Lenovo, Renesas, Mitsubishi, ViewSonic, MultiTouch, Sharp, Nicla Rossini, and NineSigma SIGGRAPH Asia Emerging Technologies, December 14-15, 2011, Hong Kong, China; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Keio University, Osaka University/Worcester Polytechnic Institute, National University of Singapore, National Taiwan University/The University of Tokyo, and Keio University/The University of Tokyo/JST ERATO IGARASHI Design Interface Project Touch Gesture Motion Conference, December 7-8, 2011, Austin, Texas; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from AMD, BDTI, BizWitz, EyeSight Mobile Technologies, FlatFrog, and Hillcrest Labs ACM Multimedia, November 28 – December 1, 2011, Scottsdale, Arizona; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Zhejiang University/Hangzhou Normal University, Nanyang Technological University/Microsoft Research, Academia Sinica/National Tsing Hua University, University of Toronto, and University of Trento UIST, October 16-19, 2011, Santa Barbara, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from The University of Electro-Communications, KAIST, University of Lille/INRIA Lille, and Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd eReaders 2011 Conference, September 29-30, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from IMS Research DisplaySearch China FPD Conference, September 8-9, 2011, Shanghai, China; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from DisplaySearch Emerging Display Technologies Conference, August 16-17, 2011, San Jose, California; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Touch International, Immersion, DisplaySearch, and Schott Asia SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, August 9-11, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the second of four reports on this adjunct to the main conference, Phillip Hill covers presentations from The University of Tokyo/Keio University, Keio University/The University of Tokyo/TEAMLAB Inc., Keio University, INRIA/Immersion SAS, The University of Electro-Communications, and KAIST Conference on Interaction Design and Children, June 20-23, 2011, Ann Arbor, Michigan; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Oulu, California College of the Arts, Stanford University School of Education/AT&T Research, University of Maryland/Montclair State University, and University of Illinois at Chicago EICS 2011, June 13-16, 2011, Pisa, Italy; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Ionian University, University of Calgary, ISTI-CNR, and Hasselt University/RWTH Aachen University/University of Calgary CHI, May 7-12, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from MIT Media Lab/University of Waterloo/Tactable Inc., Nanyang Technological University, Interactive Institute Umeå/Umeå University, Brown University/Google Research/Microsoft Research, University of Washington, University of Duisburg-Essen/University of Warwick/German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence/University of Stuttgart, The Open University, The University of Tokyo, RWTH Aachen University, Microsoft Research/University of Washington, Microsoft Research/University of Maryland, RWTH Aachen University, Arizona State University, and Kochi University of Technology/Shenyang University of Technology/University of Toronto Interactive Displays Conference, April 25-26, 2011, Sacramento, California; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Atmel Corporation, Snibbe Interactive, MultiTouch, and GestureTek Inc. Music on Touch Screens by David Villarina Last Word: Infobar C01 by Jin Kim |
Issue 53
December 24, 2011 | 74 pages |
Letter from the publisher: TGM…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Samsung/Microsoft, Sharp, Swype/Nuance, Atmel, KSI, Barnes & Noble, IDT, Cypress, TAOS, Oberthur Technologies/AuthenTec, DocuSign, SMK-Link Electronics, University of Munich/Hasso Plattner Institute, Orbotech, Kobo, OneForAll, NEC, Pew Research, EPFL, University of Aachen, Capella Microsystems, Plessey, Motorola Solutions, Semtech, eMatic, Parks Associates, Adesso, YuMe/LG Electronics, OMVS, Ruwido, AIS, Adobe, Baanto, Microsoft, Evoluce, Improv Electronics, MMD, CEA, DisplaySearch, Neonode/Sonim, Google, Synaptics/Microsoft, KMI, Max Planck Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, LG Display, TPK, MimoMonitors, Kodak, PolyIC, Sony, Wacom, Kodak/Heraeus, Intel, IMS, Snibbe Studio, SMART Technologies, NPD DisplaySearch, Touch World, Atmel, LG Electronics, TruTouch Technologies, and Displaybank AIMCAL Web Coating Conference, October 23-26, 2011, Reno, Nevada; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Dontech Inc., and Applied Materials UIST, October 16-19, 2011, Santa Barbara, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Ritsumeikan University, Queen’s University, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), KAIST, and University of California at Santa Barbara DisplaySearch China FPD Conference, September 8-9, 2011, Shanghai, China; Phillip Hill covers a presentation from DisplaySearch Emerging Display Technologies Conference, August 16-17, 2011, San Jose, California; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Atmel, Zytronic, and N-trig Inc. SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, August 9-11, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the first of four reports on this adjunct to the main conference, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Kanazawa Institute of Technology/Kanazawa Technical College/Kanazawa University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, MIT Media Lab, Disney Research/Disney Interactive Studios, and University of Rennes Conference on Interaction Design and Children, June 20-23, 2011, Ann Arbor, Michigan; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Saarland University/University of Warwick/University of Sussex, Stanford University, Simon Fraser University/Royal Roads University, and University of Strathclyde/Saarland University SID International Symposium, May 17-20, 2011, Los Angeles, California; In this third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers the pick of the posters with presentations from Wamco Incorporated, Maxim Integrated Products, AU Optronics Corporation, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Daikin America, National Chiao Tung University, isiQiri Interface Technologies GmbH/JKU Linz, and National Cheng Kung University/Cando Technology Center CHI, May 7-12, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from NTT Communication Science Laboratories/University of Tsukuba, University of Copenhagen, Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences, National Taiwan University, RWTH Aachen University/University of Zurich, University of Konstanz/Microsoft Research, University of Calgary, University of Warwick/The Open University/user-x.com, Microsoft Research/Brunel University, Research In Motion Limited, University of British Columbia/Technische Universität Darmstadt, Research In Motion Limited/University of Paris, University of Tampere/Aito Interactive Inc., and Georgia Institute of Technology Interactive Displays Conference, April 25-26, 2011, Sacramento, California; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Anoto AB, WRT Associates, and iSuppli Last Word: User Interface TV -- Microsoft is right and Apple is wrong by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
Touch Panel Special Edition Touch Gesture Motion
November 18, 2011 |
44 pages
for free download |
Letter from the publisher: A Touch of Texas…by Mark Fihn Touch Gesture Motion – Line-up Speaker and company summaries + Ian Weightman -- IMS Research + Ross Young -- IMS Research + Geoff Walker -- IMS Research + Paul Erickson -- IMS Research + Paul Resta -- UT Austin + John Feland -- Argus Insights + David Carey -- UBM TechInsights + Zachi Baharav -- Corning + Gerry Seidman -- Tactonic Technologies + Bob Senior -- isiQiri Interface Technologies + Gary Baum -- N-trig + Al Davis -- Consultant + Mike McSherry -- Nuance Communications + Michael Woolstrum -- Touch International + David Nolte -- Ocular + Ola Wassvik -- FlatFrog + John Doherty and Mike Stinson -- Motion Computing + Gerald Morrison -- SMART Technologies + David Potter -- Interactive Product Solutions + Dan Doyle -- Toca Technologies + Dan Van Ostrand -- UniPixel Links |
+ Francois Jeanneau -- Stantum + Rusty Stapp -- NextWindow + Jay Esfandyari -- STMicro + Francois Jeanneau -- Stantum + Rusty Stapp -- NextWindow + Jay Esfandyari -- STMicro + Jonathan Epstein -- Omek Interactive + Jeff Bier -- BDTI + Bill Curtis -- AMD + Dave Rothenberg -- Movea + Navin Natoewal -- Philips + Dan Simpkins -- Hillcrest Labs + Jerry Koontz -- TAOS + David Barnes -- BizWitz + Michael Klug -- Zebra Imaging + Kurt Hoffmeister -- Mechdyne + Ray Ramati -- Extreme Reality + Tom Armbruster -- Oblong Industries + Francis MacDougal -- Qualcomm + Gideon Schmuel -- eyeSight + Jonathan Josephson -- Quantum Interface + Yoav Hoshen -- PointGrab + Mark Lucente -- Consultant
Issue 52
October 28, 2011 | 70 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Slide rules, calculators, and iPads…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: HP, Hilco Streambank/RPO, Bookeen, Elektrosil, Touch-Base, University of Groningen, Touch International, Displaybank, Interactive Touch, Microsoft, Cypress Semiconductor, DigitalOptics/Celluon, DisplaySearch, MediaTile/Sprint, DigiTimes Research, Kyocera, Epesitec, TopoTech, FlatFrog, In-Stat, Strategy Analytics, TE Connectivity, MultiTouch, Bally Technologies, Immersion, IDENT Technology/AU Optronics, SCHOTT, Garmin, Logitech, Semtech, TFC Info, Hillcrest Labs, AuthenTec, Bosch, IDC, NUITEQ, Yale Locks & Hardware, Wacom, eyeSight/Huan TV, Allied Electronics/IDEC, Solomon Systech, Epson, OpenNI, Microchip, KMI, Razer, Georgia Tech, US Army, University of Tokyo/Sony Computer Science Lab, MIT Media Labs, Apple/Samsung, 2GIG Technologies, Aakash, Amazon, Apple, Atmel, Murata Manufacturing, Touch Revolution, AuthenTec, Disney,Lens Technology, Fuji Crystal, G-Tech, Laibao Hi-Tech, Touchingtek, SMK, and National University of Singapore EICS 2011, June 13-16, 2011, Pisa, Italy; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from OFFIS Institute for IT/University of Oldenburg, ETH Zurich/Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and University of Cagliari SID/DisplaySearch Business Conference, May 16, 2011, Los Angeles, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Hanvon, DisplaySearch, and ChiMei Innolux Corp DisplaySearch Taiwan FPD International Conference, April 14-15, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan; Phillip Hill covers two presentations from DisplaySearch SID Texas Chapter Touch Seminar, April 1, 2011, Austin, Texas; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Applied Nanotech Inc, Touch International, and Atmel Corporation Augmented Human Conference, March 13-14, 2011, Tokyo, Japan; Phillip Hill covers papers from UEC Tokyo/University of California/UW-Milwaukee, RWTH Aachen University, Osaka University (x2), Toyohashi University of Technology, University of Tsukuba, and University of Munich International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, February 13-16, 2011, Palo Alto, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence/Saarland University, University of California, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Beijing Institute of Technology, Arizona State University, and German Research Center for AI TEI’11, January 22-26, 2011, Funchal, Portugal; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from California College of the Arts, Technische Universität Dresden, NEC Corporation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Crete, Simon Fraser University, and Real Time Musical Interactions/NoDesign Tomorrow’s Screens by Andy Marken Why NIMble is better than the iPad for kiosks by Matt Rosenthal Carriers Matter: Is Sprint 4G + iPhone 5 > ATT 3.5G + Verizon 4G + iPhone 4? by John Feland Last Word: A mono-tasking machine for reading books by Jin Kim |
Issue 51
September 28, 2011 | 74 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Finger painting II…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Invisa, AuthenTec, Panasonic, Livescribe, InFocus, AuthenTec/Fujitsu, IDC, Yamaha, Godrej, Evoluce, Newline, Cambrios/Hitachi Chemical, TFC Info, Immersion/Texas Instruments, Nuance Communications, Fujitsu/NTT Docomo/AuthenTec, SnapKeys, DocuSign, TazPad, Bally Technologies, Microchip, Intel Capital, Kno, ABI Research, Cronto, WordLogic, Organic Motion, Mitsubishi Electric Automation, N-trig/Lenovo, Cypress Semiconductor, DisplaySearch, CornDigital, Displaybank, UCCTW, Solutia, MIT, Touch International, Disney Research/Carnegie Mellon University, Samsung, Haier Group, and Razer Emerging Display Technologies Conference, August 16-17, 2011, San Jose, California; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from DisplaySearch, Touch Revolution, and Ocular LCD SID International Symposium, May 17-20, 2011, Los Angeles, California; In this second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers the last two days of the conference with presentations from Schott AG, Honeywell International, and University of Toronto CHI, May 7-12, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Phillips Exeter Academy/University of Washington/Microsoft Research, University of Washington/Google Research, Virginia Tech, University of British Columbia/University of Canterbury/Northwestern University, INRIA Lille, Hasso Plattner Institute, Autodesk Research/University of Toronto, University of Glasgow/SAMH Engineering, University of Washington/Intel Labs Seattle, University of Glasgow, Autodesk Research/University of Alberta/University of Manitoba, University of Waterloo/Google Research, Drexel University, and Wellesley College/Tufts University/Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Interactive Displays Conference, April 25-26, 2011, Sacramento, California; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Touch International, Helios Interactive Technologies, Hewlett-Packard, and Artificial Muscle International Display Workshop 2010, December 1-5, 2010, Fukuoka, Japan; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers this event sponsored by The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, and The Society for Information Display, with papers from the session on touch panels & input technologies. Presentations from Sharp Laboratories of Europe, Toshiba Mobile Display Co Ltd, LG Display, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, AU Optronics Technology Center, and The University of Tokyo VRST, November 22-24, 2010, Hong Kong, China; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Université Européenne de Bretagne/INRIA, Universitat de Barcelona/University College London, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation/Tohoku University/Osaka University, and Asian Institute of Technology/National Institute of Informatics/United Nations University/Thammasat University Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 7-10, 2010, Saarbrücken, Germany; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Munich, Newcastle University, Université de Toulouse, The University of Tokyo, Lancaster University, Orange Labs, University of Calgary, University of Calgary/Petrobras S.A./ Computer Modelling Group Ltd., RWTH Aachen University, Brunel University/University of Bristol/Microsoft Research, Tampere University of Technology/Nokia Research Center, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and Microsoft Research ACM Multimedia 2010 International Conference, October 25-29, 2010, Florence, Italy; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from National Taiwan University/University of Udine, University of Toronto, University of Vienna/Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and University of Science and Technology of China/Microsoft Research Asia Mobile HCI 2010, September 7-10, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Oldenburg, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/ Sabanci University, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, University of Canterbury/T-Systems Switzerland, and DOCOMO Euro-Labs Interview with Kelly Leff from Touch International Capturing the robustness of glass panels in touch-screen displays by Craig Hillman To Swipe or Not to Swipe: Designing Intuitive Gesture-Based Human Interface Systems by Ahsan Javed Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 50
August 21, 2011 | 70 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Finger painting…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: University of Illinois, Vizio, Hatch/SMART Technologies, Compal, Taiwan Glass, Amazon, AuthenTec, Perceptive Pixel, HP, Touch International, Cando, Chi Mei Materials, Iljin Display, Wintek/Tianma, Accenture, Parks, DisplaySearch, Movea, TMD, Displaybank, iSuppli, University of Tokyo, Zytronic, Toray, Neonode, Artificial Muscle, Immersion, FusionPage Interactive/MultiTouch, Kionix, Analog Devices, Cyviz, Logitech, Samsung Mobile, Toshiba, Cypress Semiconductor, Digital Rapids, J Touch/Young Fast, AimCore, Ricoh, Zilog, Bally Technologies, Motion Computing, Planar, InFocus, and GestureTek/Qualcomm The Future of Touch & Interactivity Conference, May 18, 2011, Los Angeles, California; In the second of two reports from this conference jointly organized by IMS and SID, Phillip Hill covers presentations from BizWitz, Tactonic Technologies, Quantum Interface, SMART Technologies, and Tech-D-P SID International Symposium 2011, May 17-20, Los Angeles, California; In this first report of two, Phillip Hill covers the first three days of the conference with presentations from Taiwan Electrets Electronics, Synaptics Inc., Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Toshiba Mobile Display, FlatFrog Laboratories AB, Semiconductor Energy Laboratory/Advanced Film Device Inc, and Toshiba Mobile Display CHI, May 7-12, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Hasso Plattner Institute, KAIST, National University of Singapore/Singapore Management University, Microsoft Research/University of Maryland/Cornell University, Pixar Animation Studios/University of California Berkeley/Technische Universität Berlin, Microsoft Research, University of California Irvine/Universidad Autónoma de Baja, University of California Berkeley/ETH/EPFL, Nanyang Technological University, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Disney Research, University of Bath, KAIST, Nokia Research Center/Hasso Plattner Institute, and University of Washington/Intel Labs Interactive Displays Conference, April 25-26, 2011, Sacramento, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Yamaha Corporation of America, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Intel Labs, and NCR Netkey TEI’11, January 22-26, 2011, Funchal, Portugal; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from KAIST/MITI, Newcastle University/Carnegie Mellon University, Northwestern University, University of the Arts Berlin/Folkwang University of the Arts Essen, TU Berlin/University of Canterbury, The Open University, and Georgia Institute of Technology Review: Motion Computing CL900 tablet computer by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer People, work, play and content are on the move by Andy Marken Last Word: e-Books vs. Tablets: Market mania with confusion? by Aldo Cugnini Display Industry Calendar |
Issue 49
June 12, 2011 | 69 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Apples and honey…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: AppSide, Zytronic, Neonode, NV3 Technologies, Mechdyne, Wintek, The Publishers Association, AIS, Xplore, EEDOO/SoftKinetic Studios, T1Visions, Ocular, Multitouch/FIMM, Cambrios, Displaybank, Intel Capital/Kno, Cypress Semiconductor, Sensosolutions, RedMere, Hanvon, ESTECOM/Baanto, Stantum, Immersion, N-trig, Perceptive Pixel, Black Box, Sparkpad, Semtech, VTI, Immersion/Bayer MaterialScience, Evoluce, Nuance, Toshiba, Slice HD, Touch International/NUITEQ, Google, 3M, Nintendo, Dell, Touch International, Gartner, Association of American Publishers, Hasso Plattner Institute, Research In Motion, Kyocera, Sony, BAE Systems, Garmin, Renesas Electronics America, Emerging Display, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Oxford University, Mudpad, ARBOR Technology, Wintek, Cambrios/Synaptics, Peratech, NUITEQ, AGC, FlatFrog, DisplaySearch, Sumimoto Chemical, Electronic Art, North Dakota State University, Microsoft, and University of Electro-Communications eBook & Tablet Market Evolution Conference, May 19, 2011, Los Angeles, California; In this report from this conference jointly organized by IMS and SID, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Hanvon Technology, and IMS Research The Future of Touch & Interactivity Conference, May 18, 2011, Los Angeles, California; In the first of two reports from this conference jointly organized by IMS and SID, Phillip Hill covers presentations from IMS Research USA, Synaptics, Ocular LCD, and Zebra Imaging TEI’11, January 22-26, 2011, Funchal, Portugal; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Stanford University, University of Munich, Louisiana State University, and Umeå University/Microsoft Research SIGGRAPH Asia 2010, December 15-18, 2010, Seoul, South Korea; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from International Institute of Information Technology, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Ritsumeikan University, and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 7-10, 2010, Saarbrücken, Germany; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Calgary (x2), University of Lübeck/Lancaster University, Augsburg University, DFKI GmbH, Kwansei Gakuin University/Kobe University/Okayama Prefecture University, Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Tsinghua University, University of Konstanz, University of Munich, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf/Lang AG, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering/a3 Systems GmbH/Folkwang University, Keio University, and Konkuk University ACM Multimedia 2010 International Conference, October 25-29, 2010, Florence, Italy; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from National Taiwan University/National Palace Museum, Centrica, University of Ottawa, Technische Universität München, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MultiTaction: Technology platform for multi-touch LCDs of any size by Hannu Anttila and Tommi Ilmonen Myths debunked: Pros and cons of ITO/flex 62 Applications, capabilities and performance by John Fenn Last Word: Amazon to offer Tablet PCs: Possibly making tablets a two-man race… by Ken Werner |
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Touch Panel Special Edition The Future of Touch & Interactivity SID 2011
May 3, 2011 |
42 pages
for free download |
Letter from the publisher: The future of touch and interactivity…by Mark Fihn The Future of Touch & Interactivity: SID Market Focus Conference Series – Line-up The Future of Touch & Interactivity: SID Market Focus Conference Series – Agenda Speaker and company summaries + Brian Berkeley -- SID + Andrew Woods -- Curtin University + Michael Klug -- Zebra Imaging + Larry Mozdzyn -- Ocular + Vernon Spencer -- Visual Planet + Rick Seger -- N-trig + Joe Kotas -- Baanto + Kuniharu Takei -- UC, Berkeley + Bob Mackey -- Synaptics + Francois Jeanneau -- Stantum + John Jacobs -- Cisco + Geoff Walker -- IMS Research + Ian Weightman -- IMS Research + Richard Marks -- Sony + Stephen Atwood -- Azonix + Iris Finkelstein-Sagi -- PrimeSense + Ken Perlin -- NYU Media Lab + Gerry Seidman -- Tactonic Technologies + Bruce Banter -- Tech-D-P + Daniel Wigdor -- University of Toronto + Pete Silva and Brian Pinkham -- Photonic Bliss + Gerald Morrison -- SMART Technologies + Jonathan Josephson -- Quantum Interface + Adrian Travis -- Microsoft Research + David Barnes -- BizWitz + Francis MacDougall -- GestureTek + Greg Downing -- xRez Studio + Steve Smith -- Wacom + Graham Plumb -- Snibbe Interactive + Kwindla Hultman Kramer -- Oblong Industries The evolution of user interfaces by Stephen Atwood Links |
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Touch Panel Special Edition eReader and Tablet Market Evolution SID 2011 |
May 3, 2011 |
30 pages
for free download |
eReader and Tablet Market Evolution Conference…by Ross Young eReader and Tablet Market Evolution Conference: SID Market Focus Conference Series – Agenda Speaker and company summaries + Sri Peruvemba -- E Ink + Ross Young -- IMS Research + Shawn G. Dubravac -- CEA + Doug Klein -- Barnes & Noble + Jun Liu -- Hanvon Technology + Geoff Walker -- IMS Research + John Warren -- RAND Corporation + Babur Habib -- Kno + Jim Cathey -- Qualcomm MEMS Technologies + Robert Sprague -- SiPix Imaging + Kaoru Suzuki -- Bridgestone + Hui Lee -- Delta +Johan Feenstra -- Samsung LCD Netherlands R&D Center + Karl McGoldrick -- Polymer Vision + Fumio Nemoto -- Hydis + Asokan Thiyagarajan -- Samsung Mobile Tablets and eReaders at Display Week Sponsors Links |
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Issue 48
April 26, 2011 | 68 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The id of ID…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Gartner, 3M Touch Systems, Cypress Semiconductor, Displaybank, Immersion, Guinness Book of Records, Bally Technologies, M-Edge Accessories, Strategy Analytics, Samsung, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Apple, Quanta3M, DisplaySearch, N-trig, Elan Microelectronics, American Industrial Systems, NEC Corporation, Gunze USA, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Jeff Rowberg, Tobii Technology, TouchSensor Technologies, InFocus, DoCoMo, IDT, PureTouch, Samsung, Yole Développement, Microsoft, Atmel/Nvidia, Morse Code, Dell, Garmin/Volvo Penta, and Przemek Jaworski Electronic Displays 2011, March 2-3, Nuremberg, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Elektrosil Systeme der Elektronik GmbH, and Hitachi Europe GmbH US Flat Panel Display Conference, March 1-2, 2011, San Diego, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from DisplaySearch, Touch Revolution, and Tyco Electronics i3D 2011, February 18-20, 2011, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill covers papers from Wuhan University/Texas A&M University/Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, and University of Minnesota/SUNY University at Buffalo Intelligent User Interfaces, February 13-16, 2011, Palo Alto, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Massachusetts Lowell/The MITRE Corporation, University of California San Diego/Vrije Universiteit Brussel/ETH Zurich/University of Konstanz, University of California San Diego, MIT CSAIL, University of Salerno/Unlimited Software, and Université Européenne de Bretagne TEI’11, January 22-26, 2010, Funchal, Portugal; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Georgia Institute of Technology/University of Toronto/University of Cincinnati, MIT Media Laboratory, KAIST/Madeira-ITI, University of Toronto, LMU University of Munich, DOCOMO Euro-Labs, and Carnegie Mellon University/Disney Research International Display Workshop 2010, December 1-5, 2010, Fukuoka, Japan; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers this event sponsored by The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, and The Society for Information Display, with papers from the sessions on FPD manufacturing, materials & components; 3D/hyper-realistic displays & systems; projection & large-area displays & their components; and electronic paper. Presentations from Nitto Denko Corporation, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), NTT DOCOMO, Ghent University/Optinvent, and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 7-10, 2010, Saarbrücken, Germany; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Queen’s University, Newcastle University, Technische Universität Dresden/queo media GmbH, Technische Universität Darmstadt/University of California, University of Calgary, Microsoft Research, University of Groningen/University of Ontario Institute of Technology/University of Waterloo/University of Calgary, RWTH Aachen University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, OFFIS Institute for Information Technology/University of Oldenburg, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (x2), University of Konstanz (x2), Durham University, FORTH, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) IMID/IDMC/Asia Display, October 11-15, 2010, Seoul, South Korea; Phillip Hill covers papers from Samsung Mobile Display, and Konan University Interview with Chris Colbert from 3M Tactile Feedback in Mobile: Consumer Attitudes about High-Definition Haptic Effects in Touch Screen Phones by Chris Ulrich Last Word: Apple sues Samsung for copying technology, UI, and style by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 47
February 14, 2011 | 66 pages |
Letter from the publisher: A chat with Sam Hurst: In Memoriam… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Displaybank, Pantomotion, Apple, Motorola, ROHM Semiconductor, Sony, IDC, Kyocera, IMS Research, ZAGG, HP, Neonode, uWriteTouch, Softkinetic-Optrima, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Immersion, Element One, Fraunhofer, Shoei, QSI, Quantum Interface, CMI, Microsoft Envisioning Lab/Zytronic, Synaptics, DisplaySearch, University of Groningen, IHS iSuppli, Atmel, Canalys, TPK Touch Solutions, Wintek, Sintek Photronics, Cando, Chimei Innolux, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, HannStar Display, Mutto, In-Stat, HealthEssentials/Anoto, Brainchild, Tyco Electronics, CoActiv, Delft University of Technology, T-Mobile/LG Mobile, Cypress Semiconductor, Sectra, See and Touch Marbella, EKtouch, J Touch, LG, Giantplus, Toshiba, ZaagTech, Vizio, Join Well Technology/Ushine Photonics/AimCore Technology, Waltop, Wintek, Advanced Input Systems/Pacinian, Foxconn, LG Display, Compal, Mildex Optical, PQ Labs, MIT, HannStar, Young Lighting Technology, DisplaySearch, Lumio, National Taipei University, and N-trig Interview with Larry Mozdzyn from Ocular LCD Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 22-24, 2010, Hong Kong, China; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Yamanashi, Durham University, University of Lille, Adobe Systems Incorporated, and University of Strasbourg Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 7-10, 2010, Saarbrücken, Germany; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Calgary, Victoria University of Wellington, Universität Bremen, University of St. Andrews, University of Glasgow, University of Münster, Trinity College Dublin, University of Durham, RWTH Aachen University, DFKI, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg/University of Rostock, Purdue University/University of Manitoba, Georgia Institute of Technology/Microsoft Research/University of Calgary, University of Sydney, and Brown University/Microsoft Research ACM Multimedia International Conference, October 25-29, 2010, Florence, Italy; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Calgary, Arizona State University, Université Catholique de Louvain, University of Texas at Dallas, and INRIA-LIG/INRIA-LABRI/Université d’Orléans/INRIA-LJK Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, June 19-23, 2010, Berlin, Germany; In the second of two reports on the Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Phillip Hill covers papers from Georgia Institute of Technology/University of North Carolina, Hasselt University/RWTH Aachen University/Microsoft Research/Microsoft Surface, Université Catholique de Louvain, and France Telecom R&D/Orange Labs Conference on Interaction Design and Children, June 9-12, 2010, Barcelona, Spain; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from MIT Media Lab (x2), University of Zaragoza (x2), Southeastern Louisiana University, Open University, University of Sussex/ETH, and ZHDK University of the Arts/University of Zurich/ZKM How to evaluate multi-touch while standing in a store by Jim Meador, Pascal Auriel and Gauthier Chastan Last Word: Trade-in your Kindle for real books…by Jin Kim |
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Issue 46
January 27, 2011 | 66 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Creative designs… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Gartner, N-trig, Misa Digital Technology, Dell, PrimeSense, Kno, MultiTouch Ltd., Umeå University, ChangeWave Research, Aachen University, 3M, IXYS, IDT, Silver Lake, Cypress, MicroVision, Samsung, Enspert, Vision Objects, 3M/Quanta Computer, Nuance Communications, Planar Systems, Cando, Meridian, Zero Degrees/Intel/HP/Microsoft/Storm/Zebra Technologies, MSI, Printechnologics, Gunze USA, Barnes & Noble, ABI Research, Microsoft, Displaybank, Conexant, Compal/Sitronix, Wah Hong/Jun Hong, ChiMei Innolux, Wintek, TPK, Cheng Uei, DigiTimes, EETI, Movea, RTW, Atmel Corporation/Ocular, Warner Bros., SkinnyBytes, MasterCorp/Fujitsu, Input Dynamics, University of Utah, Grandstream, Xerox, Mimo Monitors, BAE Systems, Crestron, DigitalPersona, Technical Artist, Strategy Analytics, UC Berkeley, Hanvon, SoundGraph ,Isabella Products, 3qubits, and Creative SIGGRAPH Asia 2010, December 15-18, 2010, Seoul, South Korea; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Seoul National University, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Wakayama University, Soka University, and Robotics Research Lab/IIIT-H Plastic Electronics Conference & Exhibition, October 19-21, 2010, Dresden, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from isiQiri interface technologies GmbH, and DisplaySearch Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, October 3-6, 2010, New York, New York; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Microsoft Research, Disney Research, RWTH Aachen University, Hasso Plattner Institute, The Open University, Google Research, and Ritsumeikan University Mobile HCI, September 7-10, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal; In the second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Pohang University of Science and Technology/Chonnam National University, Lancaster University/University of Cape Town, University of Bristol, IST/Technical University of Lisbon/INESC-ID, Microsoft Research/Microsoft Corp./University of California, Technical University of Lisbon/INESC-ID, Beihang University/Nokia Research Center Espoo/Nokia Research Center Beijing, and The Open University SIGGRAPH, July 25-29, 2010, Los Angeles, California; In the third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Deakin University, Tactable, Oslo School of Architecture and Design/Squidsoup, Ohio State University, York University, and University West England Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 10-15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia; In the fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology/University of Madeira, Arizona State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of North Carolina, Darmstadt University of Technology, Arizona State University, HumanCentric, Disney Research, and Dublin City University Touch technology comparison by Gary Barrett The 3rd screen enters the personal, business world by Andy Marken Apple gains market share – really? by Jon Peddie Last Word: Verizon iPhone 4…by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 45
December 14, 2010 | 65 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Has Apple enabled Microsoft’s vision for the Tablet PC? by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: NXT, Augen Electronics, E Fun, Gartner, Displaybank, Semtech, Cypress Semiconductor, Cando, Osaka Prefecture University, Young Fast/Wintek/TPK, Fujitsu, Fnac, Eizo Nanao, Premier Farnell/demmel, Queens University, Perceptive Pixel, Alps, Tastitalia, DigiTimes Research, Microsoft, Zytronic/NUITEQ, CIT, Zytronic, J Touch/Sharp, 3M/Cogent, Nuance Communications, RIM/TAT, Philips Healthcare/Ocular, and Sony Mobile HCI, September 7-10, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal; In the first of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Lancaster University/DOCOMO Euro-Labs, DOCOMO Euro-Labs/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), University of Glasgow, Graz University of Technology/University of Canterbury, Microsoft Research/RWTH/University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Glasgow, Newcastle University/Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, and Nokia Research Center SIGGRAPH, July 25-29, 2010, Los Angeles, California; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Immersion SAS, The University of Tokyo, University of Tsukuba (x2), The University of Tokyo/Keio University (x2), Gdansk University of Technology, Hong-Ik University/Yonsei University, National Taiwan University, Yonsei University, University of Minnesota, and Tokyo Metropolitan University/National Institute of Special Needs Education/Japan Electronics College Korea Display Conference, July 8-9, 2010, Seoul, South Korea; Phillip Hill covers presentations from LG Electronics, and LG Innotek EuroITV Conference on Interactive TV and Video, June 9-11, 2010, Tampere, Finland; Phillip Hill covers a paper from University Paul Sabatier Graphics Interface Conference, May 31–June 2, 2010, Ottawa, Ontario; Phillip Hill covers papers from Clemson University/Greenville Technical College, Osaka University/Tohoku University, Queen’s University, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories/University of Washington, Microsoft Research/Microsoft Research Cambridge/Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Research/University of Washington, and Inesc-ID/University of Calgary Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 10-15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia; In the third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Autodesk Research/University of Maryland/Cornell University, Microsoft Research, Telecom ParisTech, National Taiwan University, EPFL Media and Design Lab, ASUSTek Computer Inc./Kun Shan University, Microsoft Research/Microsoft Corporation/University of Toronto, University of California, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, London Knowledge Lab, Georgia Tech, Pompeu Fabra University, Ryerson University, Microsoft/SMART Technologies, The University of Iowa, UMBC, KAIST, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Orange Labs/ENSCI-Les ateliers, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology/Inje University, University of Duisburg-Essen/Newcastle University, University of Duisburg-Essen/German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, and The Open University Interview with Adam Bogue from Circle Twelve Putting the “Touch” in Multi-Touch: An in-depth look at the future of interactivity by Gary Barrett Last Word: RIM gets serious about user interface…by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 44
November 16, 2010 | 66 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The Touch Panelists…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Volkswagen, Nikko van Stolk, Southern Methodist University, Stanford/UC Berkeley, Satake, CEVA/eyeSight, 3M Touch Systems, 3M/Cogent, Bally Technologies/3M, 3M/Perceptive Pixel, Mechdyne/Haption, Ocular/Densitron Technologies, Baanto/Christie, Hitachi, Amazon, Imagis, TPK, ChiMei Innolux, AU Optronics, Young Fast, ABI Research, DisplaySearch, WitsView, Displaybank, Touch International, TPK Holding, Wintek, Cando, Sintek, isiQiri, Canatu, Cambrios Technologies, Wrapsol, Monster, CyberLink, AuthenTec, Fujitsu, Vantage Data Centers/Fujitsu, TruTouch Technologies, Audi, General Dynamics Canada, Samsung, Barnes & Noble, Kno, AccessData, Cherrypal, Dell, Savant, Sharp, Hewlett-Packard, Viewsonic, HCD, Vizio, Entourage, Pandigital, Lenovo, Microsoft, NUITEQ, MultiTouch, Obscura Digital, Cypress Semiconductor, Analog Devices, and Cypress/STMicro UIST, October 3-6, 2010, New York, New York; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Washington/Intel Labs, Lancaster University, Brown University, Hasso Plattner Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, National Taiwan University, and Microsoft Research Displaybank US Conference, September 15, 2010, Santa Clara, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Displaybank and NextWindow Engineering Interactive Computer Systems, June 19-23, 2010, Berlin, Germany; In the first of two reports on the Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Phillip Hill covers papers from Inspire AG/ETH Zurich, University of Calgary, Grenoble University, and RWTH Aachen University Conference on Interaction Design and Children, June 9-12, 2010, Barcelona, Spain; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Advanced Industrial Science and Technology/Tokyo University of Science, Open University/Middlesex University/University of Sussex/Roehampton University, Philips Research, MIT Media Laboratory/Sifteo Inc, University of Athens/Makebelieve design & consulting, University of Central Lancashire, University of Colorado, Ars Electronica Futurelab, and Universidad de Málaga Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 23-25, 2009, Banff, Alberta; In this fourth of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from RWTH Aachen University (x2), Thales Research and Technology/Massachusetts Institute of Technology (CSAIL), Konkuk University, University of Waterloo (x2), Otto-von-Guericke-University, Indiana University/MacroViz Multimedia Design Studio, MIT CSAIL, Darmstadt University of Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Munich, University of Sydney, Indiana University School of Informatics, University of Calgary (x2), York University, and University of Groningen Interview with Anders Mölne from F-Origin On the road, staying in touch for business, pleasure by Andy Marken Will they, won’t they? by Bob Senior Last Word: Thoughts on the iPhone 4… by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 42+43 Double Issue
September 13, 2010 | 126 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Subscription trends…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: FBN, 3M, Zytronic, University of Washington, Sungkyunkwan University, MIT Media Lab, Microsoft Research, Elliptic Labs, Brando, Swiftpoint, Fujitsu, Apple, Movea, JDSU, Swype, Inwindow Outdoor, Analog Devices, Eyesight Mobile Technologies, BMO Financial Group, GestureTek, Schematic, HP, Canonical, Cypress Semiconductor, Kionix/Cypress Semiconductor, Cypress Semiconductor/Fujitsu, Silicon Labs, IDC, iSuppli, DisplaySearch, SMART Technologies, ViewSonic/Luidia, University of Pennsylvania, MorphoTrak, Hitachi/Avion, Uni-Pixel, Immersion, Immersion/Toshiba, MIT, NYU Langone Medical Center/BioDigital/SensAble, Motion Computing, CEA-Leti, ICDM, Elan/EETI, ELAN, Young Fast/J Touch, CPT, EDT, GTOC/TPK, Young Fast, J Touch, G-Tech/TPK, J Touch/Transtouch, NineSigma, Touch International, Neonode/Sony, Neonode/Daesung Electric, Samsung, Hitachi Displays, Lumex InfoVue, Aqumin/Perceptive Pixel, LG, Samsung/Tech Global, Stantum, Dell, Wolfram Alpha, Xplore Technologies, GamePark, The Sharper Image, DMC Worldwide, HCD, Koobe, Boost Mobile, Kno, MSI, TomTom, Garmin, HUSQVARNA VIKING, GiiNii, Texas Instruments, Quanta, Realease, OpenPeak, Lenovo, LG Display, SkinnyBytes, Acer, Control4, AIS, Toshiba, Infibeam, NEC, First International Computer, Smart Devices, Huawei, Velocity Micro, Pandigital, and Red Flag Software Emerging Display Technologies Conference, August 19, 2010, San Jose, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from DisplaySearch, Elo TouchSystems, GestureTek Inc., Lumio, and Ocular SIGGRAPH 2010, July 25-29, 2010, Los Angeles, California; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from The University of Tokyo/Keio University, Osaka University/Tohoku University/Kwansei Gakuin University, Osaka University, University of East Anglia, The University of Tokyo (x2), Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Keio University, Immersion SAS, MPI Informatik/Universität Stuttgart/University College London, Microsoft Research, Tokyo Metropolitan University/National Institute of Special Needs Education/Japan Electronics College, and Media Interaction Lab/Brown University IMS – The Future of Touch and Interactivity, May 27, 2010, Seattle, Washington; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Samsung Yokohama Research Institute, Synaptics, Touch International, Uni-Pixel Displays, Yamaha, and RPO Conference on Advanced Human Interfaces, May 26-28, 2010, Rome, Italy; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Meiji University/The University of Electro-Communications, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, France Telecom R&D Orange Labs, and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid SID Display Week 2010, May 25-28, 2010, Seattle, Washington; In this second report, Phillip Hill covers presentations from the last two days of the conference. Papers and posters from NEC LCD Technologies Ltd., Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, LG Display, Sharp Corporate R&D Group/Sharp Mobile LCD Group, Hanyang University, 3M Touch Systems, AU Optronics Corporation/National Chiao-Tung University/I-Shou University, and Uni-Pixel Displays SID DisplaySearch Business Conference, May 24, 2010, Seattle, Washington; Phillip Hill covers presentations from DisplaySearch (x2), and GestureTek Interactive Displays, April 20-22, 2010, San Jose, California; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Elo TouchSystems, Immersion, Artificial Muscle, Inc., and NextWindow FINETECH JAPAN, April 14-16, 2010, Tokyo, Japan; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Displaybank, Stantum, and Corning CHI, April 10-15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia; In the second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of California San Diego, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences/University of Waterloo/MIT Media Lab, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology/Universidade da Madeira, Newcastle University/Northumbria University, University of Munich, Lancaster University/Microsoft Research, National Taiwan University/National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Wellesley College/Babson College/Carnegie Mellon University/Georgia Institute of Technology, Microsoft Research, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Cambridge/University of Nottingham/Microsoft Research, Autodesk Research, University of Munich/Hasso Plattner Institute, The University of Tokyo, University of Alberta/University of Manitoba/Microsoft Research, and FX Palo Alto Laboratory Flexible Electronics & Displays Conference, February 1-4, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona; There was one presentation from NextWindow that dealt with touch at this FlexTech Alliance event, covered by Phillip Hill TEI, January 25-27, 2010, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In this third of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from KAIST, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, XXtraLab Design, Texas A&M University, and JKU Linz Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 23-25, 2009, Banff, Alberta; In this third of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from -von-Guericke-Universität, The University of Electro-Communications/Japan Science and Technology Agency, TU Munich/LMU Munich/AO Foundation, University of Oldenburg/OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, Stimulant, Newcastle University, FH-Trier, University of Paderborn/Siemens SIS, RWTH Aachen University, and Lancaster University, Interview with Joe Kotas from Baanto PolyShield develops protective films for touchscreens by Richard Allen Finger positions for touch screens by Dan Saffer Conductive coatings markets 2010 and beyond by Lawrence Gasman Multi-touch table with horizontal mounted LCD by Andreas Kopietz Motion leaps to the tablet front by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Last Word: Archos 101 Android tablet by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 40+41 Double Issue
June 21, 2010 | 108 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Be it resolved…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Roger Linn, Lenovo, Tobii Technology, Thinix, Microsoft, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, 3M, ELAN, ELAN/Weltrend/Sonix, Fujitsu, Fujitsu/ATT, Wintek, NextWindow, AUO/CMI/NextWindow, Quanta, Touch International, FlatFrog, Pandigital, Optics Balzers, EuropTec, N-trig, Elo TouchSystems, Raydium, AUO, G-Tech, Toshiba/Senseg, Artificial Muscle, Immersion, LG Display, Young Fast/RiTek, Young Fast/Lite-On Mobile, UniDisplay, MIT, Bally Technologies, Natural Sound Electronics, Kno, ASUS, ZTE, Dell, Motion Computing, Pixcir, Microchip Technology, Cypress Semiconductor, Uni-Pixel, Tangent, Motion Analysis, Applied Materials, STMicroelectronics, Gateway, LG Electronics, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Analog Devices, Microsoft/Carnegie Mellon University, ITC, Archos, American Industrial Systems, Intel, Christie Medical Holdings, Zytronic, Wacom, Synaptics, Aava Mobile, Ocular, Gateway, IDT, Kodak, NanoMarkets, iSuppli, DisplaySearch, Gartner, Luidia, Promethean, Boost Mobile/Motorola, HTC/Sprint, Cellular South/HTC, Cellular South/Motorola, Pantech, Eketrosil/Ionoco, GestureTek, Projection Advertising, Clear Channel Airports, Brussels Airport, MultiTouch/Riolab, AuthenTec, Fujitsu, and Precise Biometrics IMS – The Future of Touch and Interactivity, May 27, 2010, Seattle, Washington, In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Cypress Semiconductor, Displaybank, and NextWindow Conference on Advanced Human Interfaces, May 26-28, 2010, Rome, Italy; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Microsoft, Université Paris-Sud, University of Grenoble/Telecom ParisTech, MIT, and Graz University of Technology SID Display Week, May 25-28, 2010, Seattle, Washington; Phillip Hill covers presentations from the first two days of the conference. Papers from Sharp Laboratories of Europe/Sharp Corporation (x2), Microsoft Research (x2), Industrial Technology Research Institute, Perceptive Pixel, WINTEK Corporation, and Samsung Yokohama Research Institute/Samsung Electronics Interactive Displays, April 20-22, 2010, San Jose, California; In the first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from DisplaySearch, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Synaptics, MultiTouch Ltd., and Displax Interactive Systems Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 10-15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia; In the first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from University of Toronto/Mount Allison University, University of Toronto/IBM Research Almaden, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Glasgow, Hasso Plattner Institute, Telecom ParisTech/CNRS LTCI, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Virginia Tech/FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc., Georgia Tech/Universität Bremen, University of Glasgow/Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/University of Michigan, University of Washington/Microsoft Research/Microsoft Corporation, and University College London Eye Tracking Research and Applications, March 22-24, 2010, Austin, Texas; Phillip Hill covers papers from Kwansei Gakuin University/Kobe University/Okayama Prefectural University, Loughborough University/Nordic Bioscience Imaging/IT University, and University of Tampere/De Montfort University Power Saving for Displays, January 26-27, 2010, Oxford, England; Phillip Hill covers this Sharp/SID hosted event with presentations from Eldico, 3M Touch Systems, Sharp Laboratories of Europe, and Light Blue Optics TEI, January 25-27, 2010, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In this second of three reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Nokia Research Center, The Open University, Technische Universität München, Queen’s University, Hochschule Bremen/Fachhochschule Bielefeld, University of Munich, and Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 23-25, 2009, Banff, Alberta; In this second of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Massachusetts Lowell, University of Sussex/The Open University, University of Calgary/University of Munich/University of Toronto, University of Calgary/University of Groningen, University of Calgary/University of Saskatchewan, Microsoft Research, LIMSI-CNRS and University Paris-Sud, University of Toronto/Microsoft Research/Microsoft Surface, University of Calgary (x2), Newcastle University/ Carnegie Mellon University, Microsoft Research Cambridge, INRIA/Tsinghua University, Interactive Institute Umeå, and University of Sydney Projected Capacitive Touch Technology by Tony Gray and Larry Mozdzyn Transparent Conductor Markets 2010: ITO and the Alternatives by Lawrence Gasman Apple iPad WiFi 64GB by David MacNeill Last Word: Pre-orders…by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
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Special Edition SID 2010
May 6, 2010 |
33 pages
for free download |
Letter from the publisher: The future of touch and interactivity…by Mark Fihn The Future of Touch & Interactivity: SID Market Focus Conference Series – Agenda Speaker and company summaries + Bill Buxton -- Microsoft + Mark Mendenhall -- Elo TouchSystems + David Martin -- SMART Technologies + Gary Barrett -- Touch International + Malcolm Thompson -- RPO + Steve Smith -- Wacom + “Superman” artist Matt Haley, DC Comics + Blake Angelos -- Yamaha + Al Ingallinera & Kevin Corson -- Beamz Interactive + Francis MacDougall -- GestureTek + Calvin Lee -- Displaybank + Jeff Han -- Perceptive Pixel + Geoff Walker -- Next Window + Andrew Hsu -- Synaptics + Seamus Burns -- Plastic Logic + Trevor Davis -- Cypress Semiconductor + John Briden -- Hewlett-Packard + Rick Seger -- N-trig + Bob Senior -- FlatFrog + Andy Wilson -- Microsoft + Francois Jenneau -- Stantum + Seiki Takahashi -- Samsung + Mike Levin -- Pacinian + Robert Petcavich -- Uni-Pixel A Touching Look at Display Week 2010 by Paul Drzaic Links |
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Issue 38+39 Double Issue
April 18, 2010 | 115 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Padding the truth…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: OpenPeak, Marvell, HP, Innovative Converged Devices, Neofonie, Notion Ink, ExoPC, Asustek, Spring Design, enTourage, Onda Communication, Microsoft, Packard Bell, Lenovo, NEC, Tyco Electronics, Samsung, Isabella Products, eStarling, Sony, FLO TV, Neonode/Koobe, iBuyPower, Toshiba, Hanvon, Acer, Xplore, Logic Instrument, Openmoko, Panasonic, Sprint, HTC, Haleron, Kyocera, Garmin-Asus, Google, HTC/Apple, Microsoft, Cincinnati Bell/Pharos, Corning, Cypress Semiconductor, T-Mobile USA/HTC, Binatone/DSP Group, Nuance, Movial/LG-Nortel, Jabil, Neonode, Jonas Friedemann Heue, GestureTek, Luidia, National Cheng Kung University, Ideum, 31FPS, Sensonor, NASA, MIT, Gunze USA, 3Plast Project, Peratech, Peratech/Samsung Electro-mechanics, MIT/Peratech, DuPont Display/Ocular, NextWindow, Zytronic, CDI/Numonics, NEC Display Solutions/SMART, Touch International, Flexpoint/Sensor Products, Dawar/Bell Microproducts, Displaybank, Gartner, Taptu, Barclays Capital, Canalys, In-Stat, NanoMarkets, KioskCom/The Digital Signage Show, Unidym, Pinnacle Security, Techno Source, Audacity/JazzMutant, GestureWorks, ARX, Amulet, Pelikon, Minebea, Anoto, STMicroelectronics, Sony Ericsson, L-1 Identity Solutions, UPEK/AuthenTec, AuthenTec, ASUS/AuthenTec, and Artificial Muscle Electronic Displays 2010 Conference, March 3-4, 2010, Nuremberg, Germany; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Zytronic, Elektrosil Systeme der Elektronik GmbH, Atmel Corporation, HY-LINE Computer Components Vertriebs GmbH, and Light Blue Optics DisplaySearch US FPD Conference, March 2-3, 2010, San Diego, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from DisplaySearch, N-trig Inc., 3M Touch Systems, and Synaptics TEI, January 25-27, 2010, Cambridge, Massachusetts; In this first of three reports here, Phillip Hill covers all the main papers directly specific to touch from Carnegie Mellon University/Intel Labs, MIT Media Laboratory/Microsoft Research, Virginia Tech, EPFL, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Banff New Media Institute/Ars Electronica Futurelab, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and Stanford University/Nokia Research Center SIGGRAPH Asia, December 16-19, 2009, Yokohama, Japan; Phillip Hill covers posters from The University of Tokyo/Keio University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba (x2), and MIT Media Lab IDW ’09, December 9-11, 2009, Miyazaki, Japan; In this second report of two, Phillip Hill covers this conference organized by The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, and The Society for Information Display, with presentations from Stantum, Samsung Mobile Display, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, and Ricoh Innovations Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, November 23-25, 2009, Banff, Alberta; In this first of four reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Hasselt University, Microsoft Research/University of Washington, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, Technische Universität München, University of Science and Technology, University of Iowa, University of Grenoble, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences/University of Waterloo/University of Tokyo/Keio University, OFFIS Institute for Information Technology/University of Oldenburg, Newcastle University, University of Calgary, Fraunhofer IITB, Otto-von-Guericke University, University of Augsburg, Fondazione Bruno Kessler/University of Trento/University of Haifa, and University of Magdeburg Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 18-20, Kyoto, Japan; In the second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers papers from the 16th ACM symposium on VRST: University of Geneva/Charles University Prague, University College London, Nara Institute of Science and Technology/National Institute of Science and Technology, and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Mobile HCI 2009, September 15-18, 2009, Bonn, Germany; In this second report of two, Phillip Hill covers papers from the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services: offerings from OFFIS Institute for Information Technology/University of Oldenburg, Nokia Research Center, University of Alberta/University of Manitoba, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)/DOCOMO Euro-Labs, University of Duisburg Essen, and University of Glasgow A Touching Look at Display Week 2010 by Paul Drzaic Touch technologies for large-format applications by Geoff Walker Changing opportunities for transparent conductors by Lawrence Gasman Why did Apple kill the Newton? by David MacNeill Last Word: First Impressions…by Jin Kim Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 36+37 Double Issue
February 3, 2010 | 100 pages |
Letter from the publisher: “The Circle of Life”… “I don’t get it”… and Boogie Board by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: ExoPC, DigitalRise, Freescale, Dell, Jabil, Engadget, ABI Research, Amazon/Sony/Barnes & Noble/Plastic Logic/Skiff, ASUSTeK, Spring Design, Acer, Synaptics, Isabella Products, Neonode, Project Natal, Planar, Asus, Fujitsu, 3M, Tyco Electronics, Medion, Fusion Garage, Logitech, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Moixa, OreObject, Motorola, Wacom/NUITEQ, Gunze USA/Stantum, Nissha/Peratech, GestureTek, SMART Technologies, Displax, Luidia, Sunvision/Zytronics, Zytronic/Advantech, Dell/NextWindow, Intel, Escalate Retail/Microsoft, Sling Media, Ford, Analog Devices, iSuppli, Research and Markets, Strategy Analytics, Microchip Technology, SilverPAC, Olive/THIEL, Samsung, Pinnacle Security/GE Security, Touch Revolution, enTourage Systems, FlatFrog, Light Blue Optics, Cytec, Garmin, Crocodile Keyboard, Touch Revolution/TAT, DMC Worldwide, Lenovo, Endless Ideas, PF Digital, HP, MSI, Moto, Motion Computing, Apple, American Industrial Systems, Pacinian, Synaptics, NextWindow/Lenovo, Deanmark, Cypress Semiconductor, Optomec, CyberLink, TruTouch Technologies, International Usability Partners, Amazon/Touchco IDW ’09, December 9-11, 2009, Miyazaki, Japan; In this first report of two, Phillip Hill covers this conference organized by The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, and The Society for Information Display, with presentations from Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), AU Optronics Corporation, Sony Mobile Display Corporation, Sharp Laboratories of Europe/Sharp Corporation, and NEC LCD Technologies Printed Electronics USA 09, December 1-4, 2009, San Jose, California; The 50-or-so presentations from this IDTechEx-organized conference will be covered in our sister newsletter Flexible Substrate in February, but Phillip Hill selects one here related to touch from Artificial Muscle, Inc. Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 18-20, Kyoto, Japan; Phillip Hill covers papers from the 16th ACM symposium on VRST: Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)/Seoul Institute of the Arts, University of Lille, Nagoya Institute of Technology/Central Japan International Airport Co. Ltd./Nagoya Regional Taxation Bureau, University of Strasbourg, CEA LIST, ETRI/KAIST, Kangwon National University, Osaka University, University of Strasbourg, Universidad de los Andes/University of Alberta/Universidad Nacional, Pohang University of Science and Technology and Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ACM Multimedia 2009, October 19-24, 2009, Beijing, China; Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Ottawa, University of Ottawa/IKERLAN-IK4 Technology Research Center, Microsoft Research, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, and Nanyang Technological University Symposium on Vehicle Displays, October 15-16, 2009, Dearborn, Michigan; In this second report of two, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Ford Motor Company, Scott Griesmann Design, and Stantum Mobile HCI 2009, September 15-18, 2009, Bonn, Germany; In this first report of two, Phillip Hill covers papers from the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services: offerings from Nokia Research Center/ Chinese Academy of Sciences, The University of Tokyo/Sony Computer Science Laboratories, BMW Group Research and Technology/University of Munich, OFFIS Institute for Information Technology/University of Oldenburg, Tampere University of Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Lancaster University/DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Orange Labs, Berlin Institute of Technology/ University of Salzburg, and Mobilkom Austria AG Eurodisplay 2009/IDRC, September 14-17, 2009, Rome, Italy; There were a couple of presentations related to touch at this conference. Phillip Hill covers presentations from Hydis Technologies Co Ltd, and IMM-CNR/STMicroelectronics Graphics Interface 2009, May 25-27, 2009, Kelowna, British Columbia; Phillip Hill covers papers from Pixar Animation Studios/University of California, University of British Columbia, Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Autodesk Research/Microsoft Research, University of Saskatchewan/Microsoft Research, University of Yamanashi, University of Toronto/INRIA Orsay/University of Washington, and York University Review: Apple’s Magic Mouse by Jin Kim Slate and tablet computers: learning from the past by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Assessing a New Tablet (or any other mobile computing product) by Geoff Walker Stop the Madness! The Breadth/Depth Dichotomy and How to Address It by Daniel Wigdor Last Word: It’s raining…cash by Bob Senior Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 34+35 Double Issue
November 27, 2009 | 102 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Predicting the future…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Microsoft, SKILSENS, Obscura Digital, RENCI, Lab[au], MOTO Development Group, Tangible Displays, Simbioz, Sensory-Minds, Adrian Baynes, Because We Can, SoTouch/onedotzero, Accenture Technology Labs, IntuiLabs, Christian Bannister, Felix’s Machines, Movea, Ideum, Second Story, Philips, Potion Design, ART+COM, 3M, Daan Roosegaarde, Inition Hard Rock Café Las Vegas/Obscura Digital, Carnegie Mellon, Apple, Smartfish Technologies, Gyration, DeviceFidelity, ALPS, Taptu, Touch International, Displaybank, Strategy Analytics, NXT/Immersion,ThinkGeek, Volkswagen, Wacom, Silicon Labs, Bittel, Vectorform/SMART, Novint, Touching Base/Adapx, Innovative Converged Devices, ARX, SilverPAC, Axiotron, Stantum, PixArt, Green-House, Zytronic, DigitalRise, Sharp, RAmos, Ainol, Garmin, Bmorn, Hallods, Mintpass, Sungale, BenQ, Barnes & Noble, Cirque, Digital ArtForms, GestureTek, Yamaha, Savant, Sensacell, Tangible Interaction, SMK, Meridian, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung, Gartner, Nissha, Art Lebedev Studios, Hillcrest Labs, Atmel, Delta, Force Dimension, Troll Touch, Gateway, Iiyama, Lenovo, Sony, Dell, Malata, ASUS, NextWindow, RPO, HTC, T-Mobile, Alltel Wireless, RIM, AT&T/TerreStar, Acer, SK Group, Creative, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, MOTO Development, Unitronics, Home Automation, Inc., HomeLogic, IKIVO, HoloTouch, Parascript, UPEK, WAND Corporation/DigitalPersona, Cypress Semiconductor, Semtech, and Microchip Technology Symposium on Vehicle Displays, October 15-16, 2009, Dearborn, Michigan; In this first of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from NextWindow, University of Michigan at Dearborn, and Tech-D-P Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, October 4–7, 2009, Victoria, British Columbia; Phillip Hill covers papers from Hasso Plattner Institute/Virginia Tech, University of Toronto, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Toronto, University of Washington/Intel Research, Microsoft Research-INRIA Joint Centre, Stanford University/Microsoft Research, University of Manitoba, Tufts University, University of Washington/Microsoft/University of Toronto, University of Washington/Microsoft Research, Hasso Plattner Institute/Columbia University, Kochi University of Technology/Microsoft Research/University of Manitoba, Microsoft Research UK/Microsoft Research US/Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Surface/Microsoft Corp./Microsoft Research, The University of Electro-Communications/Japan Science and Technology Agency, Newcastle University/Microsoft Research, Microsoft Corporation, and University of Washington Emerging Display Technologies Conference, September 3, 2009, San Jose, California; In this second of two reports, Phillip Hill covers presentations from N-trig, RPO, 3M Touch Systems, and Senseg Touch Affordances Workshop, August 25, 2009, Uppsala, Sweden; This workshop was part of the Interact 2009 conference. Phillip Hill summarizes papers from RWTH Aachen University, The University of Wales Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology/ Philips Design, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, NICTA, and University of Twente Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, August 1–2, 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana; Phillip Hill covers papers from Harvey Mudd College/University of California Riverside, Carnegie Mellon University/Georgia Institute of Technology, NIST/Brown University/University of Central Florida, University of Central Florida/Brown University, Purdue University, and TU Berlin/University of Duisburg-Essen Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI’09), February 16-18, 2009, Cambridge, England; Phillip Hill’s second report of two on this conference covers papers from Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd, University of Lübeck, RWTH Aachen University/University of California San Diego, Simon Fraser University, ETHZ, and University of Munich Interview with James Dutson from PlasmaQuest Motorola DROID by Jin Kim Supporting legacy touch hardware in Vista Tablet PC and Windows 7 by Dave Bhattacharjee Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 32+33 Double Issue
September 20, 2009 | 110 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The rise of touch…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Yana Kimava, Moment Factory Experience, Mark Burton, Rockwell Group, Philips, Augmented Environments Lab, Singapore Science Centre, Curiosity, react3D Electric, NextWindow, ASUS, Sinchun, Fujitsu, Gigabyte, Sharp, Medion, Lenovo, Sony, iRex, Nanovision, Duros, Toshiba, Microsoft, Acer, Nintendo/Hillcrest, Microchip, Techno Print, Atmel, Senseg, Microchip, Maxim, Stantum/Sitronix, Touch Window, Cypress, Renesas Technology, Evernote, Beauty Up, Zytronic, Zytronic/Advantech, NCR, Promethean, 3M Touch Systems, Trimble, Adhesives Research, T.S. Microtech, Interactive Institute C-Studio, Luidia, SMART Technologies, Hitachi Software, PolyVision, American Industrial Systems, Touchtech/Natural User Interface, Savant, Crestron, Colorado vNet, Archos, HAI, PolyIC, Movea, Samsung, URC, Palm, Sprint/HTC, Noser/Touch Revolution, snom technology, N-trig, Illusion Labs, Cirque/Ocular, Tsera, Light Blue Optics, Project Natal, Synaptics, Immersion, IDT/Immersion, FBK, Targus/Uni-Pixel, Interlink, Stanford University, e-Smart Technologies, AuthenTec, Porta Systems, UIC, Displaybank, FlatFrog Laboratories, Ideum, and Frontier Silicon Emerging Display Technologies Conference, September 3, 2009, San Jose, California; In this first of two reports from the DisplaySearch event, Phillip Hill covers presentations from GestureTek, Next Window, and DisplaySearch Displaybank US Conference, August 20, 2009, Santa Clara, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from 3M Touch Systems, Corning Specialty Materials, Elo TouchSystems, Stantum, and Unidym SIGGRAPH, August 3-7, 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana; In this first report, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Tokyo Institute of Technology/University of Electro-Communications, Perceptive Pixel, McGill University, The University of Electro-Communications/Japan Science and Technology Agency, The University of Tokyo, New York University Media Research Lab, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland/Music Conservatory of Geneva, MIT Media Lab/Brown University, Keio University, The University of Tokyo/Keio University, Media Interaction Lab/University of Tokyo/Keio University/University of Waterloo, Keio University/The University of Tokyo, KAIST Design Media Lab/HCI Lab, Technical University of Catalonia, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology CHI Conference, April 4-9, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts; In this third report of three, Phillip Hill covers papers from MIT Media Laboratory (x2), Princeton University/Microsoft Research, RWTH Aachen University/University of California, University of Calgary, University of Cambridge, MIT Media Laboratory/UCSD, and Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/Nokia Research Center Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI’09), February 16-18, 2009, Cambridge, England; Phillip Hill’s first report of two on this conference covers papers from Microsoft Research/TU Eindhoven, Georgia Institute of Technology, Microsoft Corporation, Newcastle University, MIT Media Laboratory, and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces, October 1-3, 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands; In this third report of three, Phillip Hill covers papers from Microsoft Research US, National Taiwan University (x2), The University of Electro-Communications, The Open University, University of Tokyo, University of Groningen, Hasselt University, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Microsoft Research UK, University of Nevada/Queen’s University/University of Saskatchewan, and Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Interview with Ty Silberhorn from 3M Touch Systems Interview with Kurt Johnson from Horizon Display Interview with Harry van der Veen from NUITEQ TORM turns touch-screens into marketing tools by David Villarina Reducing stress in the classroom: How interactive whiteboards and solution-based integration improve teacher quality of life by Jill Roberts The case for a flexible touch panel keyboard by Norman Hairston Touch-screens: New trends and market forecast by Jennifer Colegrove Last Word: Wintel collision… Next shot in the arm for touch by Bob Senior Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 30+31 Double Issue
July 16, 2009 | 104 pages |
Letter from the publisher: InPlay – Out-of-play…by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Project Natal, Performance Designed Products, Stantum/Sitronix, SMSC, Cypress/Immersion, Acer/Cypress, Cypress, N-trig/Fujitsu, Genius, Motion Computing, Schematic, AIS, Corning/Samsung, austriamicrosystems, SMART, SMART/PixArt, Luidia, ELAN Microelectronics, AU Optronics, NextWindow, Ennova Direct, Manhattan Scientifics, AnthroTronix, Touchpanel Laboratories, Garmin, Beckman Coulter/Zytronic, McKesson Microchip Technology, Melfas/ARM, Zytronic/Coca-Cola, InFocus, Neonode, CPFilms, Dontech, WitsView, Displaybank, 3M, Ocular, AuthenTec, Savant, LG/Cypress, Fujitsu, Immersion, Qualcomm, Light Blue Optics, Cypress/KDDI, Nokia, LG, Samsung, Getac, Sharp, Logitech, Zytronic/Ecast, Hillcrest Labs, NASA, Microsoft, IDT/Leadis Technology, Validity Sensors, NIST, AuthenTec/Phoenix Technologies, UPEK, Stantum, Apple, Sony, and Immersion/Symbian Foundation Korea Display Conference, June 25-26, 2009, Seoul, South Korea; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Asus, Digitech, Cypress Semiconductors, Displaybank, and Corning Specialty Materials InfoComm 2009, June 13-19, 2009, Orlando, Florida; Geoff Walker covers the touch-related showcases at the InfoComm Exhibition SID Display Week Symposium, June 2-5, 2009, San Antonio, Texas ; Phillip Hill covers papers and posters from Samsung Electronics/Samsung Mobile Display, Konkuk University/Samsung Mobile Display, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 3M Touch Systems, Motorola, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Samsung Electronics, PLANSEE Metall GmbH, LG Display R&D Center, Shanghai Tianma Micro-Electronics/Fudan University, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Solomon Systech Ltd, Unidym, and DisplaySearch Interactive Displays Conference, April 21-23, 2009, San Jose, California; In this second report of two, Phillip Hill covers presentations from 3M Touch Systems, Synaptics, MultiTouch, Eon Reality, Stantum, Sensitive Object, and NextWindow FineTech Japan, April 15-17, 2009, Tokyo, Japan; Phillip Hill covers presentations from Takram Design Engineering, Synaptics Japan, SWENC Technology, and Samsung Mobile Display CHI Conference, April 4-9, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts; In this second report of three, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Electro-Communications/Japan Science and Technology Agency, Microsoft Research/Hasso Plattner Institute, Microsoft Research/University of Maryland/University of Toronto, University of Manitoba/University of Bristol, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, RWTH Aachen University, Carnegie Mellon University, and Brown University/University of Central Florida Electronic Displays Conference, March 4-5, 2009, Nuremberg, Germany; Phillip Hill covers a handful of presentations relating to touch from this conference organized by Design&Electronik in Germany: Zytronic, Data Modul, and Anders Electronics IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces, October 1-3, 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands; In this second report of three, Phillip Hill covers papers from University of Bremen, Microsoft Research/University of Toronto/Carnegie Mellon University, RWTH Aachen University, University of Calgary, Lulea University of Technology/Natural User Interface Europe AB, University of Augsburg, University of Waterloo, Osaka University/University of Bristol, CSIRO, Newcastle University, FBK-irst, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Georgia Institute of Technology Interview with Al Monro from NextWindow Uni-Pixel develops Opcuity Finger Print Resistant Film by Jim Tassone Virtual tactile touch areas by Dave Bhattacharjee Resistive Touchscreen Dots by Robert Phares Switching to the iPhone 3GS by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer; NUI Group's “Multi-Touch Technologies” by Justin Ireland Last Word: Over supply? Market consolidation? by Bob Senior Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 29
May 22, 2009 | 63 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Candy Land… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Uni-Pixel, Wrapsol, NanoMarkets, DisplaySearch, Displaybank, Strategy Analytics, Artificial Muscle, New York University, Unotron, AUO, 3M Touch Systems, Gunze, N-trig, Nissha Printing, Apple, SMART/NextWindow, InFocus, Luidia, SensAble Technologies, QlikTech, Sharp, Performance Designed Products, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Sony, Microsoft, MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, D-BOX Technologies, Ann Veronica Janssens, Samsung Telecommunications, Wacom, Dell, Whirlpool/Cypress, Wacom/Cypress, Ulysse Nardin/SCI Innovations, Garmin, Seiko Epson, AT&T, Nokia, Motorola, Catcher Technology/Dell, Nintendo, CasaTunes, Borg Displays, L-1 Identity Solutions, AuthenTec, Gemalto, Sonavation, MaxID, and Lumidigm Interactive Displays Conference, April 21-23, 2009, San Jose, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from MicroScent, Ecast, Drexel University, Wacom, N-trig, and Targetpath CHI 2009 Conference, April 4-9, Boston, Massachusetts; In this first report, Phillip Hill covers papers from Kochi University of Technology, Autodesk Research, University of Washington/Microsoft Research, University of California, Harvard University/Tsinghua University/Georgia Institute of Technology, Microsoft Research, Autodesk Research/University of Maryland/Cornell University, Sona Research/Nokia Research Center/MIT Media Lab, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Korea University, and National Taiwan University/Universidade da Madeira IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces, October 1-3, 2008, Amsterdam, Holland; In this first report, Phillip Hill covers papers from Newcastle University/Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Intergraph Ltd/University of Nevada/University of Saskatchewan/ University of Bristol, University of Münster/Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Geodan S&R, Estia-Recherche, Harvard University/Microsoft Surface/Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, RWTH Aachen University/University of California, Georgia Institute of Technology, Microsoft Research, Hasselt University, University of Munich/ Microsoft Research, Microsoft Surface, and University of Bremen Interview with Ola Wassvik from FlatFrog Adaptive interface for text input on large-scale interactive surfaces by Johannes Hirche, Peter Bomark, Mikael Bauer, and Pawel Solyga Last Word: Does touch make sense on the PC platform? by Chris Connery and John Jacobs Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 27+28 Double Issue
March 24, 2009 | 100 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The sexy touch screen… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Anoto/PolyVision, Luidia, SMART Technologies, PLUS Vision, Oberthur Technologies, Canesta, Oxford University Press, WHITEvoid, Capella Garcia, Danish Cultural History Museum, Sunghen, Abundance, Aeolab/Frog Design, Aeolab Lab Au, Leo Villareal, PenMount, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Blendid Interactive Design, Immersion, Ambient Space Design, Big Shadow, Sensacell, Pixel Project, UI Centric, EVL, Tokyo University, Silke Hilsing, AMT, Adobe, NextWindow, Microsoft Research, Microsoft/3DV Systems, MultiTouch, Ideum, IMG/LM3LABS, MIT Media Labs/Taco Labs, National Taiwan University, Mindstorm, NUI, Embodied Media, Synaptics, NOR_/D, Strukt Design Studio, Flexpoint, UPEK, Atrua, AuthenTec, Displaybank, NanoMarkets, Infiniti Research, Strategy Analytics, SensAble Technologies, Atmel ,ARX, Rocketlife, Chilin Technology, Jupiterbay, Nation’s Restaurant News, 3M Touch Systems, Bergquist, Nissha Printing/NXT, Silicon Labs, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Cambrios ,N-trig ,Analog Devices, Fujitsu Microelectronics, AUO, ZeykoAD/Zytronic, Jumping Gym USA/Softkinetic, SMI Health/InfoSlate, OMRON/Renesas Technology, CTL, SMK, InPlay Technologies/U.S. Rental Housing REIT, Immersion/Shackleton Advisors, Neonode, Wacom, Sony, Techsol, Art Lebedev Studios, Luxeed, Micro Industries, Colorado vNet, TouchSystems, Kommerz, RMT, Hanwha, TabletKiosk, Always Innovating, Corning/LG Electronics, Tyco Electronics, Control4, Black & Decker, Meridian, HP, Mitsubishi, Asus, Fujitsu, Samsung, AUO/SiPix, Amazon, Lenovo, Immersion/Pantech, Dell, Shuttle, Motion Computing, Gigabyte, Genius, Axiotron/Touch International, Samsung/Cypress, Trimble, Garmin, Alpine, Viliv, Phenom, Apple, Ebranta, Virgin, “Rubik’s TouchCube, SoftBank/Cypress, Vision Objects/Stantum, VeriFone/CIC, Toshiba, Maple Systems, Verizon, and VISSUMO DisplaySearch US FPD Conference, March 2-4, 2009, La Jolla, California; Phillip Hill covers presentations from DisplaySearch, Elo TouchSystems, and Synaptics Virtual Reality Software and Technology Conference, October 27-29, 2008, Bordeaux, France; Phillip Hill covers this VRST symposium organized by ACM with presentations from McGill University/Grenoble University, University of South Australia, Immersion SAS, Vienna University of Technology, Haption/ENS Cachan, Bauhaus-Universität/Osaka University, Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle, Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung, Vienna University of Technology, and Ryukoku University/Chukyo TV Broadcasting Interface Software and Technology (UIST), October 19-22, 2008, Monterey, California; Phillip Hill reports on this conference with presentations from University Paris-Sud, University of Waterloo/ University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Newcastle University, Stanford University, University of California/ Microsoft Research, and University of Michigan SID Mobile Displays Conference 2008, September 23-24, 2008, San Diego, California; Phillip Hill covers the touch aspects of this conference with presentations from Toshiba America Electronic Components, Elo TouchSystems, Stantum, and RPO Interview with Garrick Infanger from VISSUMO Windows 7 touch implementation by Dave Bhattacharjee Learning through touch: the story behind the SMART Table by Heather Ellwood Storytelling memories: a tangible connection to Bomber Command veterans by Tanya Marriott Last Word: The touch gaming phenomenon by Bob Senior Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 25+26 Double Issue
January 29, 2009 | 100 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Icy, icy, icy, all the way home… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Obscura Digital, Chris O’Shea/Cinimod Studio, Tangible Interaction, Potion Design, Stantum, Apple/Palm, TouchTable, Lightspace, Catchyoo, Haque Design, James Clar, Daan Roosegaarde, GestureTek, Marshall Space Flight Center/GestureTek, Mindstorm, Immersion, ART-COM, NextWindow, Zytronic, Luidia, PolyVision, Numonics, Micro Industries, Hitachi, T-WORKS, Cross Match, Albatron, CyberLink/Elo TouchSystems, CPT, TechCrunch, Samsung, Intel, Fujitsu, ASUS, Viliv, Troll Touch, Axiotron, MSI, HP, Acer, AIS, Tyco Electronics, N-trig, Synaptics, Microsoft, Ten One Design, Cellular South/HTC, SmartGlobe, BFG Technologies, LG Display, International Biometric Group, Atmel, Microchip Technology, Warner Bros./TT Games, Maple Systems, Logitech, Samsung, Elan, Wasp, Wacom, NXT, TouchSystems/3M, Immersion, UPEK, AuthenTec, Interlink, ARX, Colorado vNet, SensAble, Dresden University, ETRI, Livescribe, Apple, PVI, 3M, NIST, ABI Research, Vantage/Legrand, InPlay Technologies, Epson Imaging Devices, ShapeWriter, Bandai, Nokia, GyPSii/Nokia, OnPar, Becker, Eten, Garmin, Palm, Motorola, Pharos, Mobinnova, Alpine, JVC, DisplaySearch, Logitech, Swype, Firefox, SMART Technologies, AT&T/Samsung, Immersion, Fraunhofer, IMS/Cypress, Cypress Semiconductor, Sooloos, Black Cat, Isabella Products, Validity, ViewSonic/3M, Source Technologies, AbonTouch, CTL, Pandigital, Collevo, and Carnegie Mellon University Windows Hardware Engineering Conference, November 5-7, 2008, Los Angeles, California, Phillip Hill reports on WinHEC 2008, highlighting Microsoft’s work on multi-touch Touch Screen & Interactive Display Technologies, October 8, 2008, Cambridge, England, Overview from Nick Kirkwood; presentation summaries by Mark Fihn from iSuppli, Touchbase, Wacom, Microsoft, and MacDermid Autotype CEA Special Report: “5 Technology Trends to Watch” 2009, Phillip Hill summarizes the touch aspects of this latest Consumer Electronics Association special edition UIST, October 19-22, 2008, Monterey, California, Presentations from Microsoft, University of Toronto (Microsoft), Perceptive Pixel, Queens University, Carnegie Mellon University, and Smart Technologies 3rd Annual Displaybank San Jose Conference, September 9, 2008, Santa Clara, California, Phillip Hill covers presentations from Displaybank and Tyco Electronics Displaybank Korea Display Conference, July 2-4, 2008, Seoul, South Korea, Phillip Hill covers talks from LG Display, Touch Panel Laboratories, and Ukai Display Device Institute SIGGRAPH 2008, August 11-16, 2008, Los Angeles, California, Presentations from University of Tsukuba, University of Electro-Communications, University of Tokyo/Tokyo Institute of Technology; Upper Austria University/GIST/University of Electro Communications, and KOMME®Z Interview with Rick Seger from N-trig Touch screens on OLEDs by Jennifer Colegrove Optimizing rich media content for multi-touch by Wallace Jackson The handwriting on the interactive whiteboard…by Arthur Berman The Last Word: Seen at CES… by Robert Phares Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 23+24 Double Issue
November 11, 2008 | 100 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Spelling bees in Asia… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Atmel, Quantum/Siano, SMART, Microchip/Hampshire, Samsung Telecommunications America, Aptus Games, Logitech, Luminvision, Durham University, Hewlett-Packard, EETI, AuthenTec/Samsung, Fujitsu, Albatron, Match Tech Industrial, Panasonic, Asustek, N-Trig, Microsoft, Intel, VirTra Systems, Nikon, Hanwang, Fraunhofer IPMS, Emerging Display Technologies, HTC, Alps Electric, Teraokaseiko, NextWindow, Synaptics/Elan, J Touch, HTC/Synaptics/TPK, Leadis Technology, Freeverse, Alltel Wireless, Samsung, Freescale, N-trig/Intel, Numonics, eBeam, Promethean/University of Barcelona, Safran/Motorola, Privaris, SecuGen, Cogent Systems, bioMETRX/Biometric Solutions, Lenovo/Atrua, Hillcrest Laboratories/Nintendo, Gunze USA, Interlink Electronics, Logitech, Digit Wireless, Control4, Microchip Technology, Movea, Immersion/dreamGEAR, Fujitsu-Siemens/AuthenTec, Lumidigm, UPEK, Vizrt/SMART/Barco, Neonode/Backyard Babies, X-Rite/Wacom, Kyocera, SensAble Technologies/NHL, Virtus, Planar, UPEK, Garmin, Nor_/D, Bridger Maxwell, Interactive Institute, Tabletop Media, Springer, Cross Match, Simulution/SensAble Technologies, T-Mobile/Google, DT Research, HTC/Asus, AT&T/Samsung, Samsung/Immersion, ABI Research, Strategy Analytics, LG Electronics, and Motorola WIPTE, October 15-16, 2008, West Lafayette, Indiana; WIPTE organizers prepared summaries of the presentations made at the annual conference from Virginia Tech, Eckerd College, Appalachian State University, Victoria University, University of Vermont, Georgia Institute of Technology, Fort Hays State University, Villa Duchesne/Oak Hill School, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Valdosta State University, Clemson University, The American School of Bombay, Hunterdon Central Regional High School District, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Pennsylvania State University, DePauw University, Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Spring Street International School, Microsoft, Grove City College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Campinas, Technical University of Valencia, Radford University, St. Luke’s School, University of Louisville, Microsoft/Carnegie Mellon University, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, and University of Illinois DisplaySearch China FPD Conference, September 4-5, 2008, Shanghai, China; Mark Fihn summarizes presentations that included references to the quickly emerging touch screen market, from DisplaySearch (x2), LG Display, Corning, and Young Fast Optoelectronics SIGGRAPH 2008, August 11-16, 2008, Los Angeles, California; Mark Fihn summarizes papers from the University of Tokyo, ETRI, Japan Science and Technology Agency/University of Tokyo (x2), Carnegie Mellon University/Butterfly Haptics, Carnegie Mellon University/University of Pittsburgh, and The University of Electro-Communications CHI 2008, April 5-10, Florence, Italy; In this second report, Phillip Hill covers papers from Aalborg University, CSIRO, Hasselt University, MERL/University of Toronto, MIT Media Lab, Natural Interaction/iO, NTT Comware Corporation, Philips Research/University of Manitoba/Eindhoven University of Technology/University of Bristol, Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, University of Glasgow/BackToHQ Aps, University of Helsinki, University of Maryland, University of Tampere, University of Tokyo, Distance Lab/University of Melbourne, MIT Media Lab/Alium Labs, and University of Toronto Tabletop 2007 Workshop, October 10-12, Newport, Rhode Island, In this report Mark Fihn summarizes papers from Alterra, EPFL–CRAFT, IT University of Göteborg, and Ricoh Interview with Darrin Vallis from Cypress Semiconductor Touch Technology Primer by WEDC It’s almost 2009… by Alan Weinkrantz Motion Computing LE1700 by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Four point probes for touch-screen materials by Robert Phares Interactive whiteboards in 1:1 learning environments by Michelle Lomberg and Jill Roberts The Last Word: Is the iTable coming? by Bob Senior Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 21+22 Double Issue
August 23, 2008 | 100 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Wii Eee... by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: SensAble, Immersion, Microsoft, N-trig, Blue Cube LCD/InPlay, Stantum, Touch International, Osram/Digital Dash, Iljin Display, Sintek, NextWindow, Trident Systems/3M, 3M, F-Origin/PVI, Monash University, Wacom, Wacom/E Ink, Bi-Search/3M, Nexio, Fujitsu, NHK, UniPixel, AUO, RiTdisplay, Nexus Alpha/Zytronic, DuPont, Josh Boughey, Yamaha, ReactOgon, C-Thru-Music, Absolut Visionaries, Jim Mielke, NDS Surgical Imaging, Sagem Morpho, UPEK, UPEK/IDology, Lenovo, Lumidigm, L-1 Identity Solutions, AuthenTec/Motion Computing, AuthenTec, Pretec, ImageWare Systems, Validity. Interlink, Sensor Platforms, DNP, SMK, Pandigital, Motorola, Simon Fraser University, Electronic Art, NCR, Icron, PLUS Vision, SMART Technologies, Wainhouse Research, Turning Technologies, Jaco Electronics/DT Research/Image Base International, DT Research, QIO Systems, SpeakerCraft, Freescale, STMicroelectronics, Cypress Semiconductor, Cypress/JVC, Atmel, Leadis Technology, Powerline Control Systems, NIST, Circle Twelve, James Patten, InvenSense, Ben-Gurion University, Karlssrühe, One Laptop per Child, Panasonic, Gigabyte, Vartech, Worthington, Willcom, Genius, Husqvarna, Cross Match, Logitech, MagicBox, Nokia, Samsung, Apple, SmartLabs, HP, Atmark Techno, Control4, Vantage/Legrand, Niles Audio, Elan, LeCroy, IMS Research, ABI Research, Typhoon Touch Technologies, Nintendo, Tabletop 2008, DisplaySearch, and MIMIV/PFE Society for Information Display 2007 Symposium, May 20-23, Los Angeles, California; In this report, Phillip Hill covers offerings from University of Arizona/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, LG Display, Samsung Electronics, Seiko Epson Corporation, and Electro Plasma CHI 2008, Florence, Italy, April 5-10; Phillip Hill covers the Computer Human Interface Conference. This first report covers papers from ETH Zurich/TUM, KAIST, MIT Media Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology/Columbia University, TAUCHI, University of Auckland/University of Glasgow, and University of Toronto/PARC/University of Michigan TableTop 2007, October 10-12, Newport, Rhode Island; In this report from the Tabletop 2007 Workshop, Mark Fihn summarizes papers from University of Munich, Japan Science and Technology Agency/The University of Tokyo/NTT Communication Science Labs, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Cambridge, University of Calgary, Brigham Young University, University of Toronto, University of Sydney, Microsoft Research, UIUC, The MITRE Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, University of Massachusetts Motion Computing F5 by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer The touch panel market: overlooked no more by Chris Crotty Survey on the degree of recognition of touch-screens by Jennifer Lee Touch-screen market has many touches for growth by Jennifer Colgrove Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 19+20 Double Issue
March 31, 2008 |
110 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Rumors of transparency... by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: ENESS, London South Bank University, Paul Klotz, Concert Hall Aarhus, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Toshio Iwai, Stantum, Activision, Catchyoo, Electronic Art, Media Interaction Lab, Ubiq'window, Natural Interaction, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Hitachi, GestureTek, Philips, Disney Interactive Studios, Potion Design, Microsoft, National Taiwan University, Lumin, NextWindow, ToyQuest, Tabletop 2008, Accenture/Avanade, UWink, DT Research, Prevalent Devices, Life Fitness, Synaptics, Force Dimension, Anoto/LeapFrog, Livescribe, Tiger Electronics, 2K Sports, CI Lumen/3M, Magellan, Movea/Gyration, Bioscrypt/L-1 Identity Solutions, UPEK, Fukui Computer/Hitachi, Fujitsu/AuthenTec, AuthenTec, Veritec, Bundesdruckerei, Sagem Morpho, Phoenix Technologies/Atmel, Futronic, BioLink Biometrics, Snowflake Technologies, Luminetx, Neotel International/Axiotron, e-SMART Technologies, Pay By Touch, M2SYS, Elliptic Labs, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Atmel/Quantum Research Group, Apple, Interlink Electronics, Xsilva Systems, Interlink Electronics/Samsung, Cypress Semiconductor, Bang & Olufsen, Planar, Elo TouchSystems, Micro Industries, RealEase, Kristel Displays/3M, Trolltech, Microchip Technology, MSGI, Comfort Software Group, SMK, Konica Minolta/SensAble Technologies, Zytronic, Varitronic, Dynamax Technologies/St. Clair Interactive Communications, Kaon Interactive, Newcastle University, Sensable Technologies, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Alltel Wireless/LG, Carnegie Mellon University, Fujitsu, Corning, Immersion, Tactiva, Promethean/Oxford University Press, PolyVision, PolyVision/Anders+Kern, SMART Technologies, Luidia/Turning Technologies, Teamboard, LG Displays, iSuppli, Digitimes, Displaybank, In-Stat, 1790 Analytics, Brookings Institution/InfoSentry, DisplaySearch, Decision Tree Consulting, NanoMarkets, Dell/Typhoon Touch Technologies, Wacom/HP, Computer World, Motion Computing, Advantech, Roper Mobile Technology, iMedica, HTC, InPlay Technologies, Nuvation, Tower Semiconductor/N-trig, Smitrix, N-trig, HP, Asustek, and General Dynamics Itronix ENACTIVE, November 19-24, 2007, Grenoble, France; Phillip Hill reports on this Acroe-organized event with presentations from Kyushu Institute of Technology/Eastman Kodak, University of Exeter, Acroe, Eindhoven University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, ISIR, German Aerospace Center/Advanced Realtime Tracking, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Anger/University of Fribourg, Monash University, European Center For Virtual Reality, McGill University, Laboratoire IBISC, University of Verona, Rosalyn Driscoll, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and KAIST Interview with John Feland from Synaptics Interview with Steven Abbott from MacDermid Autotype Drivers of touch screen market growth by Jennifer Lee Active pen and digitizer human input devices: digital vs. analog by Peyman Hadizad Haptics: improving the mobile user experience by Chris Ullrich The rugged environment and touch screens by Gary Barrett The future of ITO by Lawrence Gasman Waiting for the killer application… by Robert Phares Last Word: Polythene bags and ambulances…by Bob Senior Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 17+18 Double Issue
January 6, 2008 |
100 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Will Apple enable Microsoft’s vision for the Tablet PC? by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Catchyoo, Sony, Epson Imaging Devices, JazzMutant. Wacom, Maple Systems, Tangent, LG Electronics, HTC/Sprint, Samsung, White Electronic Designs, Sophia Mobile/RMI, Ione Technology, Cypress Semiconductor, Cirque, Synaptics, Philips/Quantum, Jon Cambeul, Monome, City College of New York, Sanwa Supply, Unidym, HAPTEX, McGill University, Purdue University, Kyushu University, Durham University/UK Haptics, Microsoft/University of Washington, Emory University, Glasgow University, Neonode, Art Lebedev Studios, InPlay Technologies, N-trig, Displaybank, BCC Research, Intel/Motion Computing, Apple, Vantage/Legrand, GestureTek/Imagination, GestureTek, Panoram Technologies, NextWindow, Barco, mimio, Manchester Metropolitan University, SMART Technologies, Promethean, EIZO, ELAN, Planar/Umpqua Bank, Source Technologies, 3M, Hypercom, Wincor Nixdorf, Interlink Electronics, Dailymotion, ImageWare Systems, austriamicrosystems/Fingerprint Cards, Indian Institute of Technology, The Sharper Image/Sequiam, Bioscrypt/SecuGen, Bioscrypt, Precise Biometric/Oki, L-1 Identity Solutions/ID Networks, Cross Match/AssureTec Systems, ACT/BIO-key, BioMETRX/AuthenTec, MEDION/AuthenTec, IDEX, Fingerprint Cards, Hitachi, Atrua, DigitalPersona, CIC/EbixExchange, Destiny/Logitech, Livescribe, ARX/Ness Technologies, F-Origin/Trolltech, Measurand, Novint, Reachin Technologies, Immersion, Elo TouchSystems/AMI Semiconductor, Zytronic, Touch International, Top-Braille, NIST, University of Aarhus, NEC, Andrew Fentem, Obscura Digital/General Motors, SarcasticGamer Tablet PC news: GottaBeMobile/Dell/HP/OQO/Microsoft/Amazon/Asus, In-Stat, NAVIsis, Dell, Brigham Young University, ActiveWords, Toshiba, HP, DT Research, e-detail, Axiotron, Yann Le Coroller, Intel, Black Diamond Advanced Technology, EverNote/Fujitsu, Emano Tec, Kontron, Comfort Software, Samsung, E-Lead Electronics, Brophy College Preparatory School, WiBrain, Asus, Gigabyte, Edward Jones iSuppli Flat Information Displays Conference, December 4-5, Las Vegas, Nevada; Mark Fihn reports about touch-related presentations from iSuppli’s 24th annual event. Presentations covered are from iSuppli, Samsung SDI, and Elo. SID Display Applications Conference, October 23-25, San Francisco, California; Phillip Hill reports from this first newly-named conference focused on the engineering aspect of applications with coverage of a half-day session devoted to touch screens IEEE Tabletop 2007, October 10-12, Newport, Rhode Island; Summaries of papers from the University of Tokyo, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble/Chalmers University of Technology, Microsoft Research, Simon Fraser University, and Queen’s University/Aachen University Interview with Jonathan Curtiss of Lumio ThinSight: integrated optical multi-touch sensing through thin form-factor displays, by Shahram Izadi, Steve Hodges, and Alex Butler, Microsoft Research Multi-touch overview by Keith Colson Multi-touch considerations on traditional desktops by Dave Bhattacharjee The challenges of developing new media for touch-screens by Wallace Jackson TouchPal - an innovative soft keyboard by Jeff Kirvin Dell finally releases a Tablet PC by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer Last Word: “Walker behind the wheel”… by Mark Fihn Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 16 |
October 16, 2007 |
70 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Touchdowns, touchbacks, and touch football… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Blendid Interaction Design, Betaminds, Catchyoo, NUI Group, OpenTouch, JazzMutant, Stantum, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Euclidean Crisis, Stanford University, Barco/SMART Technologies, PLUS Vision, PolyVision, SMART Technologies, Tidebreak/Luidia, Hitachi Software, Natural Interaction, Concordia University, Lightspace, “Evoke”, Tangible Interaction Design, PIKA PIKA, ART+COM, Microsoft, Barragan Studio, NTT DoCoMo, University of Tokyo, Gyration, Moritz Waldemeyer, Sensacell, LAB[au], Nikon, MIT, University of Wollongong/Australian National University, Sensitive Object/Elo TouchSystems, Apple, Palm, iSuppli, Balda, BeatPhone, Haken Audio, MIT Media Labs, Yamaha, Sharp, Microsoft/MERL, University of Utah/Stanford University/Purdue University, UK Haptics, Glasgow University, Hillcrest Labs, Novint/Merscom, Chris Sugrue, N-trig, Wacom, Renesas/QRG, Atmel/QRG, InvenSense, Reportlinker, Sprint/Motorola, Synaptics/LG, Synaptics, Touch International/3M Touch Systems, TouchSystems, Tyco Electronics, Micron Technology, Fujitsu, Philips, Vity Technology, RealPlay, AXIOMTEK, ELAN Home Systems, RTI, Moneual, Field Poll, Zytronic, Carl's Jr./EMN8, iGotcha Media, 3M Touch Systems, iPUBLISH/Cypress, Immersion, Medical Check In Systems, Radiant Systems/BIO-key, Lumidigm, L-1 Identity Solutions/Ultra-Scan, Fidelica Microsystems, BioMETRX, Fujitsu, AuthenTec, Cross Match, BIO-key, L-1 Identity Solutions, HID Global, UPEK, Sagem Morpho, Sequiam Biometrics, Sequiam Corporation/The Sharper Image, Aware, ARX/Swivel Secure, IOGEAR, Adesso Society for Information Display 2007 Symposium, May 20-25, Long Beach, California; Phillip Hill covers an interesting late-news poster from QSI Corporation Interview with Steve Hanson from InPlay Technologies Enhanced touch device function via toolbar utilization by Dave Bhattacharjee An update on resistive touch panel technology: Conductive Polymer has arrived by Bruce DeVisser Apple changes the world. Again. by Conrad Blickenstorfer Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 15 |
July 31, 2007 |
78 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Congenital analgia... by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Into the Pixel, Catchyoo, Mindstorm, Perceptive Pixel, GestureTek, Because We Can, Obscura Digital, Microsoft, Someth;ng, Apple, Fingerjig, Mid Sweden University, Zytronic, Touch4/Zytronic, PanelWorx, Barco, Synaptics, Cypress Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, Ultra-Scan, DisplayBank, iSuppli, Acuity, Dan Didrick, MIT, White Electronic Designs, NTT, New Computer Technologies Company/NextWindow, TaxiTech, Wacom/TouchKO, 3M Touch Systems/Touch International, CRS, Originae, Eleksen, Peter Chen, LOMAK, Art Lebedev Studios, Luxiium, Logitech, Synaptics, Hanwang, Genius, Reachin Technologies, McGill University, Novint Technologies, NTT, University of Manchester, Microsoft/Immersion, Immersion/Nokia, Glasgow University, Eleksen, Peter Chen, LOMAK, Athena, Art Lebedev Studios, Luxiium, Tohoku University, Sensitive Object/Elo TouchSystems, Anoto, Silanis/IBM, CIC/Lenovo, CIC/Softex, Motion Analysis/Icarus Studios, Peladon Software/Parascript, Interlink Electronics/Laser App Software, ARX/H2H Solutions, L-1 Identity Solutions, Precise Biometrics, Hitachi, Sagem Morpho, Privaris/AuthenTec, Lumidigm/Keico, DigitalPersona, Fujitsu/123ID, Atrua, Validity/UPEK, NIST, Oxford Semiconductor/Cogent Systems, Apricorn, Volcano/Cirque, Horizon Technology, EELY, WEDC, InPlay Technologies, Kienzle Systems, Diebold Election Systems, Immersion Medical, SMART Technologies, SMART Technologies/HP, Numonics, Promethean/Sanyo, PolyVision, Livescribe, ZTE, HTC, Pantech Navigating by touch: the latest GPS offerings: Juxin International, DeLorme, Klegg, Navigon/Porsche, JVC, IOPS, Harman Kardon, Mango Research, Compass Systems, Leadtek, Samsung, Hitachi, Sanyo Society for Information Display 2007 Symposium, May 20-25, Long Beach, California Phillip Hill covers presentations from Samsung Electronics and Toshiba Matsushita A force feedback feel for fabrics: Phillip Hill assesses the current status of the European Union HAPTEX project Interview with Guillaume Largillier of JazzMutant Natural interaction: Alessandro Valli gives a fascinating insight into the paradigms of how we interact with our environment, and in particular to the machines and interfaces that we deal with, and explains how they have to change Why a biometric control system?: Comparing AccessQ for physical access control to a card system…by Maggie Strevell Poor adoption of ITO replacements - why? by Peter Harrop Touch screen market grows and prospers: Jennifer Colegrove of iSuppli gives her latest analysis of the market Last Word: Who the heck is Balda?: Geoff Walker delves into the murky world of who exactly is supplying the touch technology for Apple’s iPhone and comes to a surprising conclusion Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 14 |
May 28, 2007 |
53 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Will Dell’s Tablet PC spark the market? by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: MIT, Philips, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Kristin Jarmun, Tangent, iOO Design, Microsoft, Microsoft Research, Next Generation Pediatrics/GestureTek, Reactable, Withlight, DAHAN T&S, University of East Anglia/King’s College, NextWindow/TORM, Sparkfun Electronics, Applied Sciences, Lightspace, Promethean, NEC Display Solutions, LG, Apple, Horizon Technology/NEC, Saitek, Synaptics/Newton Peripherals, Genius, Studio Roosegaarde, Columbia University, Fujitsu, Elo TouchSystems, Cypress Semiconductor, HP, Savant Systems, Sharp, Toshiba Matsushita, Apex Software, CIC/Lenovo, SmartMetric, Cogent Systems, Smartmachine International/Atrua Technologies, AuthenTec, Labcal Technologies/SETECS, Precise Biometric, Neurotechnologija, Lexmark/Mentalix, Master Lock, iMagic Software, NEC, Schlage, Fujitsu, Wave Systems/ASI Computer Technologies, UPEK, Rand McNally/Encyclopedia Britannica/SMART Technologies, Numonics/Encyclopedia Britannica, Mobile Knowledge/Zytronic, Wohler Technologies, Adhesives Research, 3M, Fujitsu/mCosm, NCR, PhatWare, Nsi, Immersion, Cypress Semiconductor/HP, Touch International, Wacom, SensAble Technologies, MIT/Microsoft Alliance Tablet PC news: News from NAVIsis, Motion Computing, Dell, HP, Mobile Demand, Panasonic, GETAC, Data Evolution, Samsung, Coxion, Fujitsu, HTC, ClearView, Sungju Computer, and Beijing Peace-East Interview with Ian Maxwell of RPO NextWindow introduces the 1900 optical touch screen by Anthony Uhrick QSI details input device alternatives by Todd Christensen Touch-Base introduces TouchIT portal by Dave Bhattachargee Last Word: Backpedaling in Microsoft-Land: The UMPC suddenly gets real by Geoff Walker Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 13 |
March 30, 2007 |
54 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The Naegeli Syndrome… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Sharp, Engineered Fibre Structures, Immersion, University of California Irvine, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Organic Motion, University of Southampton, Fujitsu, Kwikset, Axxis Biometrics, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, XM Satellite Radio, NUI Group, MERL, Marek Walczak, IconNicholson, Spyder, Eleksen, Amex Digital, Hanwang, Genius, Blue Sky Designs, ASUS, Teclast, Toshiba, OpenMoko, Samsung, Emano Tec, ARCHOS, Estari, Quantum Research, StacoSwitch, DigitalPersona, SiPix Imaging, Digital View, Brother, Planar, Somatic Digital, Silanis Technology/Geneva Partners, WEDC, Datacap/Parascript, Anoto, Touch International, ARX/CoSign, Neovo/Qtouch technology, Immersion/Sony, Synaptics/Medion, Micro Industries, Liyitec, 3M Touch Systems, mimio, SMART Technologies, Luidia, IEI, PhatWare, CIC, L-1 Identity Solutions/ComnetiX, RSA/Valyd Software, BIO-key International/Advanced Biometric Controls, Toshiba/ Atrua Technologies, Master Lock/BioMETRX, Fujitsu/Sharp/NEC, FinePoint, Authentec/JRC, Acuity Market Intelligence Tablet PC news: from Motion Computing, Algiz, PaceBlade, TabletKiosk, ASUS, Philips, HTC, Flybook, FlipStart Labs, Amtek, Sony, Sharp, Beijing Peace East Technology, KIDC, Samsung, OQO, Nokia, and Gigabyte Interview with David Tulbert of STRIKE Technologies Differences between an RTD and an LCD by Tim Pryor Advanced interactivity within our reach by Alan Brawn Skin: “An interactive hyperstereoscopic electro installation” by Phillip Hill MERL develops two-sided touch table by Phillip Hill Last Word: A holistic view of touch by Geoff Walker Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 12 |
February 4, 2007 |
56 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Touch in a bar… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Perceptive Pixel, Sensitive Wall, Philips Research, Ars Electronica Center, Bill Buxton, Sensacell, Sansa, Puffer Sphere, Studio Roosegaarde, Amnesty International/TASER, Dream Link, ANU, Sunman Kwon, LG Electronics, Chua Wunfong, Luxeed, V12 Design, Sony Ericsson, Apple, Meizu, Samsung, OPPO, Ju Xing, CECT, Calibryze, Cowon, HTC, HP, Next Window, UCLA, NI, Digi-Key/IRTOUCH Systems, Silanis Technology, SID Protect, Nobu, LaserAid, Euclidean Crisis, DigitalPersona, Zytronics, Synaptics, UPEK, Sequiam/Magstone Innovation, Quantum Research, Pay By Touch, KLOSS, Elo TouchSystems, GestureTek, Micro Industries, Interlink, InPlay Technologies, EPOS/Dane-Elec Memory, Hypercom, Samsung/Immersion, Fujitsu, NCR, Luidia/Lintex Nordic, Ascension Technology, Promethean, Mesurand, Cogent/Symwave, Novint Technologies, CIC/Oracle, HAPTEX, IBG, Validity, Elan Home Systems, Cross Match, Dell, BIO-key/ComnetiX Tablet PC news: News from: OQO, Toshiba, Sahara, Bumblebee, Samwell, Axiotron, Nokia, Microsoft, Medion Americas Display Engineering & Applications Conference (ADEAC): October 23-26, Atlanta -- Phillip Hill covers presentations from Planar Systems, IGT, and McKesson Provider Technologies Seeing is believing -- interactively by Alan C. Brawn and Anthony Uhrick Reintroducing infrared touch technology (part III) by Syling Ye Interview with David Martin of SMART Technologies A tough touch challenge by Gary Barrett Touch and the Apple iPhone by Geoff Walker Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 11 |
December 31, 2006 |
52 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The mind and the fingers… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: International Biometrics Group, Cypress/UPEK, Elecom, LaserAid/Polhemus/Digital ArtForms, Sumitomo/Hitachi. Citibank Singapore/Pay By Touch, Yanko Design Group, QinetiQ, Tai-Chi Project, DuPont, United Visual Artists, Electroland, GS Yuasa/University of Tokyo, LAb[au], University of Tsukuba, E-revolution, PIPS:lab, CSIRO, PIKA PIKA, Daan Roosegaarde, Hitachi, TPS, Digital Dash, NEC, Synaptics/Samsung, Quantum Research/NuVo Technologies, InvenSense, Touch International, Lenovo/Wacom, Vision Objects, Hampshire, White Electronics, PhatWare, ZTE/Digit Wireless, eGalax/eMPIA, TST Biometrics, CAM Graphics, Diebold/Secugen. SAS/Precise Biometrics, smartTOUCH Medical, Cross Match, Cogent Systems/3M, SMART, Promethean/Scholastic, EverNote/Fujitsu, Samsung, LendingTools/DigitalPersona Americas Display Engineering & Applications Conference (ADEAC): October 23-26, Atlanta 24 -- Phillip Hill covers a presentation from A D Metro Around other conferences…Phillip Hill summarizes the best of the rest from around the world: McGill University and the University of British Columbia; Glasgow University; and Technical University Munich Technology Showcase: Lumio shows of touch keyboards on any surface by Phillip Hill The UMPC at the end of 2006 by Geoff Walker Tablet PC news: Mark Fihn covers news from Gateway, HP, MetaFacts, Motion Computing, Acturion Datasys, NEC, Viewsonic, Encore Software, and LaPazz Reintroducing infrared touch technology, II by XinBin Liu Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 10 |
November 24, 2006 |
45 pages |
Letter from the publisher: The Touch Panel newsletter -- one year old… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Indianapolis Airport, Sony, Adam Richards Architects, James Patten, Timo Arnall, EPSRC/Elumin8, Lab-Au, Apex Software, MVMT/Element Labs, University of Tokyo, Queen’s University Belfast, Wolf and Mok, In2Games, FRONT Design, Somatic Digital, Hela, Art Lebedev Studios, Eindhoven University of Technology, L International, Fujitsu, Hillcrest Labs, Apple, Wacom Europe, University of Geneva, LumiPad, FreeHand, Newton Peripherals/HP, Centre Pompidou, Moritz Waldemeyer, Quantum Research Group/Meizu, Keuco, Microsoft Research, Zytronic, Lansmont/QSI, Synaptics, Touch International, UPEK, Pay By Touch, 3M Touch Systems, Immersion/GeoTel, Oxford Easybook, UK Haptics, Hypercom, Abuzz, Hitachi, Axiomtek, Cypress Semiconductor, Toshiba Matsushita, Napier University/Promethean, Vision Objects, Nuance Communications, AuthenTec/Creston, Diebold, BIO-key, Cross Match Technologies, Novint Technologies, Softex/Lenovo, SecuGen, IdentiMetrics, DigitalPersona, Authentec/Sequiam, Quantum Research Group, Americas Display Engineering & Applications Conference (ADEAC): October 23-26, Atlanta -- Phillip Hill covers presentations from Dontech, Fujitsu Components America, and Gunze USA Tablet PC news: Dell, Tablet Goo, Kohjinsha, LGE, Arima, Toshiba, Panasonic, Lenovo, Samsung, Fujitsu, Asus, Azentek, UMEC, DrewTech, and UltraMobile Life Navigating by touch: Caliber, Lowrance, Nokia, Evaro, Dash Navigation, Averatec, SunLike, Acer, FIC, and E-TEN Reintroducing infrared touch technology by Cindy Wang Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 9 |
October 8, 2006 |
44 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Two-point discrimination… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Crestron, Nobu, Inteset, HoloTouch, IBM/Xing, Novotable, Philips, Logitech, DigitalPersona, BenQ, Lightspace, Adesso, HP, yet2.com, Inition, Apple, HKGZ, Optera/TPK Solutions, Diebold, CeroView/ULTIMedia, LaCie, Hypercom, Lumidigm, NEC, Interlink Electronics, Cogent Systems, Wacom, CRS, Control4, TouchSystems, TIO Networks, Cypress/Symwave, Fujitsu/Softex, Cross Match Technologies, Elo TouchSystems, Active Ink Software, Ipsos Insight, Immersion, PolyVision, Hitachi, PhatWare, NCR, Promethean, AuthenTec, Privaris/Authentec, BIO-key, EON Reality/Navigator Development Group, Kodak, ADEL/TI, Logitech, SMART Technologies Tablet PC news: Dell, Lenovo, Panasonic, Black Diamond, Catcher, Intel, Evernote, ActiveWords, agopc, Medion, UREN, Sony, Fujitsu, WordsGear Navigating by touch: HP, Blaupunkt, JVC, Rand McNally, Navman, Pharos, FineDrive, Delphi, Medion, Via-Michelin, So Easy Rider Interactive digital signage by Anthony Uhrick Carbon nanotube transparent electrodes for touch screens by Chris Weeks Bio-Pen ensures that forgers cannot copy signatures by Phillip Hill Haptics and the Novint Falcon by Mark Fihn Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 8 |
August 30, 2006 |
39 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Happy birthday touch screens…35 years old! by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Kloss, Apple, Nanika, SoniColumn, Digital Information Development, Seiko Epson, ART Media, University of Buffalo, Colorado vNet, James Clar & Associates, New York University, GM Nameplate, Logitech, Synaptics, Futronic Technology, IBM, Korg, Sagem Morpho, Panasonic, NextWindow, Cogent Systems, Source Technologies, NEC, Sharp, Synaptics/Pilotfish, Hitachi, AuthenTec, Kontron, BIO-key, Elo, Interlink Electronics, RTI, Vision Objects/iRex Technologies, Eleksen, UEI/Creston Electronics, Planar, Oregon Scientific, Maple Systems, Quantum, SeePoint/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Interview with Mark Mendenhall, President of Elo TouchSystems The truth about interactive whiteboard durability by Carolyn Dearden Circular polarizers in resistive touch screens by Geoff Walker Tablet PC news: TabletKiosk, ASUSTeK, HiPAD, Apex, Aiptek, Mi-Co/Logical Progression, Philips, EverNote, Fujitsu, Raon Digital Navigating by touch: News from u-blox, Porsche Design, Garmin/TomTom, Trevi, Tibo, Blaupunkt, Dash Navigation, RoyalDigital, LG, Dangaard Telecom, Talex, Acer TouchView Plus ships from CAM Graphics for 17 years by Mark Fihn The Last Word: No to laptops in the hold… by Chris Williams Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 7 |
July 31, 2006 |
28 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Travel in a fingerprint… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Wacom/Microsoft, NIST, SecuGen, HeHe, SAS/Precise Biometrics, Immersion, Lumio, Source Technologies, Xerox/Palm, Synaptics, Identix, Hampshire, Merit Entertainment, ASUS/Authentec, SMART Technologies, Promethean, Planar/Tech Data, Quantum Research Group, Nanoident, Dai Nippon Printing, Privaris, NCSU, VarTech, Sagem Morpho/ADI, Letterkenny, LG Electronics, Planar Systems/Clarity Visual Systems, Cypress Semiconductor, Maple Systems, InvenSense, Jetmobile, NEC Frit and the better touch screen… by Gary Barrett Tablet PC news: Motion Computing, Xplore Technologies, C1 Solutions, abletFactory, Einstein Technologies, Toshiba, White Electronics. Daewoo Lucoms, FreeHand Systems, ARINC Navigating by touch: News from Crutchfield, ABI Research, Navman, Lowrance, LG, Intill, Sony, Averatec, Altina, Packard Bell, Garmin, d-media, Traffic.com, CyberDrive, DeLorme, Pavion, Shah Capital, Netac, Topcon, Mio Technology, Magellan, PDC, myguide, Tchibo, Prober, Karputer, Yukyung Technologies, Takara Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 6 |
June 21, 2006 |
41 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Touching thoughts from SID… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Elo TouchSystems, Sagem Morpho, UK Haptics/Reachin Technologies, Cross Match/C-VIS, BIO-key International, CyberTouch, Validity Sensors, noDNA, International Biometric Group, Touch International, Artemis Solutions, Tychi Systems, Pay By Touch, Wacom, Zytronic, Fujitsu, Cogent Systems/UPEK, Identix/Sagem, UPEK, HoloTouch, SensAble Technologies GestureTek, Immersion/eDimensional, Mi-Co/IBM, CIC/IntegraSys, Autodesk/Google, Numonics, PhatWare, Vision Objects, AuthenTec, Virtual Ink, PolyVision, Accenture, Lenovo/AuthenTec, U-Touch, CyberWalk, Bekaert, Blue Man Group, Finger Drums, Immersion, NAVIsis, Samsung, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, SMART Technologies, GestureTek/Insight Media, University of Nebraska Highlights from the SID show floor: Geoff Walker takes a tour of the exhibition and interviews 20+ companies: 3M Touch, Elo TouchSystems, A D Metro, Bergquist, Chi Lin Technology/Next Window, DigiTech Systems, eGalax, Fujitsu, Gunze, Hampshire, Horizon Technology/General Touch, Immersion, IRTouch Systems, Northpoint Technologies, Plastic Logic, SMART Technologies, SMK Electronics, Touch International, TouchKO/White Electronic Designs, Wacom, Zytronic Tablet PC news: News from Motion Computing, USAFA, Panasonic, Samsung, Electrovaya, Fujitsu, 28 Pepper Computer/Hanbit Electronics, Microsoft, General Micro Systems, Sony, Active Ink, MoBits, Handango, WEDC Technology Showcase: Phillip Hill takes a look at the latest developments in interactive tabletop technology at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) in Cambridge, Massachusetts Navigating by touch: In the second of a new regular section, Mark Fihn covers the news on the emerging navigation market which could be the catalyst to make touch screen technologies take off. News from Fujitsu-Siemens, Polaroid, FusionSoft, Vitas, Parvus, Philips, Inkel, Plena, Kenwood, XROAD, RAmos, Wixzer, Clarion Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 5 |
May 3, 2006 |
41 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Into the pixel… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Silicon Imaging, Reach Technology, Zytronic, UK Haptics/Reachin Technologies, Sequoia Voting Systems/Jaco Electronics, Novint Technologies, Eleksen/Bora Communications, Cypress Semiconductor/LG, MacDermid Autotype, Vision Objects/Pentel, Cortexa Technology, TouchPoints Survey, NIST, Synaptics/Samsung, UPEK/MXI, Sagem, Mi-Co, 3M Touch Systems, InPlay Technologies, Hampshire, RTI, Horizon Technology, Hypercom, PolyVision, CIC/Adobe, Gunze USA, Toronto researchers, Pelham Sloane, Precise Biometrics, Nanika, FreeHand Systems, UPEK, Keytec, TIO Networks/Tranax, Next Window, Liyitec, AuthenTec, Elo TouchSystems, TouchPoll, A4Vision, Adhesives Research, BioMETRX, Apple, HP, BIO-key, Novotable Tablet PC news: Information from Placeforitall, Toshiba, ASUSTeK, Wacom, Data Evolution, Eleksen, Flybook, Fujitsu, Motion Computing, Gateway, iRex Navigating by touch: News from: CEA, Samsung Electronics, TomTom, Cobra, Medion, Takara, E-Ten, Novogo, Evesham, Sony, Magellan, Alpine, Sorell, Torq UMPC Update: What’s happened since the March 9th Launch? by Geoff Walker A detailed review and commentary of the activities related to the new UMPC platform and its implications relating to touch screen technologies Low-cost capacitive touchscreens drive new innovations in appliance design by Chris Ard Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 4 |
March 13, 2006 |
37 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Touch in a touchless world… by Mark Fihn Touch Panel news from around the world: Samsung, UPEK, Art Lebedev, Hewlett Packard Labs, Logitech, Radica Games/Sega Toys, 3M Touch Systems/Immersion, Zuum, Tangent, Virtual Ink, Plastic Logic, CIC/CSC, SMART Technologies, PolyVision, PhatWare, Gorenje/Quantum, Fujitsu, UPEK/Freescale Semiconductor, Apple, Trilogy Touch Technology/Tech Data, QSI, TouchKO/ White Electronic Designs. International Biometric Group, Yanko Design Group, Pentax, Immersion/SMK, New York University, HP, Eleksen, Immersion/Electro Source, CIC/Hypercom, Media Information Science Laboratories, Medion/Authentec, Elo, Sharp, Atrua/Varatouch Technologies, Microsoft, Moobella, Nintendo Technology Showcase: Buffalo University fingerprint recognition Interview with Hash Pakbaz of Cambrios Tablet PC news: Information from Placeforitall, TabletKiosk, Sahara Computers, Panasonic, Acer, Sharp, Willcom, Microsoft, Intel, ASUSTeK, Founder, Samsung, TabletKiosk, and PBJ Touching Origami: Microsoft’s UMPC Platform: Geoff Walker provides a wealth of insights about Microsoft’s new UMPC devices, particularly in relation to touch capabilities. Origami: Paper art form from Japan; versatile PC project codename… Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 3 |
February 6, 2006 |
34 pages |
Letter from the publisher: On “Proprioception”… by Mark Fihn Touch panel news from around the world: Geo Dec, Pay By Touch/BioPay, Wacom Technology, Viisage Technology/Identix, UPEK/Itronix, Hand Held Products/RMS-Touch, Quantum, Philips, Immersion Corporation, Maple Systems, Gesture Tek, CIC, EPOS, AuthenTec, SMART Technologies, Virtual Ink, Cortexa Technology, CIC/Valyd, Ethertouch, Fujitsu, Vision Objects, Tychi Systems, PhatWare, PLUS Vision, Gunze, Eleksen, Plexera, Insight Media/Commodore, PortalPlayer, MERL Tablet PC news: Apple, Microsoft, Sony, E Ink, iRex, Jinke, SpeedGear, Xplore, Pepper Computer, Samsung, Ace Asia, Jaco Electronics/Sequoia Voting Systems, Toshiba, Asus, OQO, Ford/Stargate Mobile, e-Stand Is the Tablet PC ready to penetrate the consumer market? by Geoff Walker Interview with Ted Cox of TouchKO Technology Showcase + USC Viterbi: New haptics system helps stroke patients to regain functions + Holotouch suspends large images in the air for easy keyboarding The “Sight of Touch”: Mark Fihn takes a look at how touch technologies are being applied to the arts Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 2 |
December 29, 2005 |
23 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Extent of the coverage of the Touch Panel newsletter by Mark Fihn Touch panel news from around the world: Immersion/Volkswagen, Elo TouchSystems, Troll Touch, Medion/AuthenTec, SenseGraphics, HAI, Mi-Co, Identix, GestureTek, ASSIST, PhatWare, SMART Technologies, EPOS, Active Ink, Hitachi, Lenovo, Immersion, Lucidiom, University of Tokyo, Next Window, LG/Cypress, Elo Touchsystems Tablet PC news: News from iRex Technologies, Acer, Nokia, Lenovo, DualCor Technologies, Gotive, FreeHand Systems, and SCEL Interview with Steve Sedaker of Wacom iSuppli Flat Information Display Conference: Presentations from Samsung, Toshiba and Plastic Logic Novel Christmas “touches” Technology Showcase: Clarkson University engineer outwits high-tech fingerprint fraud Last word: The future of the Tablet PC: Geoff Walker takes a look at Microsoft’s philosophy and long-term strategy Display Industry Calendar |
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Issue 1 |
November 27, 2005 |
35 pages |
Letter from the publisher: Introducing the Touch Panel by Mark Fihn Touch panel news from around the world: TMD, Synaptics/Medion, NEC Display Solutions UPEK, 3M/NEC, HoloTouch, Interlink Electronics, Elo TouchSystems, FogScreen, Methode Electronics/Immersion, TouchSense, AuthenTec, Logitech, Tangent, Ethertouch, HitachiSoft, Immersion/I-play, PolyVision, Promethean/Riverdeep, SMART Technologies, 3M Touch Systems/Immersion, Hitachi/EverNote, GestureTek, Horizon/General Touch, Synaptics/Packard Bell, LaCie/UPEK, Wacom, Zytronic, and Quantum Why Tablet PCs have not taken off: by Mark Fihn Tablet PC news: IBM/Lenovo, FinePoint Innovations/InPlay Technologies, Mercury Computer Systems, Gateway, Pepper Computer, Dialogue Technology, Connoisseur Electronics, Handango, Fujitsu, TabletKiosk, Toshiba, Acer Interview with John Stetson of Gunze USA SID: Americas Display Engineering and Applications Conference (ADEAC 2005): + Smart Technologies: From small size to wall size + Fujitsu: Selecting resistive touch panels to match the LCD and user application + 3M Touch Systems: Integrating touch screens and optical films + Microsoft: PlayAnywhere - a compact vision-based tabletop display Technology Showcase: Tokyo University produces Khronos Projector for movie manipulation Palm rejection on resistive touchscreens: Geoff Walker explains one of the big “gotchas” associated with resistive touchscreens Displays Industry Calendar |
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